Customer Review

481 of 492 people found the following review helpful
2.0 out of 5 stars Works fairly well but terrible construction, August 23, 2007
Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: GustBuster Metro 43-Inch Automatic Umbrella (Sports)
I loved this umbrella when I first got it. I live in Jersey City, which, being right on the water, is actually far windier than downtown Manhattan, where I work. Every time it rains, every trash bin on every corner is stuffed with another umbrella thrashed by the wind. So I hunted down the Gustbuster Metro.

At first use, it was great. I never felt blown around by the wind, like I did with other umbrellas. And it never inverted or bended much. Then very soon, the umbrella started unraveling bit by bit. The first problem was one of the velcro straps. The stitching came undone and the strap was hanging off. My wife was able to sew it back on. Not a big deal.

Then, one of the fiberglass ribs that gives the umbrella structure broke from its plastic rivet. All of the ribs broke off from the umbrella itself, so when the umbrella is closed, it collapses into a gelatinous mess. This all happened very quickly, in only a few months of use.

On top of all of the defects, the construction just doesn't look very well-done. The plastics used look cheap, and the metal parts are not thoughtfully designed, and can easily cut and poke the user.

I'm giving this 2 stars, because when I use it, it does do a very good job of breaking wind. But it terrible construction quality. I would recommend you steer clear of this umbrella.
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Showing 1-10 of 25 posts in this discussion
Initial post: Dec 12, 2008 1:00:26 PM PST
I own a gustbuster umbrella (doorman edition - not Metro) and mailed my umbrella back to Gustbuster (located on Long Island by the way) and they repaired it for free! that is fantastic.

In reply to an earlier post on Dec 15, 2008 12:16:56 PM PST
D. Smith says:
Yes, I own two as well. I do not own the metro because I prefer larger umbrellas but I was planning to buy it for a gift. Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe that these umbrellas come with a lifetime warranty. There aren't many other companies that offer that for umbrellas.

In reply to an earlier post on May 2, 2009 4:51:32 PM PDT
J. Goldberg says:
Who wants to go to the troble of having to return your umbrella even if it is repaired for free. A key axiom of quality is "Do it right the first time".

Posted on Jan 25, 2010 8:46:46 AM PST
K.P. says:
I agree. Mine broke in a very similar fashion. I don't even want to send it back in for repair, because I don't want this umbrella anymore, I hate it so much. Furthermore, it is a $10 charge--not for free.

Posted on Mar 12, 2010 6:41:25 AM PST
E. McArthur says:
The exact same thing happened to mine. Then I got a new one for Christmas this year and the construction seemed to be much better. Unfortunately, it was stolen, but I am planning to replace it.

In reply to an earlier post on Mar 15, 2010 3:10:49 PM PDT
Careful User says:
Mine broke in exactly the same fashion in NYC winds ...when I contacted Gustbusters I was told its a $15 charge for replacing it...well I can buy a new one for $15 if its gonna break in the wind anyway..

Posted on Mar 16, 2010 4:19:42 PM PDT
Ms. Swan says:
"It does do a very good job of breaking wind."


In reply to an earlier post on Aug 23, 2010 8:30:28 AM PDT
Z. Ali says:
I own a Gustbuster also. When I called them to have it replaced after it broke, they told me that I have to send a check for the standard $10 replacement fee.

Posted on Oct 27, 2010 3:39:41 PM PDT
Mema808 says:
Mine broke after only 1 month and I only used it 4 times and not even in any windy situation. It started breaking piece by piece. I already spent $33 on it, why should I spend any more when it's cheaper for me to just go out and buy a new umbrella that lasts longer than this one?

Posted on Oct 29, 2010 6:53:40 PM PDT
[Deleted by the author on Oct 29, 2010 6:55:53 PM PDT]
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$44.00 $36.25 - $44.95
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W. Yang

Location: Oakland, CA

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