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“My admiration at the way the JST provides for such striking teamwork between disabled and able-bodied people, changing lives for the better in the process, has lead me to leave the JST a gift in my will. I am incredibly proud to have been involved with this unique charity since 1996 and I want to ensure I continue to support the people that sail with the JST in years to come.”

Peter Snow, JST Vice Patron and supporter

It is our vision that supporters who remember Jubilee Sailing Trust (JST) in their Will help us change the lives of many – creating a legacy that lasts long into the future

We are enormously grateful for every gift we receive – whatever its type or amount. Every person who remembers our work in their Will becomes a part of our future. JST is a small organisation with a huge heart, and an important task to achieve. We have pledged to spend the money that we receive from legacies on enabling people to sail with us. Jubilee Sailing Trust significantly subsidise each voyage and offers additional bursaries for those who need them. This way we can ensure that cost doesn’t prevent anybody from sailing with us.

If you haven’t made a will

Making a will is best done with the guidance of a solicitor and can be inexpensive. Having a will is the only way that you can make provision for family, friends, and causes that are dear to you while ensuring that your wishes will be carried out.

If you have made a will

It is possible to make a change to your will at any time. If you have already made a will and would like to include JST, you can simply add a codicil to your will, on a separate piece of paper, stipulating any amendments you would like to make to your original will. Your solicitor will be able to help you, although you may be able to do this without his/her help. If this is the case we strongly recommend that a copy of the codicil is sent to your solicitor afterwards. You can use the word document Codicil to help you.

Ways to leave a gift in your will

There are three main types of legacy to consider. Find out about all three here, and read the suggested wording for leaving us a legacy.
Residuary legacy: Part, or all, of your estate (after debts, funeral costs and pecuniary gifts are paid)
Pecuniary legacy: A specific sum, which can be index-linked to safeguard its future value
Specific legacy: A particular item to be used or sold by the beneficiary
If you are worried about providing for your family but don’t want to turn your back on your favorite causes, ask your advisor about a reversionary legacy, which allows you to leave assets to a named individual for their lifetime while deciding who should benefit after they have passed away.
If you would like to remember us in your will, here is some suggested wording for your solicitor:

Residuary gifts

“I give all/fraction/% share of the residue of my estate to Jubilee Sailing Trust, (277810) of Hazel Road, Woolston, Southampton, SO19 7GA, to be used for its general charitable purposes, and I direct that the receipt of the treasurer or duly authorised officer shall be a sufficient discharge to my executors.”

Pecuniary or Specific gifts

“I give to, Jubilee Sailing Trust, (277810) of Hazel Road, Woolston, Southampton, SO19 7GA the sum of £amount/specific gift of my item to be used for its general charitable purposes and I direct that the receipt of the treasurer or duly authorised officer shall be a sufficient discharge to my executors.”

To include the JST in your will you will need to include the following information;
Charity name: Jubilee Sailing Trust
Address: 12 Hazel Road, Woolston, Southampton, SO19 7GA
Registered Charity number; 277810

Much Loved

personal donationsMuchLoved is a registered charity that helps you create a unique and beautiful memorial website to commemorate the life of a loved one. It only takes a couple of minutes to set up and personalise in your own choice of design and it can be kept online for ten years without any charge. To create your own memorial website to your loved one please visit MuchLoved.

Find out more

If you think you could help with a gift in your Will, please send for the Jubilee Sailing Trust’s Legacy. This leaflet will help give you helpful information about how to make or update your Will, as well as how to leave a gift to the JST. Any questions please contact the JST on 023 8044 9108 or via our contact page.
If you have already added JST to your Will, we would love to know of your intentions. If you would like to tell us about this gift, please contact Fundraising at the above address.
For general information about making a charitable donation in your will go to

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