This free service helps you to express your feelings about your loved one in words, pictures, music and even video.

It can also help all those affected by the loss to come together, sharing memories & supporting each other.

You can create your tribute site here and we hope that it helps you to remember & commemorate.
The Data Trust   Jubilee Sailing Trust  - Promoting the intergration of disabled and able-bodied through sailing.

In partnership with MuchLoved
(Charity No. 1118590)
I have found MuchLoved to be a wonderful, inspirational website and have personally gained comfort from being able to put together a tribute for my beautiful son Adam in this way
With you i have found a place to comfort me when i feel so all alone.
This site gives me daily comfort; I think you all did a wonderful thing.
I never dreamed that there was a place like this. You have made this site so user friendly and it has helped me to focus on something positive over the last days so thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Founding charity Trustee Jonathan Davies

MuchLoved was founded by Jonathan Davies in 1998 after he suffered the deaths of his brother and mother.

Jon says “I realised that a tribute website could commemorate a loved one in a special way as well as help with grief and this is why I founded the MuchLoved charity tribute service”

“We are here to help you as you try to cope with the pain of loss. This is both a great privilege and responsibility and we hope you consider joining our supportive and special remembrance community.”

Memorial to Declan Jacob Marnell
Declan Jacob Marnell
2005 - 2008
Memorial to Foster
1941 - 2007
Memorial to Adam Charles Hunt
Adam Charles Hunt
1988 - 2007
Memorial to Ken Francis
Ken Francis
1945 - 2009
Memorial to Megan Grant Burke
Megan Grant Burke
1979 - 2011
Memorial to Olivia Harrison
Olivia Harrison
1997 - 2008
Memorial to Sam
In Loving Memory of Samantha Carter
Memorial to Wend
1952 - 2008

Memorial Plaques

We are testing a tribute tag which you can attach to a plaque or headstone and enables visitors to connect to your tribute site via their mobile phone.
If you would like to find out more, please contact us