Racing Syllabuses 

With the demise of the racing red white and blue for young sailors, many people have been asking what has replaced them. The simple answer is Start Racing, Intermediate Racing and Advanced Racing.

Start Racing Programme and Certificates

The Start Racing Programme and certificates are published in the RYA National Sailing Scheme Logbook (G4) and can be ordered via the Shop on this website, or by calling 0845 345 0372. All queries about the Start Racing Scheme should be sent to the RYA Training Department. E-mail Training.

Intermediate and Advanced Racing Programmes

Below are the Intermediate and Advanced Racing Programmes and certificates.

Programmes and Certificates

Intermediate Racing Programme
We have made this available in 2 different formats. There is also room for you at add your club logo to the certificate, if you wish to do so.

Advanced Racing Programme
We have made this available in 2 different formats. There is also room for you to add your club logo to the certificate, if you wish to do so.

Printing Instructions

This certificate is designed to print 2 A6 certificates onto A4 card in full colour. However, you can also print this on paper and/or in black and white [greyscale]. You are also more than welcome to add your club logo or stamp to the right hand side of the certificate.

If you have any problems or queries please contact the RYA.

Contact Us

Article Published: May 19, 2009 13:26

Article Updated: October 10, 2013 13:50


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