
Scottish Government publications currently available in print

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(April 2010)


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Thursday 26/06/2014

Background Paper to Supporting Healthy Choices [Health and Community Care]

Background Paper to Supporting Healthy Choices

Supporting Healthy Choices: A Framework for Voluntary Action [Health and Community Care]

This framework sets out the action we believe is necessary to shape and better support healthier diets in Scotland.


This research estimates the value of food and drink procured by the public sector in Scotland in 2012-13.

Seal Haul-Out Sites Consultation Analysis [Marine and Fisheries]

Summary report containing a detailed analysis of the views and comments received from various stakeholders on the list of proposed haul-out sites.

Seal Haul-Out Sites Consultation Responses [Marine and Fisheries]

Individual responses received from different stakeholders

Good Practice Principles For Community Benefits From Offshore Renewables [Sustainable Development]

The Scottish Government believes that the benefits of renewable energy should be shared across Scotland, and should be invested in our communities for long-term stability. There are a range of challenges and barriers in providing community benefits from offshore renewables and these community benefit principles are intended to reflect and accommodate these factors as well as the sensitive and early-stage nature of the industry.

Wednesday 25/06/2014

Easy Read - Self-directed Support - Values and Principles Statement [Health and Community Care]

The Values & Principles Statement tells us what difference Self-directed Support will make in people’s lives to the way people are supported

National Care Standards Review [Health and Community Care]

Almost all of us will use a care service at some point in our lives. This consultation asks you to play your part in shaping the quality standards for services that the people of Scotland deserve.

HM Chief Inspector of Prisons for Scotland Annual Report 2013-2014 [Law, Order and Public Safety]

HMCIPS's first annual report, and summary of inspections undertaken during report year 2013-14.

Equally Safe: Scotland's strategy for preventing and eradicating violence against women and girls [People and Society]

Equally Safe sets out Scotland's strategy to take action on all forms of violence against women and girls. While the overarching aim is to prevent and eradicate violence against women and girls, it identifies key priority areas. While the strategy sets out some early commitments, it explains how a phased approach will help ensure that the longer-term change is sustained.

Synthetic Vaginal Mesh Mid-urethral Tape Procedure for the Surgical Treatment of Stress Urinary Incontinence in Women [Health and Community Care]

This Booklet gives detailed information about the synthetic mid-urethral sling procedure.

Scottish Crime and Justice Survey 2012/13: Sexual Victimisation & Stalking [Law, Order and Public Safety]

Results from the Sexual Victimisation and Stalking modules of the 2012/13 Scottish Crime and Justice Survey

Tuesday 24/06/2014

Scotland's Future on Screen: Support to the Screen Sector in an Independent Scotland [Arts and Culture]

This discussion paper examines options for support to the screen sector in an independent Scotland, through grant support, equity investment, and fiscal incentives.

Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) Governance and Accountability Framework [Law, Order and Public Safety]

Framework which sets out broad governance structures within which the SFRS will operate and defines key roles and responsibilities which underpin the accountability relationships between the SFRS and the SG.

Council Tax Reduction: Caseload and Expenditure, Scotland, 2013-14 [Statistics]

This publication provides statistics on the Council Tax Reduction scheme, which reduces the Council Tax liability of vulnerable people in Scotland. The statistics are based on data extracts and statistical returns from local authorities, and cover the time period from April 2013 to March 2014. They are available for each month and the most recent statistics are for March 2014.

Operation of the Homeless Persons Legislation in Scotland: 2013-14 [Statistics]

This bulletin provides information on homelessness applications, assessments and outcomes to 31 March 2014. It includes information on the characteristics of applicant households, local authority assessments and the action taken in respect of cases that were concluded. Snapshot data on households in temporary accommodation at 31 March 2014 are also presented.

Scottish Crime and Justice Survey 2012/13: Drug Use [Statistics]

The report examines self-reported illicit drug use by adults aged over 16 in Scotland.

Monday 23/06/2014

Transforming Outpatient Services Change Package - Getting patients on the right pathway through transforming Community Allied Health Professional (AHP) MSK services [Health and Community Care]

This change package describes in detail the steps needed and how to plan for, adopt, implement and monitor effectiveness of AHP musculoskeletal pathways.

National Planning Framework 3 [Planning]

Scotland's Third National Planning Framework, the spatial expression of the Government Economic Strategy, sets out a long-term vision for development and investment across Scotland over the next 20 to 30 years.

Scottish Planning Policy [Planning]

Scottish Planning Policy is a statement of Scottish Government policy on how nationally important land use planning matters should be addressed across the country.

Showing: 1 to 20 of 14376