
  1. 19 year old me, feels the same way about it as 39 year old me does.. minus the accidental boners

  2. oh and ha ha never noticed the star trek thing, but watching nexus 5 review, see the enterprise.. nicely done. good job

  3. right on... not sure what it is about "tech" reviewers but most of them have the worst taste, but its all subjective, guess

  4. dude if i lived there, i would so be playing dominoes with ya. the wife and i play ever couple of weeks.

  5. hey im a music nerd, but pinback in every one of your reviews???? i like em too but.... or is it a running theme/gag?

  6. the license said you had to stick around til i was dead but if youre tired of looking at my face i guess i already am

  7. damn you "exile in guyville" just when i thought other records were better than you...

  8. my neighbor thought i was Mexican... Not same thing but whatevs... Im clearly white dude

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