@Holl_x word, girlfriend... it's a super special record to me. -
@parkersmuse@Holl_x 19 year old me, feels the same way about it as 39 year old me does.. minus the accidental boners -
@Holl_x nope as in youre totally wrong, exile sucks, or nope as in exile is awesome????? -
@Captain2Phones oh and ha ha never noticed the star trek thing, but watching nexus 5 review, see the enterprise.. nicely done. good job -
@Captain2Phones right on... not sure what it is about "tech" reviewers but most of them have the worst taste, but its all subjective, guess -
@autopsy4 dude if i lived there, i would so be playing dominoes with ya. the wife and i play ever couple of weeks. -
@Captain2Phones im a music nerd, but pinback in every one of your reviews???? i like em too but.... or is it a running theme/gag? -
@Jimney00 its like my 3/4/5/6 favorite record ever so yeah... -
@misscls first 3 records, absolutely, everything after that..... not so sure -
the license said you had to stick around til i was dead but if youre tired of looking at my face i guess i already am
@SomthinBoutSara i found ear hairs the other day... so theres that -
damn you "exile in guyville" just when i thought other records were better than you...
@Moe_Murdah my neighbor thought i was Mexican... Not same thing but whatevs... Im clearly white dude PM - 9 Nov, 13 depuis Baton Rouge, LA · Détails Signalé (en savoir plus) -
@BlairHook i cant get past the whole scientology thing... Im shallow -
You can rely on me honey
Ppl of twitter stop w the automatic dm's if i follow you. Very lame
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