Dr. Rosenpenis

Dr. Rosenpenis


Attorney, occasional music blogger, director of Fredericksburg All Ages. He turned his life around when he decided to focus his energy on spitting rhymes.

Chicago, currently. · babystew.com


  1. Hate u so much Boehner. RT : Boehner says he hopes "states will define marriage as the union between one man and one woman.”

  2. Oh, and to Scalia, who couldn't articulate a reason to me in 96 as to why DOMA was constitutional- glad nothing's changed in 17 years asshat

  3. So they cut off Wendy's filibuster for touching a back brace but David Dewhurst can call for a vote AFTER the midnight deadline?

  4. Hearing that GOP leaders plan to come back after midnight and vote bills. Gallery now yelling "Shame! Shame! Shame!"

  5. I have never been more proud to be a Texan than I am right now. This is amazing.

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