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Results from Advertising forMay 2013

Extend TV commercials on Twitter: Premiering TV ad targeting


Twitter Amplify partnerships: Great content, great brands, great engagement


Less than six months in, 2013 has already been a remarkable year for the nexus between television and Twitter. Ninety-five percent of live TV conversation currently happens on Twitter, according to Bluefin. Half of all national Super Bowl commercials had hashtags on them, helping guide viewers to the collective conversation. And you can’t turn on the news without hearing a Tweet referenced.Read more…

Capture user interest with the Lead Generation Card


Marketers regularly talk to us about their goals, and for many it boils down to one major theme: generating leads, and ultimately driving purchases.

With those goals in mind, today there’s a new addition to our suite of Twitter Cards, one which helps brands drive highly qualified leads: the Lead Generation Card.Read more…

New study: Tweets influence prospective auto buyers’ site visitation, brand consideration, and offline actions


Twitter users actively engage in auto conversations at all stages of the car buying journey – starting long before they’re officially in-market and continuing well after purchase. They talk about their dream cars, express purchase intent, learn about new models and features, field recommendations, directly interact with brands and often share unsolicited reviews.Read more…

Internet Week 2013: How to connect with Twitter


On Monday, Internet Week NY (#IWNY) kicks off and Twitter will join the industry’s top leaders to celebrate all things digital and business. 

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New UK study: Tweets influence brand consideration and offline actions by prospective car-buyers


Many prospective car buyers engage in auto-related conversations on Twitter to seek information and listen to others’ experiences. To understand how Twitter helps automobile manufacturers connect with their potential customers, we partnered with Compete (@Compete) and looked at how Tweets from auto manufacturers influence the U.K. shoppers who see them. Read more…

Tweet tips: Most effective calls to action on Twitter

One of the top questions we get from businesses is “What should I tweet?” Our typical answer (“Well, it depends…”) isn’t always the most popular answer. But it’s the most honest one.  

After all, your unique goals and your specific audience on Twitter influence what Tweets will be most “effective.” Plus, on Twitter, you are what you tweet. The quality of your content – how interesting, conversational and useful it is – ultimately determines how engaged your followers will be. Read more…

Coca-Cola's Wendy Clark: So happy together

Last month, my colleagues at Twitter asked if I would write a guest blog post for their thought leader series.

The exchange went something like this:

Robin@Twitter: Hey Wendy, would you be open to writing a blog post for our site with Coke’s social media advice/tips?

Wendy@Coke: Sure, but you know we don’t profess social as the ‘be all, end all.’ Are you brave enough to let me say Twitter’s great, but not by itself?Read more…

Agency influencer Q&A with Ian Schafer: Twitter captures the moment like no other platform

Deep Focus agency CEO Ian Schafer (@ischafer) understands how quickly the worlds of mobile, advertising, content and social are evolving and – in many ways – converging.  Read more…

Agency influencer Q&A with Ian Schafer: The best mobile strategy is a real-time content strategy

Interested in social and sports with a side of snark? Then you should follow Ian Schafer (@ischafer) on Twitter.Read more…