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Posted by2 months ago
Wholesome3Party Train

This was peak British television

r/CasualUK - This was peak British television
97% Upvoted
level 1
· 2 mo. ago
I hate Irn Bru, don't tell anyone

Billion dollar Hollywood studios cannot beat a clay dog chasing a clay penguin

level 2

That we all thought was a chicken.

level 2

Money cannot overcome bad writing. The recent Star Wars trilogy is the perfect example of this. They spent almost 1 billion dollars on those three movies, but they couldn't even meet basic writing requirements such as developing a good villain.

level 2

Honestly, the Aardman watermark is really high. Curse Of The Were-Rabbit is absolutely stellar, down to things like the scene compositions and lighting.

level 2

This scene is the best thing on film. From the setup to the best chase, to the stupendous conclusion, all enhanced by a stunning sound track.

It really pulled out all the stops.

level 2

On that point, Eddache recently did a really good video on what went wrong between Dreamworks & Aardman, its worth a watch:

level 1

I believe a few directors (perhaps Edgar Wright?) have cited this scene as an inspiration for their action scenes. It does a lot of things well: it has a clear overarching narrative but also gives the characters small problems to solve on the way, the action is funny and thrilling, and the geometry is always clear.

One of my absolute favourite things about this scene is the way they hugely exaggerate the size of the space, as scenery whips past the characters at breakneck pace. It’s silly in a way that works so well.

level 2

It’s basically one of the top chase sequences in cinema history. Up there with the best Bond or Hollywood have ever offered.

Different from chasing a tank through a city of course, but no less perfectly formed. The timing, geometry and problem solving. It’s wonderful.

level 1

I always used to get upset in the scene where Gromit gets kicked out in favour of the penguin

level 2
· 2 mo. ago

That’s because it’s heartbreaking. I still can’t listen to that music.

level 2

The bit where he's spying, cuts eye holes out of a box them it zooms out to show a dog design on the box. Still tickles me.

level 2

The scene where they say goodbye to the robot in A Grand Day Out is what used to get me as a kid.

level 2

When the penguin’s blaring music all night to annoy Gromit and he’s not even home.

level 2

Same, I cried when I was 7 and first watched it.

level 2
· 2 mo. ago

Wallace was kind of a douche in this episode, although I don't think he realised.

level 2
· 2 mo. ago

My 4-year old cried about that just last week. Only cheered up when Gromit was in the bin.

level 2

Penguin? It’s a chicken. See the red thing on its head? XD