
badly made by your servitor by Reaster- in mac

[–]mysteriouskiwi 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I don't even bother taking my charger with me anymore when I head into the office once or twice a month, no point. I can happily do a solid days work (programming, Docker containers, etc.) and leave the office with 30-50% battery left. Absolutely astonishing, love it!

"The new standards will ensure everyone can use the network – no matter what car you drive or which state you charge in." by AllRenewableNow in electricvehicles

[–]mysteriouskiwi 31 points32 points  (0 children)

Not sure about that one chief, as far as I know (so could be wrong) only the US and original Tesla models have a non-CCS charger port. All EU model 3/Y and modern S/X (2018+) have been CCS/Type 2 only and perhaps the same can be said for Asian markets too.

Kuo: Apple to Hold Special Event in January to Announce Mixed Reality Headset by iMacmatician in apple

[–]mysteriouskiwi 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Really? Nothing? I find that puzzling.

I'm in the same camp, I agree with you, I'll belive it when I see it. So much BS and rumours flying around trying to get clicks.

However, the amount of the announced features and API's that have been revealed are perfect for setting up for AR use and could hint at Apple's normal behaviour of trying to sell you the problem and then the solution, or some sort of day one use case.

A a couple of examples; the Live Actions API (or whatever they call it, the home screen widget one to replace notification spam) is an easy setup for live data feeds on a HUD in small widget like elements for things happening in realtime contextually to your activities in the world around you. Same goes for the Maps expansions for providing integrated access to services directly via an ecosystem within their control, along with the AR direction mechanics we saw introduced not that long ago. Having data feeds for devices like e-scooters with their current state integrated from day one, along with transport services - without the need for third party apps - would be massive on this front for driving adoption via features. Same goes for the dictation improvements, sure a perfectly resonable update in isolation to removing blocking behaviour that the user is presented, but expanding that framework to allow for multi-source input and more granular interprative interaction (as there would be no keyboard) is lining things up nicely, especially in aid of training the ML models powering it. Same goes for the 'live cutout' feature, awesome feature as a standalone, but the implications for AR, being able to isolate an entity in the real world from its background is huge.

We've seen the same slow creep in of these sorts of things over the last few years at WWDC since the rumours started. Sure, these additions are good for the sake of integration and easing the friction on the user experience. But if alterior motives can be prescribed, I think they paint a good picture of what could be going on behind closed doors.

I would mention more handoff features and such, but the argument is too loose. The feature is just a good addition on its own and couldn't be tied in to a decision like that. I may play a role, but stands on its own too well.

Granted, nothing is a given and its just my speculation - but I think there are certain areas of development where if AR is their goal, you can quite easily make the link. Eh, just food for thought!

This was peak British television by KingKPool in CasualUK

[–]mysteriouskiwi 0 points1 point  (0 children)

On that point, Eddache recently did a really good video on what went wrong between Dreamworks & Aardman, its worth a watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGvx1JrqJmU

BMW is the first car brand to add Home Screen widgets by [deleted] in ios

[–]mysteriouskiwi 5 points6 points  (0 children)

So people are fan boys for pointing things out? Sure if they’re being a dick about it, agreed. But really?

(IOS 16 Beta 1) - New UI for Apple Wallpapers Settings (New wallpapers are also added) by LucklyDillion23 in iOSBeta

[–]mysteriouskiwi 21 points22 points  (0 children)

Haha, I remember the weather being a lockscreen background was a massive JB tweak. The weather app UI always lended itself to being that, nice to see Apple finally embrace it!

[FEATURE] iOS 16 Beta 1: Haptic feedback for the keyboard by freaktheclown in iOSBeta

[–]mysteriouskiwi 7 points8 points  (0 children)

oh. My. GOD. YES. literally one of the only things I used to jb my phone for was delicious tapic engine feedback for the keyboard

Complexity is killing software developers by whackri in programming

[–]mysteriouskiwi 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I blame not using the right tool for the right job

Complexity is killing software developers by whackri in programming

[–]mysteriouskiwi 0 points1 point  (0 children)

The funny thing is, this carves out a pretty nice USP in being a product that is simple, performant, works reliably and is consistent. Such a shame not many companies realise this, as its often the ones that do that have the most consistent success. They may not moon like other companies or be brash about it, but just sit in the background making a ton of money as the competition sqarks about being on the latest and greatest whilst their core product crumbles.

Can we get a battery percent at destination right here instead of buried in the directions? by raleel in teslamotors

[–]mysteriouskiwi 0 points1 point  (0 children)

It used to say it as well, or pull the direction list towards it, when you were entering the destination too. Now you have to load up the direction list and scroll to the bottom manually, where it will finally show you your estimated arrival %’age. No idea why they changed it, it was super handy to quickly see the battery destination estimates.

Poor little guy is ready for retirement! by earthwormjimwow in unRAID

[–]mysteriouskiwi 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Can confirm, this was the reason in my case (quite literally). Bought 2 packs of actually shielded cables from Amazon for like £15, worked a treat! Went from the occasional CRC error to none.

I lost my job today by jmartinez729 in webdev

[–]mysteriouskiwi 329 points330 points  (0 children)

For what its worth, glassdoor exists. Some people rate it, some don't, but I know our investors look at it. It may be worth dropping what that companies like on there to save future people the displeasure of working there!

Favourite contestant from episode 8? by bendog1616 in taskmaster

[–]mysteriouskiwi 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Their all too good, this line up has been spot on

Taskmaster - S13E08 - You Tuper Super - Discussion by CommieCanuck in taskmaster

[–]mysteriouskiwi 23 points24 points  (0 children)

One of the best seasons, especially the last two episodes. What a cast, they all gel so well! I love the fact they leaned so heavily into innuendo it made it even cheekier than normal, and how much Alex was laughing. Not laughed so much, wish we got another season with this lineup when it’s all over!

I just wish they’d do less boys vs girls in the group tasks and instead mix the groups up a bit…

Faulty battery pack caught fire inside Rivian's Illinois assembly plant by kry_some_more in technology

[–]mysteriouskiwi -1 points0 points  (0 children)

It was a metaphor/joke around the absurdity of the article. I know what happened... although yeah, they need to get that shit sorted ASAP.

Elon Musk Says Tesla Has Paused All Hiring Worldwide, Needs to Cut Staff by 10 Percent by rankingexpert in technology

[–]mysteriouskiwi 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Fair play! I really wish he'd step away from Tesla and Space X and just shut the hell up. Sure, keep funding them, but leave them the hell alone and let the real talent take the credit. They've got some brilliant minds working there and I fear he's going to kill them both.

Unpopular opinion: the hardest part of webdev is not coding or problem solving by AsteroidSnowsuit in webdev

[–]mysteriouskiwi 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Ha! Its like asking a builder to build a house without any plans and with the full intent of not paying them until they get it right. How these things have become the norm just because 'its on the computer box'....

Microsoft is here to rescue Tesla workers from Elon Musk by [deleted] in technology

[–]mysteriouskiwi 0 points1 point  (0 children)

This, I fucking hate that he’s dragging Tesla through this. The cars are excellent, the people that work there and do the actual work are awesome, all the EV technical development that pushed the industry and battery tech forward by those very engineers and scientists are incredible - all who are involved. He however a tool. It’s so annoying as I really want SpaceX to succeed as well, I wish he’d just fund them and butt out, let the engineers do their impressive stuff and shut the hell up himself.

Ford Is Going to 100% Online, Fixed-Price Sales For EVs by esporx in technology

[–]mysteriouskiwi 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Yeah but that doesn’t follow Reddit’s hive mind of ‘Tesla bad’, even if they did pioneer that delivery model for vehicles (not the idea itself, duh, but applying it to vehicle sales)

Elon Musk Says Tesla Has Paused All Hiring Worldwide, Needs to Cut Staff by 10 Percent by rankingexpert in technology

[–]mysteriouskiwi 2 points3 points  (0 children)

You’re a bit deluded if you think any other car company is better as they all do this. Not defending Tesla here, just more of a general statement.