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[–]thecodeassassin 197 points198 points  (42 children)

How do you see the trend of car parts being custom made for specific VIN numbers developing? Do you think people will just take this lying down?

[–]larossmann 369 points370 points  (25 children)

How do you see the trend of car parts being custom made for specific VIN numbers developing? Do you think people will just take this laying down?

I am not a car mechanic, so I am somewhat clueless here.

However, if I were to speculate, I do not think people will accept this with cars. The freedom is grandfathered in.

Think about it.

Macbook/Mac Pro, you can install software from everywhere. iPhone, you can only install apps from app store.

PC, you can install any OS. Samsung android phone.. you can't even unlock the bootloader to install a ROM of your choice.

With new technological paradigms, you "reset" people's expectations, and condition them to accept having less freedom.

I think this is happening with the transition from ICE to electric vehicles. I think people will be less accepting of this with ICE cars because we've enjoyed 100 years of freedom there, but with electric cars they may be able to be fooled into accepting it. The tragedy here will be people blaming electric cars for these freedom-limiting-restrictions, as if electric cars are innately less freedom respecting - when in reality, this is 100% the decisions of the companies producing the products, and not restrictions inherent to EV technology.

[–]thecodeassassin 76 points77 points  (5 children)

Good take. I hope people will continue to see electric cars as regular cars and won't stand for this. In the future we won't have a choice and I feel that if we don't stand up for our rights now then all the cars going forward will be completely locked down.

I know switching from ICE to EV is technically a paradigm shift but in reality it shouldn't be. The only real thing that's different is in how the energy is stored and converted. It's still an object that's used for transportation. At least with a smartphone you can argue that it wasn't as powerful before and thus couldn't be used as a full blown computer. Right now most phones are faster than most desktops were 10 years ago but people have gotten accustomed to the lack of freedom. I say we don't let it get that far, I say we fight tooth and nail to get these kind of consumer unfriendly practices die as soon as possible. Time will tell of course, but I for one will not take this one lying down.

[–]Timcwelsh 40 points41 points  (12 children)

It’s kind of already starting. I work at a GM dealer and more and more things need programmed with their proprietary software upon installation. Not things like brakes and stuff, but things that do fail (fuel pump modules, various sensors, RADIOS, etc.) pretty much everything on the Bolt or Ultium lines are proprietary to even diagnose or read codes from now.

[–]larossmann 19 points20 points  (4 children)

Do you have any sources or links to where I could read more about this? I keep trying to point this out that this is not Tesla exclusive, so people will recognize what is going on. I will admit I am not incredibly well versed or experienced when it comes to automobile repair

[–]Timcwelsh 19 points20 points  (1 child)

I’ve probably said too much publicly and I really like my job and am an idiot for using my real name as an sn. I am, however, a huge fan of yours and big time supporter of right to repair. If you legit wanna know more, pm me.

[–]Nyxtia 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I’m nervous of the growing trend of software in cars being used to block simple hardware changes.

[–]kwiens Scheduled AMA[S] 135 points136 points  (5 children)

This is an increasing trend. As a software engineer, it is completely trivial to securely tie a part to a VIN / serial number of a device, and use secure locks to practically and legally prevent people from making their own parts.

We saw this with Keurig, where they DRM in K-Cup 2.0 to lock us out of using the coffee of our choice.

John Deere does this, by burning parts in with the VIN before they ship parts.

Apple is doing this, by requiring your serial number to provision a repair part in their new consumer parts program.

It's unethical and it should be illegal. The New York bill has some countermeasures built in to stop this sort of thing. This go-round excludes cars and tractors, but does apply to smartphones. We'll get cars and tractors with the next bill.

[–]FaustusC 450 points451 points  (54 children)

How do you think Europe forcing Apple to adopt usb C will actually work out for consumers?

[–]kwiens Scheduled AMA[S] 664 points665 points  (52 children)

I think it's a net win across the board. The amount of e-waste generated by specialty proprietary chargers is just crazy. And the latest rumor is that the connection will support faster speeds, so it should be a nice upgrade at the same time.

That said, Right to Repair is about enabling repair, not mandating technology choices. While I personally like the idea of standard chargers, I also love headphone jacks! We have not proposed requiring headphone jacks in all smartphones, as much as I would personally be thrilled to rid the world of the scourge of glued-in batteries in wireless earbuds.

At iFixit, we think that products can and should be designed to be easier to repair. We score gadgets from 1-10 on how easy they are to fix, and we work directly with manufacturers to help them design easier to fix products. Microsoft, for example, has made huge strides with the Surface Pro 9 to improve repairability. It now has accessible external storage—amazing!— and a user replaceable battery (once you remove the screen).

This hasn't gotten enough coverage, but Apple actually completely redesigned the iPhone 14 to make it easier to fix. It now opens from the front and the back, radically lowering the cost for back glass repairs. This is a win for the environment, for repair shops, and for iPhone owners. (The iPhone 14 Pro and Pro Max do not have this improvement—stick to the base model for now!)

[–]ChaoticNeutralCzech 61 points62 points  (2 children)

The amount of e-waste generated by specialty proprietary chargers is just crazy.

It used to be MUCH worse in the mid-2000s when every cellphone manufacturer had their own connector/cradle standard or two for charging, and sometimes even another for data transfer! (Nokia) And chargers had nominal output voltages anywhere between 4.5-6.0 volts at 0.25-1 A, and a non-replaceable cable. Today, most can find someone to pass their old charger to, but it was near-impossible back then. The EU made a good step that should have come much sooner. Of course, the standards were being developed but mandating one of the USB connectors or a 2mm jack would have helped a lot.

[–]StereoBucket 22 points23 points  (1 child)

God, I used to splice earbuds from another phone I didn't have onto a cable of the buds that died. So I had a Frankenstein Sony or Samsung earbuds on an LG cable. Ridiculous how many things went through proprietary ports.

I was kinda proud cause later I'd take the buds apart to soldier the cable inside so it looked seamless and normal, until you inspected the logo on buds and connector and saw it didn't make sense

[–]Black_Moons 6 points7 points  (0 children)

You should be proud. Iv tried to splice headphone cable and it SUCKS. You did it the correct way, the way without an ugly, failure prone splice. Always be proud of a 100% correct repair, that is like making something new outta raw materials.

[–]Charcoa1 119 points120 points  (33 children)

MKBHD highlighted that the law as written says.sokmethjng like "any device that can be charged by a cable have to use USB C".

From that he posed that they might just.go 100% wireless. What's your thoughts about that?

[–]MaxTHC 106 points107 points  (22 children)

Wireless chargers are pretty inefficient, and iirc especially the higher-speed ones can generate a fair bit of heat which isn't great for your phone in the long-term.

Also while they are sometimes very convenient, there are times where they are horribly inconvenient. Using your phone while it charges is easy with a cable, but really awkward with a charging pad. And then there's travelling – have fun whipping out your charging pad on the train, especially if you don't have a tray table.

[–]kwiens Scheduled AMA[S] 134 points135 points  (11 children)

This is very true. You're talking about moving from a charging technology that is 95% efficient to one that is 25% efficient on a good day. Wireless charging is terrible for climate change.

We ran some numbers with Debugger and found that we would need dozens of new power plants around the world if smartphones switched to wireless charging. I don't think Apple is that short-sighted.

[–]creepy_doll 10 points11 points  (2 children)

Apple isn’t one to sit down and take it. They’re probably trying to do this to spite regulators. The number of people that are unaware of how inefficient wireless charging is pretty low :/

I still use an iPhone 7 Plus and apart from the processor and 4g it has everyone I want from a phone. I don’t want a stupid floating island(I’d prefer to lose a slice at the top so I can have a real square screen), or wireless charging or faceid that stops working when you replace parts. The iPhone SE 3 is nearly perfect except of course it has a small screen because if it didn’t they couldn’t sell their premium models

[–]kwiens Scheduled AMA[S] 37 points38 points  (2 children)

Based on Apple's end-run around the first European USB-C mandate, I think this level of skepticism and suspicion is perfectly justified.

That said, I think the EU drafters were careful with this revision to avoid that loophole, but I don't have the exact text at hand right now. Can anyone find it?

[–]Charcoa1 8 points9 points  (0 children)

In so far as they are capable of being recharged by means of wired charging, the categories or classes of radio equipment referred to in point 1 of this Part shall: 2.1.   be equipped with the USB Type-C receptacle, as described in the standard EN IEC 62680-1-3:2021 “Universal serial bus interfaces for data and power - Part 1-3: Common components - USB Type-C® Cable and Connector Specification”, and that receptacle shall remain accessible and operational at all times;

From here: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/TA-9-2022-0338_EN.html

There are two references to wireless;one near the top says that they should look into similar things for wireless charging in the future and the other (I think) says that they should do that within 24 months.

[–]seensham 25 points26 points  (2 children)

God that would mean no ports at all anymore 😨

Maybe they can enforce that like "wireless chargers use cables" or something

[–]larossmann 21 points22 points  (0 children)

No idea

[–]poboy975 118 points119 points  (4 children)

Hi, do you think that Valve opening up the Steam Deck and allowing repairs/upgrades will help? Considering that Valve is arguably one of the largest video game platforms in the world? How has working with Valve been?

[–]kwiens Scheduled AMA[S] 152 points153 points  (0 children)

Valve has been really great to work with. I love my Steam Deck.

The more examples that we can get out there of companies doing the right thing, the better. Valve is leading the way with repairable hardware, service parts, and repair information. I think it's just fantastic.

[–]Darkersun 36 points37 points  (2 children)

Valve not only made a good moral choice; they made a smart business choice.

Steam Deck isn't really a profit generator for them, it's a way to get their ecosystem in a mobile format. Plus the people who buy the deck are far more likely to be tinkerers with both hardware and software. You can see this on the subreddit; they barely talk about games there!

They've been generous with right to repair and with RMAs; but sadly I think a company that hasn't been printing money from decades of digital game sales would keep every little hardware piece proprietary and difficult to install. We the consumers got lucky with Valve in this handheld gizmo.

[–]darudesandstrom 5 points6 points  (0 children)

We the consumers got lucky with Valve in this handheld gizmo.

We did and I don't think most gamers understand how the steam deck could turn the industry on its head if it were more popular, especially now that Vulkan has proven to make porting to Linux much easier.

[–]CsLunar 211 points212 points  (19 children)

What are some common misconceptions of right to repair?

[–]kwiens Scheduled AMA[S] 408 points409 points  (11 children)

The amount of fear, uncertainty, and doubt spread by the manufacturer lobbyists trying to stop us is just unreal.

Take a look at these astroturfing pages and tell me what your favorite bad-faith arguments are!

My favorite was this stalker ad the auto OEMs ran during the Massachusetts ballot initiative. If you let a local mechanic fix your car, they will follow you to your house!

(It looks like the video is private now, can anyone find it?) https://www.youtube.com/embed/NYp2_oiwtIg?feature=oembed&rel=0&enablejsapi=1

[–]CsLunar 53 points54 points  (0 children)

Thank you for the well written answer :)

I found an unprivated version of the video through web archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20201024105916/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYp2_oiwtIg

[–]lethalmuff1n 71 points72 points  (3 children)

So. Much. Misinformation.

[–]nsfwmostly 90 points91 points  (2 children)


[–]KindaCrazyCorn 27 points28 points  (1 child)

It’s on purpose. Disinformation.

[–]ThataSmilez 33 points34 points  (2 children)

I found a re-upload here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j0sZpKXMUtA&list=PLhFPpjYO-PFe_KtbpCQMo6zRPM3vIL8FG, assuming you were talking about the parking garage one. Looks like the user uploaded a playlist of the ads they ran.

[–]kwiens Scheduled AMA[S] 4 points5 points  (0 children)

That's one of them! Repair leads directly to stalking, as we all know.

[–]Blurgas 20 points21 points  (0 children)

That ad was so ridiculous.
You can tell they were betting on consumer ignorance because I really doubt there's anything a mechanic can get through an OBDII that the customer wouldn't have already given them(name, address, phone, etc).
"But they could stalk you!!1!" A stalker wouldn't even need access to the inner workings, just a GPS tracker with a magnet

[–]Auxx 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Oh wow, this stalker ad is so American! Like sharing music over P2P is communism ad back in the days.

[–]larossmann 142 points143 points  (5 children)

#1, we want devices to be designed solely for repairability, regardless of how this affects technological advancement.

#2, the fact that repair shops exist without right to repair, means that this isn't a problem at all.

#3, Right to Repair is about forcing manufacturers to provide free repair to devices that consumers, or independent repair shops, have destroyed through their own carelessness.

[–]tuxman20 36 points37 points  (1 child)

That #3 reminds me of the CBC “report” where a guy doing roof work said his phone just cracked out of nowhere but you could clearly see the exact impact point on the glass 😜

I’m all for better repairability but that customer was just disingenuous to start with.

[–]larossmann 31 points32 points  (0 children)

Yeah some customers are lying assholes, it is what it is.

[–]PeanutSalsa 159 points160 points  (55 children)

What are some things that people are currently not able to fix themselves due to restrictions?

[–]larossmann 465 points466 points  (29 children)

If you have an A1990 Macbook Pro that stops charging because of a bad CD3217 chip or bad ISL9240 chip, you cannot buy these items from Texas Instruments or Intersil. You can't buy them from their distributors either. Publicly, they will say they're not allowed to make them available to us.

This leaves you with two choices.

a) Find another device with that part/chip, buy it, rip it apart, and take a the part from it. In this case, an iPhone XR charging case. I buy a $169 battery case, I rip the chip I need out of it, and I throw the rest away. A total waste! Just to get one chip. Not only does this increase the amount of time necessary to do the repair, it's very wasteful.

Also, since it uses the ISL9240 chip - it's infamous for dying for no reason, as can be seen in this recall program for it.

b) Deal with the Nicolas Cage Lord of War like supply chain of people who find these chips through less than normal means and buy from them.

Further, the schematics and documentation that used to be made available to all so that we can troubleshoot the devices & perform these repairs are not even made available to licensed, professional, or authorized repair shops.

Apple will often tell customers $1000-$1500 for this repair - but to add insult to injury, that they will not recover any of the customer's data. This is a less than ideal situation when, they not only block us from being able to do our job, but they won't do it themselves!

There are many similar situations across the industry, across devices that follow the same thread.

[–]RABKissa 47 points48 points  (6 children)

I cry myself to sleep at night imagining how epic our technology could be if companies didn't do this shit

[–]Danitoba 18 points19 points  (4 children)

This, and this alone, is why i refuse to buy anything by apple. Havent since 2014.

[–]Mediocretes1 3 points4 points  (3 children)

Last Apple product I owned was an Apple II GS in the mid-80s. To be fair, I was like 5 so I didn't actually buy it myself.

[–]kwiens Scheduled AMA[S] 201 points202 points  (24 children)

Game console optical drives are a major issue. The optical drive is paired to the main board and so you have to install them as a pair. You can't just buy an off the shelf blu-ray drive to fix your PS5. Which is a bummer because these drives break a lot.

[–]Will0w536 43 points44 points  (5 children)

Way back in 2018...my PS3 slim blu-ray player died. Took it to the nearest computer repair store specializing in Consoles and fixed it in a day. That new blu-ray player was faulty and he replaced it again under warranty. Been working great ever since.

[–]DylanCO 31 points32 points  (1 child)

By 2018 the PS3 was completely hacked. As console age hardware hackers figure out how to get around these restrictions. Trying to get a new Optical Drive for PS4 & PS5 is going to be a lot more difficult.

If you go back a few generation people have figured out how to bypass the OD completely, replacing it with flash memory. Which is super important for things like the GameCube and Dreamcast. Which use non-standard and custom drives respectively.

[–]Yeah_Nah_Cunt 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Yeah just got into the console modding scene.

It's really cool how easy it is to hack old consoles to make them more usable for modern day like the PS2 all it needs is a flashed memory card and you can play games off of an SD card or HDD.

Things like this are super important as the original disks from that gen are deteriorating so the only way to keep playing those games is to rip them to a newer digital standard.

I've seen similar mods for Nintendo handhelds and other consoles.

[–]Reaver_XIX 415 points416 points  (24 children)

I like fixing stuff myself and make purchasing choices (insofar as possible) based on repairability and longevity. Do you think having a 'certified repairable' system to independently review products and certify them as being made to be repaired would make a difference. It might be another path to getting companies to design with this in mind. Do you think something like this would work and would it be a good idea?

[–]kwiens Scheduled AMA[S] 547 points548 points  (20 children)

Yes, absolutely! iFixit has been scoring gadgets for repairability for a long time now, here are some handy pages:

In addition, the French government has a new scoring system that we helped them develop for smartphones, washing machines, laptops, and more. That system is massively successful, and is inspiring an upcoming EU-wide repair labeling scheme.

You can see the french system in action with a label on pages like this:

[–]BitchesLoveDownvote 35 points36 points  (2 children)

IFixit’s scoring system does not seem very consistent. Just looking at iPad and Surface tablets, the scores appear to vary wildly between iterations whilst the listed repairability factors do not seem to justify the score in comparison to other surface/ipad versions.

Why do the scores appear to be so inconsistent, and do you see any room for improvement in standardising the scores?

[–]creepy_doll 22 points23 points  (1 child)

Ifixit partnered with Apple for their repair program so there’s a small possibility they’re subconsciously trying to keep that relationship healthy by not going too hard on their products…

[–]kwiens Scheduled AMA[S] 5 points6 points  (0 children)

We've partnered with Samsung, Google, Valve, Microsoft, Motorola, and a few other folks. Not Apple.

But we maintain complete editorial independence between our objective scoring methodology and the companies that we work with.

[–]creepy_doll 24 points25 points  (7 children)

How could you guys give the iPhone 14 such a high repairability score when it still breaks features if you replace parts without going through through their program(which is prohibitively expensive by design) and generally doesn’t make many parts available.

I get that the two sided access is a neat feature, but when you can’t get the parts it seems pretty meaningless? Hugh Jeffreys felt the same way and I’m definitely with him on this one.

[–]ZeAthenA714 8 points9 points  (1 child)

My guess is, you have to go slow and not set the bar too high from the get go.

There's currently no standard for repairability at all. So setting the bar fairly low in a first iteration is a good step in the right direction, as long as it doesn't stop there. If more and more manufacturers start aiming for that bar, then you can raise it in subsequent iteration.

To take a real example of something similar, in France they created a standard for energy efficiency. Everything that uses electricity had to be certified through some tests and got ratings from A to G, A being more efficient. There's many problems with that rating that I won't get into, but it allowed you to compare two washing machines for example and see if one would consume more energy than the other.

Thing is, the standard was very very low. At first you had all kind of ratings ranging from A to G, but very quickly manufacturers started making tweaks (not always in a good way, but that's another problem) and soon enough everything was labelled A++++. So they just raised the bar this year, and now you have a new label that lowered many previous ratings. Something that used to be an A could now an F, and the hope is that it will one again incentivise manufacturers to improve energy efficiency.

The same could very well happen with repairability. Maybe right now making a device "technically repairable but in practice not really" is enough to get a high grade, it's not enough but it's a step in the right direction. If more manufacturers reach that standard, then you can raise the bar.

[–]WRESTLING_PANCAKE 6 points7 points  (0 children)

It's repairable, the OS just doesn't want you to repair it. Also they're partnered with apple apparently.

[–]Reaver_XIX 70 points71 points  (0 children)

Awesome! I didn't know about this system in the EU, I usually buy business laptops and read their service manual before hand to see how easy they are to fix. This label is the way forward. Thanks for sharing and keep fighting the good fight!

[–]TD87 5 points6 points  (0 children)

This is a pretty dope concept, but the site seems to be failing to keep up with the latest releases (the last smartphone update was 2021)? Would it be worth it, exploring some kind of relationship with someone like a JerryRigEverything, as there are obvious linkages and mutual areas of interest?

[–]Calvert4096 4 points5 points  (0 children)

It would be great if automakers experienced pressure to make more maintainable vehicles as a result of this.

[–]seensham 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I would say a bigger difference would come from making that audit mandatory during the design / R&D process

[–]EMPactivated 52 points53 points  (12 children)

What’s an underrated tool that everyone should have?

[–]kwiens Scheduled AMA[S] 87 points88 points  (5 children)

Well, I'm pretty partial to our Pro Tech Toolkit. We spent years flying around the world doing teardowns with a suitcase full of tools and distilled it down to this pouc.

A soldering iron is also pretty dang handy once you get over the fear of hot things.

[–]accidental-poet 17 points18 points  (0 children)

IT guy here. I just bought two of those kits a few weeks back. One for my car and one for the shop. Good stuff. Thanks!

[–]Ph33rdoge 28 points29 points  (1 child)

Your ProTech tool kits are fantastic. I'm buying a couple of them as Christmas gifts this year because several of my friends have raved about mine!

Edit: I just clicked the link you posted and wanted to thank you for not price gouging us. I bought my kit from a radio shack and it was $70. That was in 2015 (or so?) And your price hasn't gone up even $5 in that time. You're the Arizona tea of nerd tools

[–]larossmann 97 points98 points  (1 child)

What’s an underrated tool that everyone should have?

Here's a direct quote from my mentor, Duco from the Netherlands. I have the utmost respect for him.

The best tool to invest in is your own brain! Use it, train it, analyze and learn. Most of my repairs are 90% brain and 10% tools. I have no microscopes, no FLIR cams, no short finders, hell even my "hot air station" is a $20 paint stripper! It is NOT about the tools, it is about the brains of the technician.

[–]sneakycrown 44 points45 points  (5 children)

How many times has a company come after you for fixing/showing others how to fix their products? And why do they care? Particularly when the item is older and they no longer support those items.

[–]kwiens Scheduled AMA[S] 115 points116 points  (1 child)

When we posted a bunch of ventilator repair manuals and other medical device information during the pandemic, the EFF successfully helped us fight a takedown notice from medical device manufacturer Steris.

[–]engineear-ache 35 points36 points  (0 children)

That's badass and thank you and the EFF for saving lives.

[–]larossmann 107 points108 points  (2 children)

A lawyer reached out to me about a video I did with a schematic in it. The specific area of complaint was where I pointed out the 0 ohm resistor that acts as a fuse on the 3.3v line powering the trackpad & the keyboard. I suggested they file a DMCA claim if they wanted it taken down.

If I obeyed their request, there'd be no evidence that it was done under duress. Whereby, with a DMCA claim, there is a record of who is requesting it, and what they take objection to. I wanted Apple to go on the record saying that what made them upset is me showing the location of a fuse.

[–]damunzie 42 points43 points  (3 children)

What's the status of any similar action in California?

On one hand, it would be invaluable to have such rules in our huge market to influence others, but on the other hand, I'd imagine serious opposition from Cupertino.

[–]kwiens Scheduled AMA[S] 78 points79 points  (2 children)

As you guessed, big tech lobbyists killed this year's electronics Right to Repair bill in California.

[–]TPDS_throwaway 21 points22 points  (0 children)

What can citizens of California do to make 2023 the year this passes?

Would passing this through the prop system work?

[–]Dogmatique 177 points178 points  (180 children)

Hey Louis - how are you adjusting to not being a New Yorker any more?

[–]larossmann 471 points472 points  (179 children)

Hey Louis - how are you adjusting to not being a New Yorker any more?

I love it. No more threatening to destroy my livelihood over a technicality, no more broken glass and trash everywhere, no more normalizing of businesses getting destroyed, no more culture of lying being ok for real estate businesses while fining me for things I have a written record showing I never did wrong.

The fact that the legislature could vote 147-2 on this bill, only for it to sit on the governor's desk for five months collecting dust says everything. I'm out. I'm done. and I love it here. I have great neighbors. While Texas has its issues, I'll take the issues of Texas over the issues of New York - ANYDAY!

Obviously I'm biased since they just got done with a year and a half of trying to bankrupt me lol

[–]anotherfknacc 205 points206 points  (143 children)

If Texas wasn't as much of a civil rights disaster and blatantly anti-women state I'd move there too out of NY, but sadly that's what happens when the population is largely regressive religious fundamentalists.

Hopefully that problem gets solved soon outside of the Austin area so the state can really shine.

[–]larossmann 134 points135 points  (131 children)

This is one of the interesting things. As someone who came from NY, I thought that was the standard thought process behind so many people here. The more women I speak to, the more I hear from women who want things to be the way they are here. A surprising number that are far further right to myself.

but that's a topic for another thread altogether.

I learn a lot from just having basic, non-judgmental, curious conversations with my neighbors and people who work at the places I frequent and listening.

[–]anotherfknacc 83 points84 points  (65 children)

It's good to have an open mind. Unfortunately the state itself is a non-starter because the issues it fails on are larger than the beliefs of individual people that you speak with.

Until it solves that problem there are many people who won't consider it all (myself included) regardless of the "feel" on the ground.

Individuals don't set policy unfortunately otherwise we'd get past a lot of Texas' problems.

[–]warbeforepeace 35 points36 points  (5 children)

Texas governor wouldn’t support this bill either.

[–]likejackandsally 39 points40 points  (12 children)

I lived in Austin for 6 years before actively fleeing that shithole of a state.

Austin was okay. San Antonio wasn’t bad. I would wager the rest of the large cities are fine too. But as a whole, a week of no electric in sub freezing temps and no water for nearly two weeks because of all the busted pipes followed by a summer of 60 consecutive 100+ days and no rain while ERCOT has the audacity to act like it’s the consumers’ fault was the beginning of the end.

Then Greg Abbott and Ken Paxton publicly celebrated the fact the Supreme Court said they are allowed to arrest women for having an abortion or even for just a suspected abortion, meaning that miscarriages are being scrutinized and treated as purposeful abortions until proven otherwise. As someone with PCOS and a higher than average risk of miscarriage I could be arrested and prosecuted for something no person has control over. Doctors are even waiting far as long as possible before performing life saving abortions and D&Cs so they don’t risk losing their license or going to jail.

Oh, and you actually end up paying WAY more in taxes because there isn’t a state income tax. Especially in larger cities and that money doesn’t even stay with the city. Property taxes are reallocated to poorer areas of the state to fund those schools. In a handful of years, most of the property taxes collected will be sent out of the Austin area to the rest of the state. Not to mention the 8.25% sales tax. And the ungodly amount of toll roads.

Instead of actually doing something about the homeless issue they make and rescind stupid laws to either conceal the problem or let them do whatever they want, wherever they want.

And anyone can walk off the street and get a gun they can then conceal carry without a permit while Ted Cruz and Greg Abbott sit in an elementary school auditorium and tell the parents of mutilated children “it could have been worse”.

I hope you feel the same way you do now in five years. Good luck!

[–]larossmann 33 points34 points  (11 children)

It's possible that texas sucks. for now, i am happier in texas than i am in a state that tried several times to actively bankrupt me.

8.25% sales tax beats 8.875% sales tax + high income tax + high corporate tax + everything costing more money than it does everywhere else + state spending over a year trying to justify asking for more than my entire net worth from me. I have done the math and it just isn't way more in taxes here than it is in NYC.. no way in hell.

the property tax being high is usual fro most states that have the no income tax thing. like new hampshire. registering my car in texas cost $89, in new hampshire it cost $1148.

if i bought a place the size of where I live now in NY I would be paying over 3 million dollars at least. and the property tax on that would be insane, even if it is less as a percentage of the overall price. outside NYC area, property tax is as insane as it is in texas if not moreso.

[–]likejackandsally 27 points28 points  (2 children)

I’m not from TX. I’m from VA and did a short stint in MD. I am not a stranger to taxes and more taxes. I don’t mind paying taxes. My problem is that taxes in TX don’t make anyone’s lives better. All that tax and for what? A power grid that’s constantly on the brink of collapse, road work that never seems to get done and lasts for maybe 6 months, and homeless people camping on private, undeveloped land until they start a fire and get found. Oh, and a public transportation system designed for a city a third of the current size while we wait for one to be completed in 2035 to handle the current 2022 demand.

Like I said, good luck.

[–]Meatface_Malone 13 points14 points  (4 children)

Hey man, we're glad to have you in Texas. Are you planning to open a shop here? Would love to stop by and shake your hand or buy you a beer. Just an open offer. Have a good one.

[–]AaliyahK12 99 points100 points  (31 children)

As somebody generally opposed to measures like DMCA, but not particularly well informed enough about it, I'm definitely keen to hear your thoughts on it.

So why does it suck?

[–]larossmann 213 points214 points  (22 children)

The DMCA in and of itself is not the worst thing in the world. To my knowledge, and I'm not a lawyer; without it a platform would be liable for when someone uploads copyrighted works, rather than the person uploading the copyrighted work. The issue is section 1201, which makes it illegal to break digital locks for any reason.

If I buy something with a digital lock that keeps me from being able to replace a part and perform a repair, I should be able to come up with a way to break the lock on my personal property, and share how I did it with the world.

[–]AaliyahK12 33 points34 points  (18 children)

I'll admit I was only vaguely aware that was something that happens tbh.

How exactly do manufacturers digitally lock things to prevent you repairing them? Is it just through voiding the warranty or something?

I definitely agree that we should have the right to replace and repair things ourselves if we can and I'm super grateful the internet enables us to share information about how to do those things. So if companies are trying to impede that, you're absolutely right - that needs to change.

[–]larossmann 56 points57 points  (5 children)

How exactly do manufacturers digitally lock things to prevent you repairing them? Is it just through voiding the warranty or something?

Game console repair people can talk about this better than I can; to be honest, that's not the sector of the industry I focus on. Something like getting a replacement drive to work on a game console once the original died are the lines along which I hear this discussed. But I'll be honest that isn't an area I really focus on, most of what I do is component level logic board repair and data recovery.

[–]dcux 16 points17 points  (2 children)

I think your adventures with the motors/batteries for those one wheel scooter things probably fits nicely in this category. Digitally locked out from fixing your own products. But I'm sure that's not due to DMCA.

[–]roflcopter44444 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Isn't it basically the the same thing as how some parts like cameras are serialized and the phone won't work with a replacement unless you do extra steps.

[–]HaikuBotStalksMe 27 points28 points  (7 children)

One example is if you try to install a new DVD drive in an Xbox. You technically can't because it has a secret serial number that must match what it's expecting, and you can't find the serial you need to spoof unless you break encryption.

Look up jungleflash and ixtreme if you're interested. It's what kiddy hackers like I had to work with back in the day.

[–]Brangusler 8 points9 points  (6 children)

Wait the original Xbox?! Is that why when I replaced the drive it never worked despite being a working drive? Lol damn

[–]alexforencich 8 points9 points  (0 children)

This is usually less about repair and more about what you can do with a device in general. These "digital locks" are generally some combination of encryption and digital signatures, possibly with shoddy implementations. This more applies to things like ripping blu-ray discs where you have to strip off the encryption in order to do anything with it. Under 1201, it's illegal to distribute information about how to do that. It's also potentially illegal for security researchers to look at things like blu-ray player software to find potential security issues. It's also one of the reasons that you can't really play blu-ray discs in Linux - most of this stuff relies on some combination of security-through-obscurity and code signing by the manufacturer, so it's not really possible to make an open source player that actually works properly, without also rendering the "digital locks" completely useless.

[–]foxden_racing 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Depends on the device, and the type of lock.

There are legitimate uses...the intent of DMCA was to criminalize things like a random asshole breaking the encryption on your thumb drive, or a malicious sort breaking the encryption that lets them listen in when you're giving Amazon your credit card number, etc...as well as to set it up so that your ISP can't be sued if you do something illegal through your internet connection.

But the ridiculously vague wording written by RIAA/MPAA/John Deere and their ilk enables a LOT of super shady, customer-hostile bullshit. The best analogy I have is if a law was written stating that defeating a physical lock makes you a criminal. Seems pretty reasonable on the surface, right? Until...

  • Only Kwikset is legally allowed to let you back into your house if you lock yourself out. If you circumvent 'their' lock in any way, you've broken the law.
  • You prop your apartment building's door open while moving in/out, or put a piece of tape over the catch on the push bar. The door can't close/latch, therefore you've defeated its lock and you've broken the law.
  • Some random troll uses their lock to shackle your bike to the bike rack...even though it's your bike, if you defeat their lock you've broken the law.
  • The company who made your car put a 'security lug nut' on each wheel, and doesn't include the key with purchase...making it so that only their dealerships can do things like replace brake pads/tires, if you take the wheel off yourself you've broken the law.

Any lock. Any reason. If you defeat it then fuck you, you're a criminal.


Take that to the digital realm for why the DMCA is bad:

Trying to make one working Xbox 360 from the two broken Xbox 360s you legally bought, by transplanting the dead system's working DVD drive into the working system with a dead DVD drive? Each console is paired to a specific drive's serial number, and that number is encrypted! It'll refuse to work with the new drive unless you break that encryption, and if you do that then you're a dirty criminal!

Have an old game on disc and itching for a retro fix? If it uses Safedisc it sucks to be you, those versions of Safedisc rely on hardware/driver-level shenanigans that were removed from newer versions of Windows...and even though it's a game you legally bought, on a PC you legally bought, don't you dare remove that DRM you dirty criminal you!

Want to perform your legally-protected right to a single archival copy...say, to take a DVD you legally bought and rip it because you have kids and don't want the disc fucked up by them not handling it with care? If that disc has any encryption on it then fuck you, even though you did it in pursuit of one of your legally-protected rights you still defeated a digital lock you dirty criminal you!

Some shady asshole infects your PC with ransomware that encrypts your drive and demands payment? Technically [as they're going to have a hell of a time pressing charges against you without getting themselves arrested, malware is a separate crime] you better pay up you dirty criminal you, don't you know it's illegal to defeat a digital lock?

BMW wants to sell you a 'subscription service' to the seats in your car? If any part of the software that controls the enabled/disabled status is encrypted, then fuck you if you find a workaround you dirty criminal you.

Any digital lock. Any reason. If you circumvent it in any way, fuck you you're a criminal. That's the shitty part of the DMCA.

[–]gehzumteufel 2 points3 points  (1 child)

The copyrighted works liability is section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. Unrelated to the DMCA. It’s what allows YouTube Facebook any anything really to exist and allow for unmoderated user submitted content.

[–]kwiens Scheduled AMA[S] 91 points92 points  (7 children)

If you thought "Digital Millennium Copyright Act" sounded like something from 1998, you'd be right. And 1998 lawyers trying to prepare for the digital future made some really broad, sweeping judgments that have hamstrung us all in weird ways.

For repair, the biggest problem is Section 1201, which makes it illegal to break certain kinds of digital locks ("circumvent technological protection measures"). These locks are now present in everything from coffee machines to game consoles, and increasingly, breaking them is a necessary part of repair.

To fix a broken game disc drive in an Xbox or PlayStation, for instance, you've got to break the lock that pairs the drive to the motherboard.

I go into a lot more detail in an article I wrote for Scientific American last year, but tl;dr: Section 1201 is outdated and doesn't let us do repairs on modern gadgets.

[–]AaliyahK12 21 points22 points  (1 child)

Thanks for the great answer!

And a Scientific American article to go and read.

If I had written an article for Scientific American, y'all would never be hearing the end of it tbh. That would be the single greatest accomplishment of my life tbh...

[–]kwiens Scheduled AMA[S] 19 points20 points  (0 children)

Haha it was flattering that they asked!

[–]Omnomcologyst 17 points18 points  (4 children)

he lock that pairs the drive to the motherboard

I'd ask why tf does the mobo and drive need to pair, considering you can slap any drive into any computer and it will "just work" but I think I know the answer to my own question: Because fuck you, thats why.

[–]alexforencich 14 points15 points  (3 children)

It might also have something to do with preventing copying, or using copied game discs. But that also falls under your explanation.

[–]_jeremybearimy_ 15 points16 points  (1 child)

It’s so silly. I just lent my friend my Spider-Man PS4 disc to play. He played the whole thing and returned it. Neither of us did anything wrong or illegal.

But if I lent him the file to play the game, even if he “gave it back” i.e. deleted it after, suddenly that’s “stealing” and illegal.

Oh yeah and he loved it, so I bet he’s gonna go out and buy Miles Morales and Spider-Man 2 now.

[–]aarondoyle 33 points34 points  (11 children)

You can pass laws and then they're not enacted?? That seems wrong.

[–]stormfor24 14 points15 points  (5 children)

Yep, either the governor for the state signs it or the legislature has to vote with a high majority to override

[–]Vince789 25 points26 points  (12 children)

Hi u/kwiens, would iFixit consider actually trying repairs when giving out repairability scores?

At the moment iFixit does a teardown and then gives a repairability score, ignoring any software limitations on repairability which have become increasingly common place

[–]kwiens Scheduled AMA[S] 20 points21 points  (11 children)

We have a whole team that does parts testing and painstakingly swap out parts to test compatibility and determine if there is parts pairing and what the functionality tradeoffs are. It's very time consuming. Here are our findings on the iPhone 14.

[–]Vince789 23 points24 points  (9 children)

[–]kwiens Scheduled AMA[S] 8 points9 points  (2 children)

Great question, and sorry for the delay! There's been a lot of questions on here and I had to get some sleep, but I'm back at it first thing this morning.

Repairability includes a lot of factors. Parts pricing is really important to whether repairs can happen in the real world, but because we rate products on Day 1 of their release, we have no way of factoring that into our score. The French repair scorecard, on the other hand, is assessed by manufacturers themselves, who have parts pricing, so they can factor this in.

The iPhone 14 scores a 6.9 out of 10 on the French Scorecard, pretty similar to iFixit's 7. Here's the detailed French breakdown (in French, of course).

So let's talk about parts pairing. We've been scoring iPhones for a long time now. As a baseline, we scored the iPhones X, SE, XR, XS, 11, 12, and 13 all a 6 out of 10. We've given every Galaxy a 3 since the S10 because of the glue and difficulty getting to the screen and the annoying glue on the battery. Those scores have not been controversial (until now)—lots more iPhones get fixed than Galaxy phones.

A disclaimer: We work directly with Samsung to sell parts for their phones. We have no business relationship with Apple.

Our repairability scoring heavily factors in the availability of service manuals and parts. Since the 13 came out, Apple has rolled out an independent repair program that provides parts and tools to consumers without onerous legal agreements. That is guaranteed to increase our score relative to a device that has no repair information. Fairphone wouldn't have received a 10 / 10 without parts and manuals.

Parts pairing is a major issue, and we published a report with extensive analysis on this situation, just like we have with past phones. The iPhone 14 parts pairing situation is substantially the same as the iPhone 13. Here's what we said at the time:

Parts pairing threatens that choice, by making independent and self-repair impossible or unreasonably expensive. Together with the support of the repair community, we’ve raised the alarm over parts pairing, which many view as an attempt to monopolize repair at the expense of customers and independent repair businesses.

That’s why we’re keeping such a close eye on which parts, specifically, you can and can’t swap between iPhone models. It’s Apple’s best strategy for keeping repair behind their own lock and key, and we keep finding more parts that can’t be swapped.

While we can’t report any improvement in relation to parts pairing, we’re relieved that no new restrictions appear to have been implemented [in the 14 relative to the 13].

Likewise, repairing a device gives it depth and character; it imbues the object with a story all its own. Repair is the antithesis of conformity and can be fashioned into the ultimate statement of individuality—an attitude core to the Japanese art of kintsugi and its modern cousin, visible mending.

Whether done to restore the polished factory perfection of a device or emphasize the story of the fixer, repair should be available to all. Parts pairing threatens that reality, and we’ll keep looking for it, swapping one part at a time.

The iPhone 14 also has a very innovative new front + back opening approach that is better mechanically than anything that we have seen from any flagship smartphone. Whichever side of a smartphone you access last is hard to repair: Glass back repairs are a pain on previous iPhones, and display repairs are a pain on Galaxy models.

So how do we score the 14?

  • + some points for service manuals and parts, that weren't factored into the 13's score (arguably, if we were going to retroactively rescore the 13 based on the parts and manuals Apple posted mid-year, it should have a 7 right now).
  • + some points for the easier to open mechanical architecture
  • - some points for paired together parts (but nothing is new about this situation)

With a completely redesigned phone, and a commitment to make parts and manuals available for the first time, we think that Apple earned a one point bump over the previous model.

We reserve the right to change these scores over time. The repair market is particularly dynamic right now, with new laws like New York’s Right to Repair bill making optional points a minimum baseline, and dubious innovations like Apple’s SPOT remote repair verification process.

We abhor parts pairing in all its forms. I wrote text into the New York bill that explicitly bans internet-based parts activation. If Governor Hochul signs it, this whole debate may soon be moot.

[–]notadroid 120 points121 points  (17 children)

What is it like carrying the world of making repairs on your shoulders?

I swear with out the work you've done, we would all be suffering much more from the planned obsolescence stuff than we are today.

[–]kwiens Scheduled AMA[S] 68 points69 points  (1 child)

[–]notadroid 6 points7 points  (0 children)

HA! this is great!

[–]larossmann 168 points169 points  (14 children)

What is it like carrying the world of making repairs on your shoulders?

That's too much credit. I fix stuff, I record myself fixing stuff, I talk about it on the internet and occasionally I visit a legislature. Now I look over advocacy groups that I provide funding to, to provide education & do the advocacy work for us, and manage lobbyists from an eagle eye view.

The people who have the world on their shoulders are the people doing brain surgery, dodging rockets in Ukraine, rescuing people from burning buildings.. I'm just a normal dude, with a normal job, who happened to hit the youtube lottery recording himself doing it.

I try to make my youtube channel as transparent as possible about who I am. I'm not a hero, a great activist, or even a good person. I'm a piece of shit who just so happens to fix things and show others how to do it. You don't have to be special to do what I do, and many other people could do a much better job of doing what I do - both with activism, repair tutorials, running a repair business, or performing the repairs themselves. and I encourage them to do so and help us all move the ball forward.

If people think I'm special, they'll be discouraged, IMO, to try and take part in what we're doing themselves. If they realize that not only am I just like them, but probably worse than them, they're more likely to believe they can actually do something. More importantly than the fact that not idolizing me means a greater likelihood of people getting involved, it just so happens to be the truth... I'm not that great a dude.

[–]b_o_t 20 points21 points  (2 children)

Btw, your rants are therapeutic- much love!

[–][deleted] 18 points19 points  (0 children)

I'm a piece of shit who just so happens to fix things and show others how to do it.

Possibly one of the most New Yorker responses you could have given, and I'm a New Yorker.

[–]notadroid 14 points15 points  (0 children)

I could have worded my question differently, but thank you for your answer.

I'm sure you've been told as much, but I really feel that all the work you've done has significantly slowed how certain tech companies moved towards forcing us to adopt a new device every few years - just for the sake of it being new and not being an actual improvement over the previous gen.

[–]BurnedRavenBat 22 points23 points  (4 children)

You should really stop selling yourself short... You've been a force for good. We don't need you to be a superman, we're lucky enough to have you the way you are. And trust me, we all know you're a flawed man. The fact you don't hide that behind a politician's mask is why we trust your judgement.

And FWIW, if you're going to compare yourself to brain surgeons, always remember that Ben Carson's a brain surgeon too. Being good at one thing doesn't make you a genius at others.

[–]larossmann 39 points40 points  (3 children)

Never buy your own bullshit, that's the start of your downfall. In my case with your I am referring to me. I don't think I sell myself short, it's just honesty

[–]ledgit 39 points40 points  (8 children)

Louis: your former Governor (Kathy Hochul) has been sitting on a law, the Digital Fair Repair Act, passed by the NY legislature back in June. She still has not signed it. Have you been in contact with the Governor’s staff to urge her to sign it into law? (It would be the first electronics right to repair bill to become law anywhere in the U.S.! ) Also: do you/we know what is holding the Governor back from signing it?

[–]kwiens Scheduled AMA[S] 50 points51 points  (4 children)

Our coalition has been speaking to the Governor's staff regularly. They understand the arguments in favor. They've also heard an insane amount of F-U-D from manufacturers. We have concerns that she won't sign it in time.

The CEO of Consumer Reports does not write op-eds in state newspapers on a whim: this is a critical inflection point. If we don't make our voices heard, NOW, this might not happen.

It is absolutely essential that you all call, email, tweet, carrier pigeon, or do anything else you can think of to get through to the governor right now.

[–]CHARLIE_CANT_READ 20 points21 points  (1 child)

How is she able to sit on it this long? I would have assumed that after a month or something it would automatically get sent back to the legislature and require a supermajority to pass.

[–]blaaaaaaaam 7 points8 points  (0 children)

My understanding is that the governor can veto a bill, sign a bill, or allow it to go into effect after 10 days without a signature. Is there a reason why this bill isn't going into effect automatically after the 10 days?

  • a New Yorker

[–]GhostReddit 6 points7 points  (0 children)

It blows my mind that it can pass the legislature 147-2 and still need to be signed. That's a lot of power in the Governor's office to just pocket veto an extremely popular bill

[–]larossmann 27 points28 points  (2 children)

Have you been in contact with the Governor’s staff to urge her to sign it into law?

Yes. In the words of Thomas Sowell from that interview on uncommon knowledge about contacting someone from govt as an intern in the 1940s, "to this day, I patiently await their reply."

Also: do you/we know what is holding the Governor back from signing it?

I don't know. I've given up on trying to understand New York State at this point.

[–]dude-O-rama 29 points30 points  (14 children)

If I wanted to buy a phone, a tablet, and a laptop, which are the most repairable options?

[–]kwiens Scheduled AMA[S] 91 points92 points  (13 children)

  • Phone: Fairphone. They don't sell them directly in the US but they do work well here.
  • Laptop: Framework Modular ports, repair guides, repair parts, super repairable design, thin as a MacBook. Pretty dang sexy if you ask me.
  • Tablet: Not sure, but the new Surface Pro 9 has a replaceable battery which is pretty badass / novel.

Here's what we wrote about the new Surface Pro:

In an era flooded with devices that are hard to repair, Microsoft has made some of the worst offenders. Just a few years ago, iFixit teardown engineers awarded the Surface Pro 7 one of our lowest possible scores—a 1 out of 10—the battery was glued down, making it next to impossible to replace, and the RAM, CPU, and SSD were all soldered directly to the motherboard. To be frank, we had all but written Microsoft devices off for a while; the devices simply weren’t repairable.

But change is always possible. To wit; our teardown of the new Surface Pro 9 confirms that it’s something of an evolutionary leap forward for Microsoft. And when a manufacturer as large as Microsoft takes serious steps specifically to improve repairability, it’s worth highlighting.

[–]accidental-poet 6 points7 points  (0 children)

And people thought I was silly back in the day for buying a Blackberry Z-10. Plastic back that pops right off to replace the battery. Something like 9 screws to remove the mainboard. It took me around 15 minutes to replace a bad speaker and I had never torn it down before. Plus I had a dock with a spare battery charging bay so I always had a secondary battery at full charge.

Possibly the most repairable touchscreen smartphone ever.

[–][deleted]  (1 child)


    [–]RoninSoul 52 points53 points  (12 children)

    How come Mr. Clinton gets a shout-out but Oreo doesn't?

    That's cold blooded Louis.

    [–]larossmann 101 points102 points  (9 children)

    How come Mr. Clinton gets a shout-out but Oreo doesn't?

    Oreo doesn't clean his ass, Mr. Clinton does. If Oreo wants a shout out, he can stop pooping outside the litterbox, and learn how to clean his ass.

    [–]icarustapes 17 points18 points  (4 children)

    I've said it before on your channel and I'll say it again: one day Oreo will not only learn to clean his ass, he'll get a job, a good job, and he'll provide you with incredible value. AND YOU'LL REGRET EVERYTHING YOU EVER SAID ABOUT HIM!

    [–]larossmann 25 points26 points  (3 children)


    You sound like a proponent of the OECT(Oreo energy conservation theory)

    "What you witnessed was a lifetime of conserving energy, being suddenly released in one critical moment, just as he had intended. And you all though Oreo was just being lazy.."

    [–]jmaxuel 12 points13 points  (1 child)

    I'm more concerned about BlackBerry. 😸

    [–]RoninSoul 6 points7 points  (0 children)

    Finding the real ones in the comments lmao

    [–]NormalLight2683 11 points12 points  (3 children)

    Do you think the Right to Repair movement, and the broader movement on ownership more generally, has been stalling in terms of actually getting things done, and why?
    I see the message being spread further than ever before, but I haven't seen any tangible progress in actual legislative bodies, especially with the shit Hochul is pulling. Do you two have any insight into why?

    Also, do you have any non-obvious tips on leadership in your respective companies you could share?

    [–]larossmann 24 points25 points  (0 children)

    I see the message being spread further than ever before, but I haven't seen any tangible progress in actual legislative bodies, especially with the shit Hochul is pulling. Do you two have any insight into why?

    I don't know

    In 2015 this was a joke.

    In 2018 people knew what it was about.

    In 2022 they have a vote in the assembly of 147-2... I feel like we did our job... we got consumers/citizens to care, we got the politicians to vote in favor of it... I don't know what more we can do here.

    We've been mostly rubbing two sticks together. When it comes to consumer electronics right to repair, I think I've raised more than anyone in this space and even that didn't pass six figures.

    Also, do you have any non-obvious tips on leadership in your respective companies you could share?

    People are never going to care about your business or your customers more than they see you do. You set the example. Further, if you reward people with respect, autonomy, and money for doing what you want, they will eventually come to trust that doing things that benefit the business & move things forward will also benefit them, and they'll act in kind. The fact that I trust my staff, don't time their breaks, and pay better than every repair shop in the area for a given level of skill/experience, and the fact that we're the top rated in my local area isn't a coincidence to me.

    [–]kwiens Scheduled AMA[S] 21 points22 points  (1 child)

    Our first US state victory was in Colorado this year with an electric wheelchair right to repair bill that Gov Polis signed. It's a huge win for people with mobility challenges.

    Our second legislative victory was the New York bill—and that's just one signature away. This bill is much more broad—covers most electronics that cost more than $10. Gov Hochul just needs to sign it!

    In France, last year a law requiring repairability labels next to prices went into effect and has had a huge impact on consumer behaviour.

    On behalf of Samsung, OpinionWay investigated how the French repairability index has influenced consumer attitudes and behaviour since its introduction January 1, 2021.

    Key findings:

    • 83% say that they try to repair or have repaired their faulty devices instead of replacing them immediately.
    • 54% of those try to fix it themselves or with help from friends/family.
    • Only 29% leave the repair to a professional service.
    • 71% of French have heard about the index.
    • 80% of >50 y/o, but only 52% of 18-25 y/o have heard about it.
    • 86% say that the index impacts their purchasing behaviour.
    • 80% would even give up their favorite brand for a more repairable product.

    This is starting to influence product designs, as you can see with Microsoft's Surface Pro 9 with a replaceable battery and Apple's totally internally redesigned iPhone 14 that opens from both sides.

    Is it taking longer than we'd like? Yes. Are we kicking the pants off of these trillion-dollar companies in the sphere of public opinion? Also yes.

    We're (slowly) winning.

    On leadership: Create more value than you capture. The more you give away, the better off you are in the long run. I have our whole team over to my place for BBQs regularly and my wife and I make it a really fun experience. We go out of our way to invest in, and take care of, our team.

    [–]Export_Pilot 26 points27 points  (4 children)

    Is it ethical to unlock hardware you own? When you buy an item (Car, TV, Test Equipment, Etc.) You own it and everything it came with or in it. So if you modify the software/hardware to be able to use hardware that you own should it be ok.

    [–]larossmann 51 points52 points  (2 children)

    Is it ethical to unlock hardware you own?

    In my opinion, yes!

    [–]tofu_b3a5t 45 points46 points  (1 child)

    If you didn’t want me to unlock it, why did you take my money and allow me to take it home?

    [–]larossmann 25 points26 points  (0 children)

    A great way to put it!

    [–]kwiens Scheduled AMA[S] 8 points9 points  (0 children)

    Absolutely. How are we asking this question with a straight face? We've all been somehow brainwashed. Is it ethical to paint your car? Is it ethical to add a deck to your house?

    Of course it is.

    You bought it, you own it. Software shouldn't change that.

    The implementation, of course, is very nuanced—we have to maintain our ownership rights despite a thicket of copyright, patent, and trademark law. iFixit and our allies at EFF, Public Knowledge, Consumer Reports, and others are successfully pushing back hard on this. We have to out-expert and out-argue well-funded interests on the other side. The future of ownership is at stake!

    To learn more, check out my article The End of Ownership and the book it inspired by the same name by renowned IP legal scholars Aaron Perzanowski and Jason Schulz.

    [–]ledgit 23 points24 points  (6 children)

    One problem I see is that the art of repairing things has been lost. Most people have no clue how to do even basic maintenance on the stuff they own and - therefore - are more willing to believe manufacturers’ arguments that they basically shouldn’t be allowed to fix their own stuff. How do we change that (sad) reality and foster more of a sense of ownership and empowerment among the public so that repairing a burned out transistor is looked at more like a car owner changing her own oil or wiper blades or fixing a flat - things that car owners just assume they are free to do?

    [–]Ph33rdoge 5 points6 points  (1 child)

    Unfortunately, the right to repair fight is extended to basic vehicle maintenance. Cars are harder for consumers to maintain with every new release.

    [–]Hushyoufools 6 points7 points  (1 child)

    Most people don’t even know their email password

    [–]treacheroustoast 27 points28 points  (5 children)

    In your opinion, how should companies best strike a balance between creating sleek and aesthetically-pleasing products while also making them repairable? Do you believe these are exclusive categories?

    [–]larossmann 119 points120 points  (1 child)

    In your opinion, how should companies best strike a balance between creating sleek and aesthetically-pleasing products while also making them repairable? Do you believe these are exclusive categories?

    I'm not even asking them for that. There is a minor misconception that Right to Repair is about asking manufacturers to design everything like a 1960s-1980s product, to make it as easy as possible to repair. I went over that in this old video.

    If you want to adhese the LCD to the bezel rather than have a screen held in by screws, fine. I hate doing this repair, [Milan hates doing this repair[(https://youtu.be/HHbdmks-KFE) but.. we'll do it.

    The problem isn't even so much that everything is adhesed together(although we prefer this not be the case).

    The problem is that we can't get access to anything to begin with. I want to be able to buy an LP133WP1-TJAA without going through some crazy lord of war like supply chain not knowing what I am getting until I wire $70k to a group of random people who claim to be ex-LG panel brokers.

    [–]NsRhea 11 points12 points  (0 children)

    I want to be able to buy an LP133WP1-TJAA without going through some crazy lord of war like supply chain

    This is how Fast and Furious 11 will start

    [–]ScotchMalone 21 points22 points  (1 child)

    Focus on function over form would be important. Framework is making some pretty good looking laptops that are highly repairable. Also marketing seems to heavily distort people's perception of tech that's aesthetically pleasing

    [–]kwiens Scheduled AMA[S] 42 points43 points  (0 children)

    100%, Framework has managed to nail this.

    iFixit does a lot of consulting with designers and manufacturers, and we usually say there doesn't need to be a tradeoff between form factor and repairability. It just takes a little more work and creativity to find a solution that's fixable.

    We don't need every device to look like a Toughbook—we just need parts to be modular and accessible.

    [–]ScotchMalone 14 points15 points  (7 children)

    Absolutely love the work y'all have been doing in this space. I work in the commercial AV field and I hate how I'm limited to just being able to say "yep you're right that thing is broken" with no real ability to go deeper and diagnose the problem.

    I know Louis has made a strong case against specifically Apple's authorized repair program and how sketchy it is, but I can understand companies especially those that are enterprise facing wanting to maintain a standard of quality.

    So my question is what would you want to see as a fair system that allows for companies to ensure good quality repair technicians are doing the work while at the same time allowing for end users proper ownership of their stuff?

    [–]kwiens Scheduled AMA[S] 24 points25 points  (3 children)

    Make good products. Design them so they're straightforward to fix. Your in-warranty repair network will love you. So will third party techs.

    Allow competition with the aftermarket. What's best for your customers is to get things fixed. A profitable after-warranty repair network is a perfectly fine thing to run, but there's no need to absolutely maximize this revenue channel. If you try, you'll hurt the overall customer experience and alienate your best fans.

    [–]larossmann 15 points16 points  (2 children)

    but I can understand companies especially those that are enterprise facing wanting to maintain a standard of quality.

    I honestly don't even buy that. People have asked why I don't create some certification program to prove that we're good enough. Because, doing so, is accepting the premise of assholes.

    Look at the horrible quality of Apple's own BGA rework. Look at the pad they put on a chip rather than resoldering a connection properly.

    I could go on for days if I wasn't trying to reply to so many comments at once. This has nothing to do with maintaining a standard of quality. If it did, I wouldn't have teenagers with a week of experience doing higher quality work than Apple's own repair centers.

    I genuinely believe that is an excuse. The real reason is beyond that - and I'd love to learn what it is. I would respect them if they told me what it was. Maybe it's that creating a supply chain that allows us to buy parts is a pain in the ass. Maybe it's an afterthought.

    So my question is what would you want to see as a fair system that allows for companies to ensure good quality repair technicians are doing the work while at the same time allowing for end users proper ownership of their stuff?

    In terms of how a company can ensure good quality - have a system whereby we can demonstrate that we are good at what we do. If you become Apple authorized, you still can't get access to any of the parts, schematics, diagrams, or chipsets I need to do my job. There's no IPC certification, no college degree, no test that will allow us to prove that we are good enough at what we do to do our job.

    We have the best rating on Google maps nationally if you search the term "Macbook repair" and scroll through - we're a licensed business with over a decade of history and ZERO department of consumer affairs complaints. and still, there's no pathway for us to demonstrate our quality of work is good enough to get access to anything.

    [–]hammerquill 7 points8 points  (3 children)

    Love your work on this, Louis, and ifixit is a great addition to our world. I would love to see someone like ifixit (or maybe many groups, depending on topic/industry) give awards for high repairability in design. Do you think that would be something you all would like to do?

    For an art project I got some nonworking kindle devices via freecycle, and the first model of the Kindle was AMAZING to take apart. I wish everything was designed like that. It was an absolute pleasure to work on and an absolute shame it is not still around, supported, updated, and sold.

    [–]kwiens Scheduled AMA[S] 14 points15 points  (2 children)

    I think that's a great idea. iFixit has our repairability ratings, but it would make a lot of sense to give an annual award to the most repairable products, and the most innovative designs that advance repairability.

    What kind of trophy should go along with it?

    [–]hammerquill 11 points12 points  (1 child)

    The Golden Phillips Head.

    [–]R3b3lRyd3r 6 points7 points  (2 children)

    Hey Louis, huge fan. My question is, as a technician that feels stuck on microsoldering work, do you have any resources that you would recommend to take skills from jack, port, obviously damaged mossfets and capacitor repairs to the next level? I'm tired of fumbling in the dark tracing down power rails and hoping the common problems are the solutions :(

    [–]BurnedRavenBat 5 points6 points  (0 children)

    I know in the past you have come out and said access to source code is not a requirement for the R2R movement, and you acknowledge that companies have "good reasons" to keep this proprietary.

    I also realize you want to improve the chances of passing legislation by keeping the scope limited.

    But playing devil's advocate, why shouldn't software be subject to the same standards? Why shouldn't I have source code access to a product I bought? At the very least, why shouldn't I get source code access on products that are no longer supported? From a customer's perspective, what difference does it make if a product is broken because of a short circuit, or because of a software bug? I just want it fixed.

    [–]lethalmuff1n 5 points6 points  (2 children)

    Just read the article on anti repair lobbying and to be honest, it’s pretty depressing that the will of consumers continues to be ignored, and it harms us - it’s getting harder to afford new electronics and cars because they break easier or we can’t repair them where we want. What can we do differently to ensure our right to repair? https://open.substack.com/pub/fighttorepair/p/opinion-killing-right-to-repair-bills?r=9lio2&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

    [–]larossmann 10 points11 points  (1 child)

    It has to pass in the assembly and the senate.

    In the assembly, it passed 147-2.

    In the senate, it passed 59-4.

    That's a landslide. The message was sent clearly. I think this might even be enough to override a veto from the governor. She hasn't signed it yet, and hasn't given a reason.

    I don't know.

    [–]redfoot0 6 points7 points  (2 children)

    Fairphone seem to do a great job of making user repairable phones until they ditched the headphone jack to push their ewaste buds, seemingly going against their whole ethos.

    What do you think about that and also them as a company?

    [–]larossmann 4 points5 points  (1 child)

    Not happy with that, as I go over here.

    However, they did make a schematic available for the phone somewhere, which is better than most other manufacturers by a large margin.

    [–]Bobs_your_uncle1 9 points10 points  (4 children)

    Why do the UK government seem to be doing absolutely nothing about right to repair apart from large household appliances, I suppose they’ve now got a recession to be dealing with. What would you like to see introduced in the UK and more broadly the rest of the world to help give consumers the right to repair?

    [–]larossmann 20 points21 points  (1 child)

    Why do the UK government seem to be doing absolutely nothing about right to repair apart from large household appliances

    Same reason Kathy Hochul hasn't signed a bill that was voted 147-2 in favor of it for five months.

    What would you like to see introduced in the UK and more broadly the rest of the world to help give consumers the right to repair?

    I'd like them to sign the bill!

    [–]jmaxuel 5 points6 points  (1 child)

    Hey Louis,

    I have one of those Bafang wheelhub kits running off repacked Li-Ion cells (what the likes of Battery Hookup sell in old modem and laptop packs) into 10s6p packs (edited).

    I believe you have mentioned a bridge rectifier to put two packs in parallel before - is there an off-the-shelf part to point to that I can buy and fit with XT60 connectors? Or would I need to DIY one?

    [–]larossmann 5 points6 points  (0 children)

    I DIY'd one, but EM3EV makes battery parallel devices for their own batteries. I trust EM3EV a lot.

    [–]Brianwilsonsbeard1 4 points5 points  (2 children)

    Hey there! Love what you guys do, and love to see a SLO company on here.

    Way back when I was a CS student at Cal Poly we partnered with you guys for a technical writing class to do a repair guide. (We fixed our teammates Fender amp: https://www.ifixit.com/Device/Fender_Frontman_15r). It was a really great experience, and you guys provided us with some basic tools to get us up and running.

    My questions then are:

    1. Are there any similar programs that you guys run to get people off the ground repairing their own stuff (and potentially writing a guide as they do)? I could see it being a bit more difficult to get going without all the resources we were offered when we wrote our guide.
    2. Do you guys still partner with Cal Poly to teach students how to write guides? I had a ton of fun doing it, and I still always love getting the "Your guides helped X people this week" emails!

    [–]kwiens Scheduled AMA[S] 9 points10 points  (1 child)

    Awesome, thanks for your work on that set of guides! 45,000 views ain't too shabby. The program you were in is still going strong—we've had over 25,000 students from dozens of universities write guides.

    We donate lots of toolkits to schools, libraries, and repair cafes around the world. And every day, we hear from people who successfully fix gadgets for the first time with our guides.

    But for anyone who's intimidated to get started on their own, repair cafes are a great place to learn from real live humans. If you can't find a repair cafe near you, Fixit Clinic does online repair cafes.

    [–]samsal03 3 points4 points  (0 children)

    I also live in SLO! It's really cool that we have a company like iFixit in town.

    Have you guys restarted your local pickup service? I have a couple of missing bits in one of my pro tech toolkits.

    [–]Fuck_You_Downvote 4 points5 points  (2 children)

    Hello Louis, I work in commercial real estate and really appreciated your videos you did in New York pointing out vacant buildings. Do you plan on doing the same thing in Texas?

    Did you bring your e bike to Texas? I am wondering how the bike infrastructure is there.

    All the best.

    [–]larossmann 7 points8 points  (1 child)

    Hello Louis, I work in commercial real estate and really appreciated your videos you did in New York pointing out vacant buildings. Do you plan on doing the same thing in Texas?

    100% of the places I looked at when looking for a new store posted square footage that was less than what I measured when I used my laser measuring tool. They were honest, and conservative in their estimates.

    I've come to the conclusion that this is a cultural thing in NYC to lie/scam people out of space, the bravado of lying about the size of everything gets annoying. but it is a part of the culture there with real estate in a way that it just isn't elsewhere.

    [–]Fuck_You_Downvote 4 points5 points  (0 children)

    There is an association whose sole purpose is to have unified standards in building measurement for exactly this reason. If you show me a problem, I will show you a trade association of industry insiders that will form a cartel around that problem.


    [–]coogie 5 points6 points  (1 child)

    Do you think that Right to Repair should extend to all types of products beyond consumer electronics and Farming equipment?

    For example, in my world, I deal with a lot of homes that have proprietary Home Automation systems from companies like Vantage, Control 4, Crestron, and Lutron which require you to buy parts from certified dealers only and of course they only give their tools and software to dealers. Sure, some of these are just novelty and toys, but a lot of times when a person buys a house with these, they are required for basic functionality of the house like turning on the lights or using the thermostat and nobody else will work on them as they are proprietary.

    On top of that, they are also very strict with their existing dealers and if sales of new systems drops down below a certain amount (which can be arbitrary), they drop smaller existing dealers who don't sell enough and are more service oriented. so the end result is that if a consumer has a lighting system from say Vantage, and all of a sudden a dimming module is bad and their lights don't come on, they can't order the part themselves or call their own electrician (even if they were once certified to work on these systems) to order the part and instead have to call a certified dealer who can charge whatever they want due to so few of them still being around.

    [–]crackerjam 11 points12 points  (3 children)

    Cool, but I just read the bill and it specifically excludes motor vehicles and farming equipment. What the fuck?

    [–]larossmann 39 points40 points  (2 children)

    The idea is to reduce the amount of opposition by narrowing the bill. It's a strategy. It worked in Colorado for a wheelchair right to repair bill. It worked in 2012 for the automotive right to repair bill. We'll see if it works here.

    [–]kwiens Scheduled AMA[S] 21 points22 points  (1 child)

    Yup. Once we get this, we can work on passing a farm-focused bill. Maybe in Nebraska!

    [–]larossmann 16 points17 points  (0 children)

    I've tried a lot but Nebraska is a mess at this point, until legislature is cleaned out in Nebraska there is no hope. If you are interested in all of the history of that,





    [–]MargaretaSlayer 11 points12 points  (4 children)

    How do you feel about the Destiny/Jordan Peterson bamboozle?

    [–]larossmann 18 points19 points  (1 child)

    Destiny must pay for his crimes. If no one holds him accountable, I will - just have to focus on my primary purpose first. Once Hochul signs the bill, Destiny will be held accountable.

    [–]4RT1C 3 points4 points  (1 child)

    Do you think that RTR will ever go "mainstream" as in "most of the people will care if something is actually repairable"?

    Thank you for the AMA!

    [–]larossmann 4 points5 points  (0 children)

    When enough people get pissed off with being told a job that is done for $50-$350 by independents costs $2000 at the manufacturer.

    People do not care about abstract causes or moral movements. They care about what personally affects them. I think this has made so much progress, because with each passing year, more people are personally affected.

    [–]notkevinjohn 3 points4 points  (12 children)


    I am an embedded systems developer who also strongly supports right to repair. I feel like there is a delicate balance to strike between making systems reparable in the interests of supporting the bests interests of the consumer, and protecting the IP of the companies that develop those products. For instance, releasing the Eagle (design) files for hardware would make it far easier for customers to repair their systems, but would also make it easier for bad actors both domestically and abroad to make unlicensed copies. Releasing the firmware or even source for the firmware would make it easier for consumers to modify or repair their hardware, but it would also make it easier for bad actors to copy that as well.

    When considering this tradeoff dynamic, how do you try to find that balance between making sure the interests of consumers to repair their devices are protected without creating a situation where manufacturers risk serious harm to their business from bad actors, particularly in China where IP theft is rampant?

    [–]CSab6482 2 points3 points  (2 children)

    I've got an interesting question. I love R2R and have been following both you guys for a long time.

    A huge hurdle to get companies to comply with is providing schematics and boardviews, and I've seen plenty of lobbyists give the IP argument (I think I specifically remember a lobbyist on behalf of Sony saying something about game piracy, seemed pretty baseless).

    My question regards the actual risks to companies that come with releasing those documents. I currently intern at a small business that produces custom circuit boards, and my boss will happily provide schematics, but he said that if he were to release boardviews, then his IP would be out the window and his company will be in the ground because of clones/counterfeits. So where does the balance come? I was thinking something like a law requiring companies with $600M+ (random number, no significance, just big) in annual revenue to make boardviews accessible, that way the little guys who may need that IP protection have it, but the big players have to comply.

    What are your thoughts on how to get something like this passed?

    [–]00PublicAcct 3 points4 points  (1 child)

    Hey, Cal Poly student here. about what percent of writeups (and traffic, if you know that) come from the student tech writing program? I can only find "Since we launched the program, over 25,000 students have worked together to create more than 44,000 repair manuals on iFixit. ” on the tech writing program webpage. I figure the writeups that draw the most traffic are consoles, new flagship phones, etc. and these are usually given to ifixit staff writers instead of left for students. But also that 44,000 manuals is probably a significant fraction of the total. Have been wondering about this since ENGL 149. Thanks!

    [–]kwiens Scheduled AMA[S] 5 points6 points  (0 children)

    Hello! Great question. Over half of our guides, by percentage, are student-written—we have about 88k guides right now (including translations). But as you guessed, the guides that get the most traffic are for the most popular gadgets, so the ratio of traffic is quite a bit below that. We try to focus our in-house tech writers on the products with the most repair interest.

    [–]Soren11112 2 points3 points  (0 children)

    Do you feel that the concept of intellectual property in itself is anti-competitive? That it blocks competition in manufacturing and repair?

    [–]FlowControlValve 5 points6 points  (1 child)

    You ever consider creating a line of products that are designed for repairability? If the bill passes or not, it would be an underserved market.

    [–]larossmann 28 points29 points  (0 children)

    In terms of me doing it, I'm a glorified janitor that had to cheat on his chemistry regents to get out of high school. I do try to point out companies like framework that have the expertise to design such products, and cheer them on as they do their thing.

    [–]DavidL919 5 points6 points  (1 child)

    Will the bill sitting at Governors desk encompass all purchases made by consumers in NY? I currently can't get the technical.support documents for my hybrid car from BMW without a subscription.

    [–]kwiens Scheduled AMA[S] 12 points13 points  (0 children)

    The New York bill covers most products containing electronics, but has some notable carve outs. It does not include motor vehicles (these are already handled by a national Right to Repair agreement between the automakers and the aftermarket), home appliances, medical devices, public safety communications equipment like police radios, agricultural equipment, and off-road equipment.

    We expect to see future legislation address these sectors.

    For cars, the information is available, but continues to cost money. We have not seen a bill introduced that would make this free of charge, but I think that would be a good idea.

    [–]toastom69 2 points3 points  (2 children)

    Thoughts on the Framework laptop?

    [–]larossmann 2 points3 points  (0 children)

    it's cool

    [–]kwiens Scheduled AMA[S] 3 points4 points  (0 children)

    We've written a lot about Framework, I think it's just fantastic. https://www.ifixit.com/News/51614/framework-laptop-teardown-10-10-but-is-it-perfect https://www.ifixit.com/News/63257/framework-laptop-a-framework-for-a-repairable-future

    And then there’s Frameworks commitment to sustainability and open source development. While most manufacturers these days talk about all the ways they’re helping to reduce waste, it’s the niche market and smaller manufacturers that seem to be hitting the sustainability mark with repairable products.

    By purchasing devices like this we are rewarding responsible corporate behaviour and sending a clear message to the market: this is what we want to see more of. It’s safe to say we are pretty thrilled about this thing. Framework has gone above and beyond even what we hoped for in a repairable laptop, and managed to do it in a super-sleek, affordable package. The only tiny nitpick we have is that the four USB-C ports on the motherboard are soldered in place, and even that isn’t a huge deal since they’ll have the adapters plugged into them most of the time.

    [–]TruGabu 2 points3 points  (1 child)

    Louis do you think apple is getting worse or better with how they treat consumers bottom line vs their own? I know they are a soulless corporation at the end of the day but is there any improvement in their “attitude” with recent releases?

    [–]larossmann 2 points3 points  (0 children)

    I don't think much has changed.

    [–]TheMaxClyde 2 points3 points  (1 child)

    I've taken my water-damaged Asus rog phone 2 to no fewer than 15 places and they've given me different answers from "I can't fix it" to "I need more time" to "I'm missing parts but they're on the way" to "just buy a new one".

    ASUS support literally told me to send it "with a Chinese friend to China" to have it fixed there, which I don't think I'm gonna do.

    I love that phone. The latest repair guys I gave it to said that they could try asking me to buy a new motherboard from aliexpress hut they're not sure that would fix things or that the screen still works because of possible "corrosion and damage" due to time (2 years since it stopped working).

    Should I give up on it or can it actually be fixed?

    [–]larossmann 5 points6 points  (0 children)

    Water damaged phones are a mess. You can spend 8 hours on it and still have iffy baseband where it randomly disconnects, and at the end of it have a customer say "nvm $200 is too much, cancel it." Jessa Jones at iPad Rehab learned this lesson the hard way 7 years ago, I learned it the hard way 8 years ago. We focus on data recovery for phones now moreso than repair for liquid damaged phones due to this reason.

    [–]PeanutSalsa 2 points3 points  (1 child)

    Do you think USA will adapt the policy the EU has for making all USB charging cables universal or is this something in the works?

    [–]larossmann 1 point2 points  (0 children)

    I don't know. Me personally I don't care as much about that because it leads to this bullshit, I mainly focus on availability of parts & diagrams so we can do repairs. If it uses USB-C, USB-A, parallel, a cloaca, I don't care, as long as we can buy it!

    [–]rap709 2 points3 points  (1 child)

    Hey Louis any tips to get 20 clean rep pull ups like that one video you did that I cant find for some reason?