
A bored hacktivist browsing an unsecured airline server stumbled upon national security secrets including the FBI's 'no fly' list. She says what she found reveals a 'perverse outgrowth of the surveillance state.' by Sorin61 in technology

[–]GhostReddit 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Same reason no one will explore cutting ridiculous TSA practices in general. If a politician successfully sponsors and passes a bill that removes those wretched backscatter x-ray scanners, all it takes is one incident and their career is over.

This is 100% accurate and I hate that it is. We waste so much time and money and human hassle on things like this but there is no reward or incentive to try to overcome the bureaucratic inertia to try to fix them.

Texas college students say 'censorship of TikTok over guns' says a lot about how officials prioritize safety by 777fer in technology

[–]GhostReddit 0 points1 point  (0 children)

'Open carry' doesn't really exist as a suggestion that people should walk around strapped all the time, even most gun owners thing that's stupid - it's a way of acknowledging the very real scenarios where people may need to be walking around with a firearm and apply protection to it.

If you buy a gun at a store and carry it to your car, or remove said gun from your car and carry it to a range station to shoot, you're "open carrying", most people would agree this is a pretty reasonable thing.

ChatGPT: students could use AI to cheat, but it's a chance to rethink assessment altogether by calliope_kekule in technology

[–]GhostReddit 0 points1 point  (0 children)

The most important thing we can teach young people is the power of critical thinking.

Adults don't understand critical thinking these days. Look at the double standards many people apply in their own lives and the absolute mess tribal politics is today. The kids are doomed.

ChatGPT: students could use AI to cheat, but it's a chance to rethink assessment altogether by calliope_kekule in technology

[–]GhostReddit 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Certs, credentials and licenses are used far more often as a means of protectionism to incumbents than in the service of anything else.

Frankly I'd like to see us do away with a lot of them - if you can do the job you can do the job. Some are obviously more procedure oriented and risky than others but does massage therapy really require more training than teaching people how to fly an airplane? Licensing boards would say so

The EV9 specs leak?! by politicalravings in electricvehicles

[–]GhostReddit 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Anyone who tows now is buying a pickup, often a F250+ class vehicle these days, not an electric SUV.

I basically never see regular cars towing anything and SUVs maybe towing a small utility trailer on occasion.

Tech Layoffs Could Supercharge Smart Car Development: New vehicles are so software-centric that Detroit could become the biggest winner as Silicon Valley sheds jobs. by Recoil42 in cars

[–]GhostReddit 3 points4 points  (0 children)

You don't have to be Tesla where they ship things fast and loose nor do you have to be like Toyota where it took them 5 years to adopt Android Auto.

And yet - Toyota was still faster than Tesla with it.

Rented Model Y prior to buying, here is my experience by xt1nct in cars

[–]GhostReddit 0 points1 point  (0 children)

The car is a pos. Better quality in a Toyota Corolla.

I'm not so sure anymore, I've been in some newer toyotas and they feel pretty cheap, reliability doesn't mean quality.

Those 90s GM cars will run forever too but nobody would ever call them quality.

Convicted drug lord "El Chapo" sends "SOS" message to Mexico's president from U.S. prison by scot816 in worldnews

[–]GhostReddit -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

We're not stepping as low as them. We're not torturing him. You're making this argument based on a premise that is an opinion at best.

23 hours of solitary confinement a day is considered torture by any standard. The idea that "we're not doing anything bad" is just incorrect.

Not that he doesn't deserve it, but if we're going to keep someone in a hole like that for life I don't see how it's any kinder than execution.

Convicted drug lord "El Chapo" sends "SOS" message to Mexico's president from U.S. prison by scot816 in worldnews

[–]GhostReddit 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Apparently that view makes us horrible people to some of the "enlightened" ones in this thread.

I think this is what contributes to the collapse of societies, the notion that we're above some of the worst and base instincts of humans, so we can't respond to the worst actions of them because that's 'inhumane'.

What's inhumane is a rotating harem of underage sex slaves, killing people for intervening in the drug business, threatening the families of police, journalists, politicians. If you want human rights maybe try behaving like one.

Convicted drug lord "El Chapo" sends "SOS" message to Mexico's president from U.S. prison by scot816 in worldnews

[–]GhostReddit 2 points3 points  (0 children)

there are people in ADX who never committed any violent crime.

News flash: There are bad crimes that are non violent.

If you get a dozen US spies killed, or coordinate the takedown of a whole airliner, or any other number of stupid bullshit it's no less bad.

Convicted drug lord "El Chapo" sends "SOS" message to Mexico's president from U.S. prison by scot816 in worldnews

[–]GhostReddit 21 points22 points  (0 children)

Florence is an actual town and it's less than an hour from Pueblo, the ADX complex is not in the "middle of nowhere" there are roads and towns all over.

Convicted drug lord "El Chapo" sends "SOS" message to Mexico's president from U.S. prison by scot816 in worldnews

[–]GhostReddit 0 points1 point  (0 children)

El Chapo should just be executed.

It's frankly not worth the risk, we know we have the right guy, he's never getting out, why even bother with the possibilities of managing it all? It's an own goal.

Whistleblower: RTD train operators exposed to meth, fentanyl on daily basis by SpeedySparkRuby in Denver

[–]GhostReddit 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Exactly. People are unironically saying "well, sure, meth and fent smoke is being blown in your face, but is it really that bad?"

At least it's not cigarettes, that would be abhorrent /s.

Did they take out tank crushing in CoH3? by essenceofreddit in CompanyOfHeroes

[–]GhostReddit 7 points8 points  (0 children)

I'd be fine with them leaving it out tbh, trying to confuse the infantry pathfinding so you can crush them with a tank grinding a circle just feels cheeseball. They (especially lights) have a lot more MGs on them and seem to have better impact the way they were intended.

European Parliament votes to take action against loot boxes, gaming addiction, gold farming and more by Zhukov-74 in pcgaming

[–]GhostReddit 4 points5 points  (0 children)

If you want laws to stop children from gambling

Nah we just wanted this shitty lootbox shit out of games, I don't want all this government verification to determine I'm an adult that has to deal with that trash.

“All of those materials we put into a battery and into an EV don’t go anywhere. They don’t get degraded…—99% of those metals…can be reused again and again and again. Literally hundreds, perhaps thousands of times.” - JB Straubel by eggclipsed2 in cars

[–]GhostReddit 4 points5 points  (0 children)

It's hard to replace EV battery segments and keep them balanced. People have tried to do this with Teslas and failed.

Realistically the 'recycling' plan for these batteries is to discharge them and toss the whole thing into a big blender and sort out the metals. Most of the expensive stuff (copper, nickel, aluminum) isn't hard to sort. Lithium oxides maybe a bit harder (although it's not much of the weight) and a lot of the rest is just graphite.

It destroys friendships and also whole economies by DanyRahm in pcmasterrace

[–]GhostReddit 0 points1 point  (0 children)

They regulate Steam keys generated by people, which is entirely fine, because even if Steam makes no money off that sale now they have to provide the infrastructure to the person who bought it.

That would be fair if they stuck to that, but there's at least one public case where they don't, and given that the case was being brought as a class it's probably not the only one.

Jury mostly backs Virginia police sued by soldier over a traffic stop by rewindpaws in news

[–]GhostReddit 2 points3 points  (0 children)

80-85% of police shootings are in response to a 911 call, not traffic stops or random interactions.

Police behavior is abhorrent much more often than it should be, but the idea that people are getting randomly lit up all the time is massively overblown. If anything it draws focus away from more minor cases of abuses of power which impact many more people.

It destroys friendships and also whole economies by DanyRahm in pcmasterrace

[–]GhostReddit -5 points-4 points  (0 children)

If launchers are going to meaningfully compete they need to do so in ways other than "we're the only ones who have a game you want so your only option is to download our launcher."

They can't compete on price because Steam's developer agreement doesn't allow their listings to be priced higher than elsewhere to compensate for their cut.

So you get exclusivity agreements instead of customers being able to pick their store.

It destroys friendships and also whole economies by DanyRahm in pcmasterrace

[–]GhostReddit -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Launchers are still the problem. I don’t want to have 15 different accounts on 15 different systems that have no features simply because some executives wanted 5% more of a sale.

As long as your favored platform takes a 30% cut there's going to be incentive to throw together your own launcher to get some more money.

The markup from digital storefronts is insane, and the 'freeer' solution would be let publishers set separate prices relative to their costs on each platform, but the more expensive platforms (like Steam) ban that practice if you want to be listed there, so instead we get exclusivity agreements.

A message from an old friend by TradeTheZones in wallstreetbets

[–]GhostReddit 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Yeah but this is the worst AI will ever be again. It only gets better.

I think it's a godsend for people running for political office or something with dirty shit in their past, the AI will be so good and everyone will know it that you can just deny everything and it would probably be believable.

Tesla is seeing 'unprecedented demand,' stores hitting new records by flicter22 in electricvehicles

[–]GhostReddit 1 point2 points  (0 children)

When I'm driving a long haul like that I want to rest at my destination, I can't get relaxed until the job is done.

It's not a super reasonable demand from an EV, but it is desirable to some of us.

Positive aspects of Coh3 by TwitchyBuck in CompanyOfHeroes

[–]GhostReddit 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I think overall design is much improved over COH2.

Factions feel relatively unique in how teching/upgrade works but not in needlessly frustrating ways like the US base on COH2. The commander trees are better and I also like seeing the new focus on mid war vehicles and less "super" units (a Stuart or PZ3 was still dangerous, and now it kinda feels like it).

Lategame vehicles still seem to be an integrated unit in an army as opposed to a replacement for infantry like COH1 felt sometimes. Some of the new infantry abilities are neat like the breach. Flamer does feel quite overtuned right now though it almost makes it better to just run tons of engineers in your army with the range and damage it does.