
The way we treat moths vs how we treat butterflies is the prime example of pretty privileges by EvenSK in Showerthoughts

[–]MaxTHC 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Fair, but most of the moths I run into on a daily basis do lay their wings flat when they hang out on the wall

El Catalán se parece al Valenciano? Encuentro más cursos de Catalán que de Valenciano 😿 by condorcanquii in askspain

[–]MaxTHC 1 point2 points  (0 children)

No sé si está bien dicho en español. En inglés, "state" puede tener dos significados. Puede referirse a una parte de un país, como una provincia, e.g. "The US has 50 states". Pero también puede referirse a un país mismo, e.g. "the EU has 27 member states".

Así que me refería a la segunda definición, porque Cataluña durante un tiempo era un condado independiente, lo que se llamaría un "sovereign state" en inglés. Pero igual lo he dicho mal.

The way we treat moths vs how we treat butterflies is the prime example of pretty privileges by EvenSK in Showerthoughts

[–]MaxTHC 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Butterflies will land on you and chill there, maybe doing a few coquettish slow-flaps of their wings

Moths will frantically dive bomb your face, like a crackhead who you owe money

The way we treat moths vs how we treat butterflies is the prime example of pretty privileges by EvenSK in Showerthoughts

[–]MaxTHC 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Butterflies, when they land, usually put their wings above themselves.

Holy shit, I never noticed this but now that you mention it, it's totally true. Moths land and keep their wings flat on a surface, butterflies land and fold their wings together.

[OC] Number of police killings in developed countries by flyingcatwithhorns in dataisbeautiful

[–]MaxTHC 16 points17 points  (0 children)

...or lots of people not recognizing ugly data presentation.

First time on this sub?

Garrus and Liara in the Tombs of Tuchunka by QBRisNotPasserRating in masseffect

[–]MaxTHC 11 points12 points  (0 children)

Also, Javik might be able to bring some lost knowledge of their "early days" as well.

Javik: "In my age, your kind feasted on lizards"

Wrex: gestures at a nearby Salarian "Heh, doesn't look like much has changed"

Where in the World do people use Metric and Imperial by Make_the_music_stop in coolguides

[–]MaxTHC 11 points12 points  (0 children)

More importantly, a US pint is not the same as an imperial pint!

Americans are being short-changed, your beer should be 20% bigger!

Israel army clears itself in death of 7-year-old Palestinian by Naurgul in anime_titties

[–]MaxTHC 5 points6 points  (0 children)

I generally agree with you about prescriptivism being an issue — just look at any of the hundreds of "why can't black people just speak correctly" threads on reddit.

But man, this innocuous bot comment is a weird hill to die on. Spelling in English is all sorts of funky, some people appreciate learning about these sorts of differences. Hell, comment OP replied with "Good bot", so it doesn't seem like any harm was done here.

Also, the bot's reply to your comment had me rolling

Kamala Harris talked marijuana decriminalization with Seth Meyers in her first late-night TV interview since becoming VP: 'nobody should have to go to jail for smoking weed' by Defiant_Race_7544 in entertainment

[–]MaxTHC 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Kamala Harris was not a judge, she was a prosecutor. These are very different jobs. I'm not a legal scholar so I might get bits wrong, but here's my understanding of it:

Prosecutors, in essence, take people/businesses to court on behalf of the state. So when you see a legal case like State of New York v. Trump, the "State of New York" part of that means that a state prosecutor from NY (such as the Attorney General) has sued Donald Trump. In this trial, the prosecution is New York and its lawyers (prosecutors) and the defense is Donald Trump and his lawyers.

Now imagine I'm in my yard and I see someone stealing apples from my tree. That's definitely a crime, so I can sue them. And if I did so, I'd absolutely expect the judge to find them guilty. However, I can also simply decide not to sue them. Maybe I decide it's not worth the time or money to do so, maybe I take pity on this person who probably can't afford food, maybe I just don't care about the apples. Whatever the reason, the point is that it's up to my discretion whether or not I sue them, even if it was definitely a crime.

In much the same way, it's up to the discretion of a state's prosecutors which crimes are worth taking to court. That's literally part of their job. That's also why, unlike for a judge, Attorney General is an elected office, and you get candidates saying things like "I'll be tough on crime" or "I won't prosecute non-violent offenses".

It's a political office, not a judicial one. People's lives are ruined because AGs like Harris decide to prosecute them. Judges have nothing to do with it.

Kamala Harris talked marijuana decriminalization with Seth Meyers in her first late-night TV interview since becoming VP: 'nobody should have to go to jail for smoking weed' by Defiant_Race_7544 in entertainment

[–]MaxTHC 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Agreed. That's why I was replying to the other user who was essentially giving her the excuse of "she was just doing her job" / "that's just the law".

Prosecutors can choose which crimes to prioritize and which crimes (e.g. smoking weed) not to prosecute, exactly as you say.

Kamala Harris talked marijuana decriminalization with Seth Meyers in her first late-night TV interview since becoming VP: 'nobody should have to go to jail for smoking weed' by Defiant_Race_7544 in entertainment

[–]MaxTHC 18 points19 points  (0 children)

Prosecutors aren't robots with inputs and outputs. They're people, and they have a LOT of discretion in how they do their job.

Edit: So many big-brain responses here from people who don't even know what a prosecutor/AG is. A prosecutor is NOT the same as a judge, people. Maybe try to get the most basic of facts straight before lecturing me about the topic?

El Catalán se parece al Valenciano? Encuentro más cursos de Catalán que de Valenciano 😿 by condorcanquii in askspain

[–]MaxTHC 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Estaba comentando más sobre los ejemplos de "el serbio y el croata, el moldavo y el rumano" (y también otros como noruego y sueco).

El refrán se refiere a que estos ejemplos, que realmente son dialectos del mismo idioma (igual que el catalan y el valenciano), se consideran idiomas distintos por razones políticas.

Mientras tanto, el catalán y el valenciano se consideran sólo dialectos por casi todo el mundo, porque Cataluña y Valencia no son países distintos (i.e. sin sus propios ejércitos).

El famoso ejército catalán y su armada

Hoy en día no, pero antiguamente sí que era un estado distinto con su propio ejército. Entonces sí que hay un poco de razon ahí.

De todos modos, hay otros ejemplos donde el refrán no cuadra con la realidad. En EEUU no hablo americano, hablo inglés. Es sólo un dicho, no una ley de física :)

This is where shit gets real by xxxanaisxxx in mathmemes

[–]MaxTHC 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Similarly, when I need to use the number 2 but can't remember all of it, I use the handy approximation:

ee / ii ππ