
To the Best Bard who played with me today by starcraftgood in lostarkgame

[–]Eyebrow78 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Frankly, most PUGs I get are not competent enough for me to be using the damage buff much because they're always taking tons of damage.

True, I was more talking about the whole, spamming heals when the party is almost full health rather than waiting for 3 bubbles for dps buff etc

To the Best Bard who played with me today by starcraftgood in lostarkgame

[–]Eyebrow78 -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Casting heals when the entire team is full hp instead of giving me attack buffs.

This is the biggest problem with some bards. A good bard (in a competent group) should never be MVP.

unless smilegate change the MVP weighting to include damage boosts

FIFA launches FIFA+ to bring free football entertainment to fans everywhere by DingMag in soccer

[–]Eyebrow78 27 points28 points  (0 children)

few years down the line there will be FIFA+ pro, for a sub, and slowly all the good/new stuff will be moved to the premium service.

I might be jaded.......

I've never had so little problems with a game before. by kukkelii in lostarkgame

[–]Eyebrow78 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I might be wrong but I'm sure I read somewhere that due to the games design, stuff can't be moved/merged between 'regions'.

probably remembering wrong.

I've never had so little problems with a game before. by kukkelii in lostarkgame

[–]Eyebrow78 1 point2 points  (0 children)

also I'm pretty sure they can't merge EU west servers with central as they are 'different regions'.

Playing 10 to 14 hours a day is not F2P casual by oamer in lostarkgame

[–]Eyebrow78 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I play after work, so maybe 4 to 6hours a night.

taking a few days off here and there and doing stuff at the weekend so still probably no more than 4 to 6 hours.

I have 3 characters in T3 1325 x2 and 1 1370.

I feel this is probably still on the extreme side of 'casual' tbf

(plat founders pack, other than that no money spent).

An even easier way to figure out party positions by HKsekai in lostarkgame

[–]Eyebrow78 23 points24 points  (0 children)

the 'greggs order' crowd seething at this post lol

To the Best Bard who played with me today by starcraftgood in lostarkgame

[–]Eyebrow78 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I once spacebar shielded someone who got hit with the tail lazer on T3 scorp and saved them getting killed with the 2nd hit.

They responded with the shocked emoji.....felt good the rest of the night.

Thanks whoever that was (random Sorc EUC).

Should I be saving these for harder content? by pitch_noir in lostarkgame

[–]Eyebrow78 0 points1 point  (0 children)

you can use them to find Wei cards....

This is the Wei

[Spiegel Sports] Internal documents show that Manchester City has received funding from a government agency in Abu Dhabi. by Cien-Major in soccer

[–]Eyebrow78 -7 points-6 points  (0 children)

No no, we know....it's just funnier when it's America.



your freedoms may vary, all terms and conditions apply

Guardian raids are a chore, most unfun content by OvidiuHiei in lostarkgame

[–]Eyebrow78 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Quit, go play something else.

come back when Vern or Valtan are out.

Burnout is real, you don't want to start hating the game because of FOMO

April & May Roadmap by teendeath in lostarkgame

[–]Eyebrow78 0 points1 point  (0 children)

True, can you imagine the uproar if they released Arcana only for it to get a re-work in a few months, those that liked it how it was would be fuming.

Same for Summoner (I would be one of them lol I played summoner in RU).

How do you guys make Gold as F2P ? by tomaz1989 in lostarkgame

[–]Eyebrow78 0 points1 point  (0 children)

you also have a lot more gold outgoing, honing starts to cost gold. Buying accessory's/stones can get expensive.

How much of your gold are you guys converting to BC while prices are low? by pudding7100 in lostarkgame

[–]Eyebrow78 0 points1 point  (0 children)

once the big boi raids release gold 'should' decrease in value because there will be more sources for raw gold, so blue crystal value will rocket.

It's 2k + in Korea

which class is your least favourite now having played them? by tiptoptonic in lostarkgame

[–]Eyebrow78 7 points8 points  (0 children)

I thought the same and switched to reflux, felt much better.

Is this acceptable, normal behavior? by Trashwizardtrence in lostarkgame

[–]Eyebrow78 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Same, I'd just got an alt to a decent setup in T1 and wanted to test them out in the 1st abyssal, queued up into x2 T3 1300+ people....blasted thought it, barely got a chance to even hit the bosses before they died....was sad.

Getting tired of streamers throwing their money down the drain for content then talking about how unfair the game is. by [deleted] in lostarkgame

[–]Eyebrow78 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Asmon is an idiot clown playing for an audience.

Zack however seems like a sensible nice fella lol