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[–]MisterB78 1790 points1791 points  (170 children)

“Warhammer is progressing very well," he said. "Big things are happening, and we are very excited."

That’s it; that’s the extent of the content. Definitely worth writing an entire article about and posting about the article on Reddit. /s

[–]LimerickJim 268 points269 points  (129 children)

It's a terrible article. It says 40k is an RPG and that Rungs Rings of Power "paid off handsomely". Then it lists two random cartoon adaptions about space marines.

There just isn't a lot of info about the project yet and if you're not a fan of the franchise already anyone writing an article is going to sound silly trying to condense what is a massive amount of lore into 500 words.

[–]MisterB78 132 points133 points  (119 children)

In the 41st Millennium, warring factions from ancient civilisations and upstart empires fight endless battles across innumerable worlds. Humanity stands alone, beset on all sides by the heretic, the mutant, and the alien. There is no mercy. There is no respite. Prepare yourself for battle.

Straight from the 40k website…

[–]willtron3000 48 points49 points  (115 children)

Which greatly undersells what 40k is

[–]BigHobbit 117 points118 points  (97 children)

Which is part of the cliff wall of a problem facing 40k in mainstream media.

Fans of 40k have years of knowledge stored up and just ready to vomit on any unsuspecting victim. And even if you've been a fan for years and read 100+ books, there's still so much more to learn and read.

I have no idea where the show is gonna go, but the one thing I can promise you is that it will piss off plenty of people because it won't even scratch the surface of whatever it focuses on, and there won't be a hint or nod to 99% of everything else. Not because Cavill isn't a genuine fan trying hard to put out a great product, but because it's a giant fucking universe that covers thousands of years.

[–]aspindler 50 points51 points  (53 children)

If they are going for the casuals, Eisenhorn is the best choice, imo.

The books seem to be aimed to people who don't know 40k and do explain things clearly and don't overwhelm with facts and lore.

[–]BigHobbit 39 points40 points  (29 children)

Movie/TV rights to Eisenhorn were already owned by Amazon before Cavill came on board, and I agree it would be the best approach/series to do first. But Cavill is a huge custodes fan and I can see the push for a more astartes focus series.

I've read/listened to about 200 books, never played the game. There's a ton a series that would translate to movies and TV, but if this one fails it'll be a decade + before we see another attempt.

[–]Throbbing_Furry_Knot 23 points24 points  (2 children)

Supposedly the first thing we will be getting is an animation this year made by Blur studios and featuring ultramarines and with Idris Elba attached.

That being amazing may cushion the blow of an Eisenhorn tv show not being perfect, but I think amazon will push ahead with an Astartes show no matter how Eisenhorn is received tbh.

[–]LimerickJim 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I wonder what time setting they intend to start. Elba would be a great Decimus Felix but I think he'd also voice a great Calgar.

[–]bonsai1214 1 point2 points  (0 children)

i've wished for more than decade for a movie or tv show made by Blur. i can't believe we're finally getting one.

[–]LimerickJim 15 points16 points  (11 children)

He's talked about how if he plays Eisenhorn it means he can't play another character and specifically mentioned Valdor. He also wouldn't be my ideal choice for Eisenhorn. Not that I think he'd be bad at it but I think a lot of actors could play Eisenhorn where Cavill would be ideal for playing plenty of the important trans-human characters that would be harder to fill.

[–]BigHobbit 15 points16 points  (7 children)

Cavill would make an incredible Ciaphas Cain. Cannot think of a better actor really. But I agree with you on Eisenhorn, could be better people for that role.

[–]LimerickJim 6 points7 points  (3 children)

I don't necessarily think that anyone else would be "better" just that there are tons of amazing middle aged average looking actors that would be just as good in the role. I could live with Henry playing Eisenhorn to get the cinematic universe off to a successful start. I'd just be annoyed when I see someone less physically imposing cast as Ragnar or Alpharius if the 40kCU finds it's footing.

I'm not sure if Cavill is funny enough to play Cain. Someone like David O'Dowd, Paul Rudd or Jason Sudekis would be amazing and have someone like Bill Hader or Andy Samberg playing Jurgen.

[–]VinylRIchTea 3 points4 points  (1 child)

Michael Fassbender would be a good Eisenhorn I think.

[–]MicrowavedPuppies 6 points7 points  (4 children)

I would love to see Cavill play Valdor throughout the entire unification wars but that will never happen.

[–]LimerickJim 12 points13 points  (3 children)

That's like a phase 5 40kCU and yeah he'll have been role locked well before then.

[–]MicrowavedPuppies 4 points5 points  (2 children)

Oh yeah. Would need a massive budget and years of shows/movies explaining the lore to newcomers.

[–]Sethicles2 3 points4 points  (0 children)

I think they could do well with a Ciaphas Cain adaptation, too. They'd get to show encounters with a wider variety of xenos species on different worlds, and the protagonist is charming and funny.

[–]ComfortableCry5807 2 points3 points  (2 children)

I don’t even care if there’s glaring holes in anything they do, that’s sorta baked into the universe with that many writers. I just want something a little closer to the universe than the wheel of time shitshow

[–]BigHobbit 3 points4 points  (1 child)

Wheel of time, rings of power, Halo ...take your pick.

Having Cavill involved gives me hope

[–]Filthy_Dub 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Let's just hope we don't get a space marine sex scene ala "Master Cheeks."

[–]cerberus00 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Cavill is such a nerd hero, it's great.

[–]Lurking_Still 2 points3 points  (2 children)

What ever came of the Astartes guy who was doing the fan vids who got hired by the company?

I hope he's in on some of this shit he's amazing.

[–]BigHobbit 4 points5 points  (1 child)

I assume GW brought him in to the home office, shot him in the back of the head, and dumped his body into a dumpster.

GW tends to hate good ideas and people who show them up at what they should be doing with their IP

[–]Heffe3737 23 points24 points  (7 children)

In any case, they need to focus on human protagonists in an uncaring galaxy. Space Marines would be a huge mistake, as no audience is going to sympathize or be able to relate to a bunch of stoic killing machines.

I’d love Ravenor, but I can’t ever imagine a series where the main character is a floating black coffin, as entertaining as that might be.

[–]LimerickJim 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Astartes make great characters for storytelling but I think it makes sense to start for a human perspective to fully appreciate their scale.

[–]crosis52 3 points4 points  (2 children)

Not to mention power armor was all over the first looks at the Fallout series. If people don't know either property super well it'd be easy to blur them in people's minds if 40k also went all in on power armor right out of the gate.

[–]Heffe3737 5 points6 points  (1 child)

Totally. If Cavill is smart, throw in a single space marine toward the end of season 1, and make them as fucking terrifying to normal humans as possible, regardless if they’re a chaos marine or a loyalist.

[–]fed45 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Or include a marine from one of the more relatable chapters like a Salamander and juxtapose them with one from, like, the Flesh Tearers or something.

[–]sinus86 10 points11 points  (3 children)

Or, just go to 40ks roots and use Cain to lampoon modern sci-fi tropes.

Any thing that trys to tell the "Story" of 40k is gokng to fail because the story is intentionally juvenile and stupid.

[–]JohnTDouche 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Nah those days are gone. It's overly serious in an unselfaware fashion now and that's what the fans are invested in. Thankfully the tv/movie industry doesn't give the slightest shite about fans.

[–]badger81987 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Cavill is a dead-ringer for young Eisenhorn also. It lets them explore all the facets of Imperial life without being as completely oppressive as a total-war theatre would be. Investigatives are really solid backbones for a narrative and Quixos and Cherubael are perfect TV antagonists as well.

[–]Panvictor 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Eisenhorn is getting a live action adaptation according to GW.

No idea if its still happening or if its the Cavil thing or if its been replaced by Cavils or if its something else

[–]DirectlyDisturbed 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Using an Inquisitor for a protagonist would open a lot of room for exposition, but honestly I'm kind of hoping for just a simple pdf or imperial guard story

[–]AlphaTangoFoxtrt 9 points10 points  (6 children)

Have you ever heard of the Daemonculaba?

Would you like to?

[–]BigHobbit 5 points6 points  (4 children)

Easy there friend, there's gentle souls in this thread that need not be exposed to such things.

[–]AlphaTangoFoxtrt 7 points8 points  (3 children)

Yeah, let's start them off with something tamer, like The Screaming Gallery

[–]BigHobbit 9 points10 points  (1 child)

Who was the guy that took that brother and sister psyker and cut off their arms, eyes, and tongues and kept them collared and on chains near each other and walk around with em? Just so they knew the other was suffering but couldn't comfort or communicate with one another?

Idk...been several years since reading it, need to track that nightmare back down.

That seems like a nice wholesome starting point.

[–]AlphaTangoFoxtrt 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Oh thanks for that, I'd forgotten that one lol. I was debating going with The Shriek as well.


[–]VRichardsen 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Fans of 40k have years of knowledge stored up and just ready to vomit on any unsuspecting victim.

As Victor Saltzpyre said, "It is not a hobby, it is a religion."

[–]DickDastardly404 7 points8 points  (4 children)

Depends on what they do.

Warhammer works best as a setting, and I would be happy to see an original tale with original characters play out without getting stuck into lore. Introduce newcomers to the world through a rogue trader or inquisitor; someone with the freedom to see the universe, and allow your writing team to focus on the tale they're telling, not shoe-horning lore nuggets.

They might choose to go via an existing popular book like Eisenhorn, which is a good example of the human scale of 40k. Its amitious, but absolutely filmable, and doesn't get too crunchy with deep lore. At the same time, its not a great reflection of what most of 40k actually is, because it focuses on clandestine stuff, not war. Not for nothing, IDK who Cavil would even play in that story.

The absolute worst decision would be traversing the tall grass of the Horus Heresy. Aside from needing to cast 20 separate totally jacked dudes, and some way to film 12ft giants in cartoonish armour designed for miniatures, you're getting into some of the crunchiest, most bogged-down shit in any franchise ever. Only 50% of the book content is relevant to its own plot, and only about 5% of it is interesting to any one person, so what you described would absolutely happen if they tried to broach that bloated mess.

[–]K3wp 18 points19 points  (8 children)

I have no idea where the show is gonna go, but the one thing I can promise you is that it will piss off plenty of people because it won't even scratch the surface of whatever it focuses on

I've been into 40k since the 1980's.

I know the fandom of which you speak intimately and the reality is that there is nothing that can be done to satisfy them so they best be ignored. I'll also note that this fandom has factions and constantly engages in intercene warfare as-is; so it's not like this is a new thing. Even if the producers went all-out and made an extremely tight narrative on a specific character/theme that was 100% accurate down to the most minute detail; the hardcore fans would still be upset that it didn't include "their" specific favorites. Oh, and the game universe itself has changed over the decades so there is that as well.

"Casual" 40k fans like myself (that enjoy the vidya for example), are a cheap date and as long as they stick to the basic lore/fundamentals we will be happy.

[–]BigHobbit 3 points4 points  (3 children)

Couldn't agree more.

Always glad to find another long time level headed WH fan.

[–]K3wp 5 points6 points  (2 children)

I'm a perfect example of how "broken" the franchise and its fandom is.

I was in highschool in 1988 when "Adeptus Titanicus" was released. I played a few matches at a local convention, loved it and bought a set and some addons. Also made my own custom "hex" scenery out of scrap styrofoam with a hot wire cutter (and invented my own custom "weathering" process using solvent to erode the outer a bit before painting it).

Fast-forward a year, I bring my gear to another convention and everyone suddenly hates the Titanicus franchise for some reason. And ultimately GW ended up dropping it anyway.

[–]goddamnitwhalen 3 points4 points  (1 child)

Hey man! Idk if you know or not, but Titanicus is back, actually!

[–]K3wp 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Yeah I just googled it and it seems more popular than ever (figures).

But this is kinda my point, trying to appease the 40K "Grognards" is a guaranteed losing battle given the age of the franchise, how much its changed over the years and all the little silos that have popped up in various parts of the world. I mean, I even had my own "custom" Titanicus rules to address shortcomings in the original game.

[–]PM_ME_UR_POKIES_GIRL 7 points8 points  (3 children)

As long as the Empire aren't the good guys and the SPACE MARINES are honkin' huge bros who get action sequences where they just stomp everyone, I'm good.

[–]K3wp 9 points10 points  (1 child)

As long as the Empire aren't the good guys

... there aren't any good guys!

[–]slabby 11 points12 points  (0 children)

Tyranids are the good guys

[–]NutDraw 3 points4 points  (9 children)

Tens of thousands of years if you wanna be pedantic about it, but yeah.

[–]BigHobbit 8 points9 points  (7 children)

Trust me, I know. And I really hope the rumors about new book series set in the dark age of technology and age of stife are true.

Give me Warhammer 10k & 20k to go along with the HH 30k & 40k... I'd love to read em all

[–]AgentBaconFace 3 points4 points  (1 child)

Can confirm, As a non player that understands that there is stupid amount of Lore, I can already vertually smell the amount of hurt butts its going to generate.

I kind of think it would be wise if they did a premtive press anouncement to state the kind of scope they are going for;

"Dont expect every Iota of history and every obscure article of lore to be accurate for the TV show. We aint doing a halo, we all love the games and the books and the ect... but we got an hour of time per episode to convey a story, not multiple hundreds of pages of scrypt to translate from book to show."

Personally I think it'd be wise to pull a reverse Startreck, Everything that ends up on screne is not cannon... Untill someone from GW specifically says so or something.

[–]BigHobbit 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Personally, I think Gaunts Ghosts, done like band of brothers, would be the best and easiest to digest storyline for people that have no exposure to WH.

I also think Cavill would make the best Ciaphis Cain that could ever exist, but it's beyond wishful thinking to get that as a series off the bat.

[–]PukefrothTheUnholy 5 points6 points  (1 child)

I think if you're a newbie going into it, that's really the best intro. The shows created don't have to go into intricate deep lore to be effective - it's the ambiance, the fear mongering, the religious overtures based in the mythical; those are what will define if it's 40k or not. The human race is cornered, the world is bleak, your enemies are dangerous and abhuman. Adding to much more from the get-go adds too much fluff a person doesn't need to understand the world from, say, a guardsman's perspective.

Most of the 30K aspects are distant myth and legend for the average imperial man, and if they treat them as such from the beginning it will embody what life in the 41st millennium is like.

[–]Eshin242 3 points4 points  (0 children)

I'd say the "Gaunt's Ghosts" series would be where to start. It's guard, it's a recruitment, the planet gets blown up... Bigger war... chaos... planets etc...

There are even other races to trickle in to tease the bigger universe.

[–]badger81987 3 points4 points  (0 children)

I played 40k for like 20 years; that absolutely sums it up lol; the entire universe is just an excuse for a bunch of dickwad societies to kill eachother.

[–]GummyBearGorilla 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Hey do you know how confusing all of the fantasy universes are for Chat GPT? It’s hard to keep up with!

[–]MulciberTenebrasThe Legend of Korra 13 points14 points  (4 children)

Rungs of Power?

[–]CheetahOfDeath 33 points34 points  (2 children)

Chaos is a ladder

[–]Jerthy 6 points7 points  (1 child)

Angels of Death is actually pretty good. And i love the sin-city-like graphics style.

Another one is Pariah Nexus but it's rather short. They are kind of first proofs of concept that WH40k on TV will work pretty well.

Neither is watchable unless you know the lore basics tho. That's why i hope the first project is Eisenhorn..... that one will be probably easiest way to learn about the universe along the way....

[–]LimerickJim 2 points3 points  (0 children)

This isn't r/40kLore so I don't want to get too into my issues with Angels of Death. As a "proof of concept" I think it worked. I liked the sin-city style color choices but didn't like the comical pauldron scale when compared to say *Astartes*. I felt GW oversold on what Warhammer TV would be and how much content we would get.

But I do think that the catalog they have built up since launch, especially with things like Hammer and Bolter, would be great things to drop onto Prime Video alongside the initial offering from Cavaill's project.

[–]bailey25u 28 points29 points  (8 children)

I hate these kinda of articles, these and ones that say something to the effect of "kate beckinsale would love to do another underworld movie" It means almost nothing

[–]Varekai79 8 points9 points  (2 children)

Stay away from collider.com. Every single one of their articles is like this. Pure clickbait site.

[–]bailey25u 3 points4 points  (1 child)

Adding to my block list my friend

[–]Yojo0o 14 points15 points  (0 children)

"Chris Hemsworth is willing to return as Thor, but only if the script is good!"

At least this project is actually underway, but yeah, still a nothingburger of an article.

[–]Canvaverbalist 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Eventually we'll have to collectively learn to rethink what we think "articles" are supposed to be when they are so easy to both write and publish. Afterall, it's just "internet content" like a Tweet or a Reddit post would be.

"Henry Cavill said W40k is going well" wouldn't be worth printing a paper about, that's for sure, but this isn't that. It's just someone taking like 10 minutes of their time to go "hey you might not have seen that because it was in an interview about a whole other movie, but Cavill just confirmed that the production of W40k is still going well" for people who might be interested in knowing how things are going.

And no matter what we think, that person was right to think people would be interested in seeing that being brought up to their attention, this post has 2k+ upvotes. In the end, it's more "the fault" of Reddit for upvoting and bringing so much attention to something that isn't worth it, as usual, but even then if that's what the majority are interested in and that's what bring discussion... what are we supposed to do about that?

It's weird that majority of comments are like "ugh this is nothing, not worth our time" as if it should be, stop commenting on it saying it's nothing and it won't be brought up by the algorithm and won't be pushed, and if it is then that's because people wanted it and that it was in fact worth it, like it's not that complicated lol it's like going in a thread about how to effectively boil pasta and going "ugh this isn't a cure for cancer, why waste my time" like my man, nobody said it was supposed to be world changing.

Stop clicking on everything expecting some life altering information like the content junkies that you are and everything is gonna be fine.

[–]mvallas1073 143 points144 points  (4 children)

I’ve never read a headline that reads “Major Actor in leading role says project ‘has ok plans, nothing big - just ok’”

[–]henry_tennenbaum 14 points15 points  (0 children)

"Not likely to happen though. Even if it does, probably gonna be terrible from a creative standpoint"

[–]The_Lone_Apple 213 points214 points  (153 children)

All I care about is that if it happens it isn't watered down in any way. I want it to be as hard and harsh as it can be.

[–]2SLGBTQIAMAPplus 148 points149 points  (19 children)

I want to feel the misery of the 41st millennium

[–]insomniacpyro 27 points28 points  (9 children)

I loved the Guant's Ghosts novels because they were always at odds with just everything the 41st millennium had to offer. From the psychological and physical effects of just seeing chaos symbols and writings, to planets with giant hostile plant life, and that's not including the enemy soldiers themselves! Compare that to Space Marines, who literally "shall know no fear".

[–]brian_mcgee17 7 points8 points  (8 children)

I've loved the Gaunts Ghosts stuff I've read so far, and I honestly believe that the space marines are just about the least interesting part of the setting, but they're the only thing most people and 40k media seem to care about.

I'd happily read a book about the day to day life of a hive city plumber, but you can keep your angry supermen to yourself thanks.

[–]insomniacpyro 5 points6 points  (0 children)

I like when space marines are almost myths or legends. When you look at the amount of active chapters, they are incredibly spread out and rarely seen in large numbers. So seeing a space marine, let alone more than a couple, is rare as fuck to a normal human.
Now if we see scenes from major space marine conflicts or historical battles with narration or something, that would make sense to me. But we don't really need to see the daily lives of the Space Wolves or whatever.

[–]No-Account-8180 3 points4 points  (2 children)

Try the warhammer crime novels if you haven’t they’re quite good also if you’re in Canada some of the gaunts ghosts Audio books are $5 right now

[–]Spiderinahumansuit 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Couldn't agree more - the whole concept of them kind if drums out all the humanity from them. That's why I'm hoping for something Guard or Inquisition-focused. The part of the first Eisenhorn novel where a Chaos Marine shows up is a serious "holy shit" moment and really sells what makes marines special.

[–]Umikaloo 1 point2 points  (1 child)

I think that in order to do them justice, and not make them boring, the story needs to be told from the perspective of someone with little-to-no power.

[–]Electronic-Lynx8162 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Imagine the fucking pain I feel with my custom Kislev ice witch with ridable bear mount miniatures. Proper Warhammer is the tits, not that I don't love my Tyrannids and Dark Eldar. But no let the muscle grunty man make a dull Space Marine show.

[–]clycoman 8 points9 points  (3 children)

You will feel the misery of how the show is adapted by Amazon.

They have a great track record of adapting Rings of Power and The Wheel of Time, right?

[–]PussyPussylicclicc 7 points8 points  (1 child)

They have The Boys and Invincible

[–]ResolverOshawott 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Don't they also have Good Omens as well which is considered a very good show?

[–]hacky_potter 41 points42 points  (76 children)

Isn’t this a universe where everyone is basically degrees of evil?

[–]Yangjeezy 32 points33 points  (2 children)

The factions as a whole pretty much. But there are still some good within some of the subset of factions

[–]insomniacpyro 15 points16 points  (1 child)

The farther you get from the Inquisition's grasp, the more "human" people seem to get. For better or worse.

[–]Dawanna 17 points18 points  (0 children)

The lore deep cut is theyre's feudal worlds where people live in medieval times with bows and arrows. Not knowing there's giant space wars. And like once a year a bunch of armored up dudes show up and kidnap their strongest warriors. Places like that are pretty good because no one interferes with them.

[–]PainStorm14Friday Night Lights 11 points12 points  (0 children)

One end of the moral spectrum is literally physical Hell (4 different varieties of it)

So even on a good day the good guys will not be nice

[–]aapowers 22 points23 points  (38 children)

Depends on your definition.

The 'noble' and 'good' factions are still arguably fascists and fanatics.

As in the best you're going to get is lawful neutral.

Bit like House Atreides in Dune (although that situation is a bit more subtle).

[–]Enkundae 23 points24 points  (9 children)

There are no good guys in 40k, the closest you get are the original Tau. The Imperium of Man are not noble or good. They are an explicitly fascist and xenophobic theocracy that conduct mass human sacrifice.

[–]duaneap 3 points4 points  (8 children)

Isn’t there some implication that the Tau have more or less enslaved a lot of their “allies?”

[–]Enkundae 20 points21 points  (7 children)

Not originally. There was a lot of fan backlash when they were first introduced because there was nothing actually malevolent about them unlike the other major factions. Like you could debate the ethical details of their caste system but they just didn’t have anything actually sinister about them. But post-backlash Games Workshop started adding in all the overtones and implications that suggest that “no these guys just suck too”because everything in 40k has to be terrible.

Personally I preferred the original take on the Tau, I think them actually just being good guys is, funnily enough, the more Grim Dark option. The original implication was that despite the Tau’s benevolence and insanely rapid and constant technological advancement, they just showed up too late on the galactic stage to matter. they’ll just never be a big enough power to actually make a difference. Their original pitch was as a beacon of hope that is doomed to fail because they are just too little too late.

[–]CosmicWy 11 points12 points  (5 children)

i know nothing of warhammer except that i LOVE event horizon and the fan theory of the chaos. but:

The original implication was that despite the Tau’s benevolence and insanely rapid and constant technological advancement, they just showed up too late on the galactic stage to matter. they’ll just never be a big enough power to actually make a difference. Their original pitch was as a beacon of hope that is doomed to fail because they are just too little too late.

this is one of the coolest sci fi concepts i've ever read.

[–]lordofmetroids 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Honestly the fact that despite all the hardships of the past 5,000 or so years, all the pain, all the backstabs the T'au keep trying to be the better race is inspiring. They don't stoop to the underhanded and oppressive tactics of the other races, they don't torture their own people, they still treat others with respect, albeit from the firing range of a railgun. The very universe has conspired to tell them "no, your wrong," and the Tau said, "fuck you." It's inspiring, badass and grimdark in a different way from everything else in 40K.

[–]hacky_potter 8 points9 points  (26 children)

I guess I’d argue that being fascist in its very nature is evil

[–]Enkundae 27 points28 points  (3 children)

There’s a chunk of the 40k fandom that don’t realize the Imperium is intended to be a cartoonishly exaggerated satire of fascism. Same way Cyberpunk stories are often an exagerated satire of hypercapitalistic corporatocracy.

[–]hacky_potter 4 points5 points  (2 children)

I feel like people think I’m attacking this and think it should get made. I’m quite the opposite. I think it sounds dope to have some universe filled with assholes killing themselves.

[–]lordofmetroids 1 point2 points  (0 children)

This is the real appeal of the tabletop.

You ever watch star wars and think "man the Empire sucks, but they just look so cool?" This is a universe where everyone is the Empire.

Every faction is over the top and tuned to 11. It's great, and makes for some gorgeous minis.

[–]crazynerd9 10 points11 points  (20 children)

Its essentially the concept of the "overton window" applied to morality, if literally everyone is an evil fascist, the evil part kinda just cancels out by default (in universe to be clear, from the outside they are all super evil and anyone who implies otherwise is throwing a dogwhistle out)

[–]hacky_potter 6 points7 points  (19 children)

I love that I got downvoted for simply saying that being fascist is evil at its nature.

[–]rigatony222 11 points12 points  (16 children)

As people have said, in 40k everybody is a shade of evil. Yeah the Imperium is a fascist, warmongering, hyper-religious dystopia. But your other option isn’t a constitutional republic or liberal democracy that respects its citizens.

It’s literal demons. Or ravaging Orcs. Or being devoured by a Tyranid Hive

That’s why you’re downvoted, your statement is pointless given the context🤷🏻‍♂️

[–]upclassytyfighta 8 points9 points  (2 children)

I'm pretty sure the Necrons are the good guys

---unkillable robot gang rise-up

[–]rigatony222 4 points5 points  (1 child)

picks up lasgun like a true Cadian

“We’ll see how unkillable you really are”

(I’m definitely going to die)

[–]upclassytyfighta 4 points5 points  (0 children)

reanimation protocols go brrrrrrr

[–]FPSCanarussia 2 points3 points  (7 children)

Nevertheless, it's been outright stated and shown multiple times that the Imperium's cruelty is pointless and actively detrimental. The "other option" is "not being pointlessly evil".

[–]Archamasse 9 points10 points  (0 children)

The factions are all evil. Most of the stories within it are about individuals with flickers of heroism in the midst of it. 

[–]Eikalos 7 points8 points  (1 child)

Yes and no. Humanity is traumatized by milennia of extinction events regarding an AI revolt, uncomunnicated settlements and aliens backstabbing them. That + the existencial dread that's chaos. So you become ruthless or someone will take advantage of you. This humanity even killed prosper human settlements before chaos was known so yeah, assholes.

Then there is assholes orks, hungry space bugs, aliens that lost their souls to become robots, space elves that provoked a rip the galaxy, asshole+ space elves, chaos the archenemy of all life and grumpy dwarves. The only "good" are the alien conglomerate but there is a weird conspiration of brainwashing underneath.

In syntesis most of them are tragic results of everyone being pushed to extremes, being manipulated by weird forces and distrusting outsiders because someone screw on them on the past.

If in doubt, Trazyn.

[–]MrHedgehogMan 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Yup. Everyone in 40K is bad. There are no goodies.


[–]LimerickJim 6 points7 points  (23 children)

Evil is a construct. 40k is a universe where everyone has to make decisions in morally ambiguous situations. Murder a room full of children infected alien genetics in order to prevent the entire planet from being destroyed from orbit. Treat with extradimensional intelligences in order to overthrow a fascist regime. Maintain a force of elite space marines by systematically performing surgery on children with a less than 50% survival rate.

[–]hacky_potter 7 points8 points  (11 children)

Is there any faction in 40k that you would want in the real world? I’m not saying it’s a bad thing for a piece of media. In fact, I’ve been excited for this since I watch the Astartes series. It just seems like a brutal world that, from the outside, is evil.

[–]IR8Things 12 points13 points  (3 children)

Is there any faction in 40k that you would want in the real world

Absolutely not.

[–]upclassytyfighta 1 point2 points  (1 child)

But hear me out---if the T'au were real, we'd have dope ass mechs sooooooo

[–]IR8Things 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Some people would. Most would be mind controlled slaves for the ethereals and the "greater good."

[–]roedtogsvart 5 points6 points  (0 children)

No, the whole point is that it's a future nobody wanted (especially in-universe) ((except maybe the Orkz))

[–]ncopp 21 points22 points  (5 children)

Cavill seems like a huge 40k nerd, so depending how much say he has in the story it could be very dark and harsh.

He's a producer so hopefully that means he has some significant say here.

I believe that was one of the things with the Witcher was how unhappy he was with deviations from the source material.

He's just a big buff lore nerd

[–]interwebsLurk 18 points19 points  (4 children)

Cavill is a huge nerd in general. He missed the initial phone call trying to hire him to play Superman because he was busy in a WoW Raid. Not kidding.

Yeah, he left the Witcher because he got so fed up with the producers not listening about the changes they were making. Him being a producer here should be a great thing for everyone that likes Warhammer. Just the fact that he is producer and excited about it is hype worthy.

[–]JohnTDouche 6 points7 points  (3 children)

Jesus christ. He left The Witcher because it was crap and he still has a career ahead of him.

[–]AezyDesu[🍰] 12 points13 points  (1 child)

It was crap for multiple reasons, one of those being the poor story. He left for all reasons including that one.

[–]yourmomxxl3 8 points9 points  (0 children)

The nutjobs in control of Witcher basically tried to cancel him by spreading the rumor that he was toxic because he kept pestering them for fucking up the Witcher lore and generally ruining the show. So yeah, the fact that they had contempt for the source material was part of the reason why. The other part is that they couldn't replace the material they didn't like with anything, you know, competent or consistent or interesting or watchable

[–]GreyNGroovy 37 points38 points  (19 children)

I can almost guarantee you it will be, thats just the unfortunate nature of adapting things to the screen.

[–]rosencrantz2014 19 points20 points  (1 child)

With Cavill as a producer I have faith, guy is a handsome nerd.

[–]WolfofOldNorth 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Just like me... yep

[–]Radulno 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Especially something like 40K, they want it to actually be aired lol

[–]crazynerd9 7 points8 points  (15 children)

On one hand, Amazon adapted The Boys

On the other hand, Amazon adapted Halo Rings of Power

Edit: my ability to give examples is subpar lol

[–]LB3PTMAN 14 points15 points  (0 children)

No it didn’t?

[–]BNEWZON 21 points22 points  (6 children)

Halo is Paramount no?

And even still, The Boys is relatively tame compared to how bleak the comic is. Garth Ennis is just on some other shit

[–]Enkundae 20 points21 points  (3 children)

The Boys is fun over the top hyperviolent satire, the comic is a middleschool edgelords misanthropic power fantasy that does nothing with its couple decent ideas.

[–]crazynerd9 11 points12 points  (1 child)

lol i may be an idiot on the examples here but my point is that they did a good job on at least one

Also the comic The Boys is essentially fetishistic torture porn thats edgy for the sake of edge, so while they "cleaned" it a bit, its a vast improvement

[–]Cormag778 6 points7 points  (0 children)

It’s astonishing how often the comic for the Boys treats “Violent power monster who routinely kills and tortured innocents” as being equally evil to “Dude is a relatively decent superhero who happens to be gay.”

[–]quondam47 4 points5 points  (1 child)

Rings of Power might be a better example of Amazon not making best use of a beloved sci-fi/fantasy IP.

[–]cc81 14 points15 points  (7 children)

40k will be extremely difficult to pull off because it is not only harsh it is also ironic, sometimes funny and extremely unrealistic. Very few things in the universe makes sense.

I hope they succeed though.

[–]insomniacpyro 3 points4 points  (6 children)

My question is, how do you even make a coherent storyline? 40k lore spans thousands of years across the entire galaxy, with different events rarely happening "at the same time". The best they can do IMO is to hyper focus on certain people/groups and follow their story. Even telling the Horus Heresy would be a mess.

[–]A_Humpier_Rogue 5 points6 points  (1 child)

Lots of stories span thousands of years. It's setting background, we just pick a specific story to focus on.

[–]Electronic_Warning49 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Seriously, it needs to be at least twice as grim as the 2012 Dredd movie.

I want to see at least one scene with the Guard simply drowning their enemy in the blood of the imperium.

I want to see space Marines literally ripping enemies apart.

I want to see the horrors of hive cities.

[–]gzafiris 4 points5 points  (1 child)

Pariah Nexus was extremely dark lol I really enjoyed it

[–]Archamasse 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I wish the subsequent eps were as interesting and unusual as that first one though. 

[–]BananaRambamba1276 2 points3 points  (4 children)

I imagine you could run a really solid Ciaphas Cain without watering it down. Pretty broad appeal from an audience standpoint compared to other 40k content and Cain could easily be played by Cavill

[–]Anathos117 2 points3 points  (3 children)

Personally, I think the Cain books are the best ones. I know everyone loves Gaunt's Ghosts, but I put it down half way through the second book.

And Cavill would make an amazing Cain. Ciaphas constantly sells himself short in his narration, but both reading between the lines and also explicitly stated in Vail's commentary it's clear that he was outrageously charismatic and had a physique quite literally fit for a recruitment poster.

[–]BananaRambamba1276 1 point2 points  (1 child)

I think if you’re going for broad audience appeal you have to pick Cain. There’s Cain as the main character, Amberly Vale as the badass female inquisitor, and Jurgen as the lovable sidekick.

Also Cavill would essentially be playing a similar role to his character in The Man from UNCLE

[–]DeliciousWasabi5938 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I feel like after the way the Witcher played out, any one trying to hire him is going to use staying faithful to source material as a major selling point; and they’ll mean it too

[–]HeyItsChase 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Don't hold the audiences hand. I'm not a WH guy, I know almost nothing about it but I have read, played and watched a ton of fantasy.

Watering it down or over explaining is the #1 pitfall for a thing like this. The world is. That's enough. Give an intro (ala LotR films) and let's go.

[–]ChrisRedfieldfanboy 55 points56 points  (8 children)

We'll talk if they start shooting. Too early to get excited.

[–]nagdamnit 14 points15 points  (0 children)

Yeah or even hint at a particular story

[–]bailey25u 10 points11 points  (5 children)

I believe they are going all in on this. A show produced by a company that can sell you the merchandise directly? How can the lose? Like if they add the option to where youre watching it on prime, and you pause the show, and it lets buy the figures on the screen. Dedicated pages to different characters you can buy from each episode.

[–]franright 13 points14 points  (1 child)

Can’t wait for Kharn the Betrayer’s Happy Time Fun Hour, the kids are gonna love it.

[–]xx-shalo-xx 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Where does the blood go?

That's right, to the blood god!

And where do the skulls go?

That's right, the skull throne!

[–]herbivore83 64 points65 points  (1 child)

Producer hypes passion project. More at 11.

[–]JudgeHoltman 12 points13 points  (0 children)

Honestly, at least it's still a passion project. He has enough dick to swing some power around and it's nice to see him still doing it.

I'm gonna get concerned when it becomes "just an acting gig" to him.

[–]Bizcotti 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Please be good please be good!

[–]FreudianFloydian 21 points22 points  (4 children)

I didn’t even see the first 39,999 Warhammers.

[–]mitten2787 14 points15 points  (1 child)

In reality you can skip 1-29,999. Things start getting interesting at 30,000. Even then you only need to watch 30,000 - 30,007 then you can jump straight past 30,008 and straight to 40,001 and you'll be pretty much up to speed.

[–]economics_is_made_up 2 points3 points  (0 children)

just like The Walking Dead!

[–]Dull_Half_6107 1 point2 points  (0 children)

But I sure have seen this same joke 40 thousand times.

[–]getwrektyo 9 points10 points  (10 children)

Ciaphus Cain

[–]BillMagicguy 2 points3 points  (7 children)

Honestly as much as I'd like to see it I think a lot of the humor in the cain series doesn't translate well to video.

[–]Homosexual_Bloomberg 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Y’all played Rogue Trader? One of the buggiest games I’ve ever played, but damn is it good.

[–]valalalalala 5 points6 points  (1 child)

From the Moment I Understood the Weakness of My Flesh...

[–]Butterlord103 2 points3 points  (0 children)

It disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel.

[–]Spoonman007 21 points22 points  (18 children)

What happens if this show doesn't work out? Is everyone going to still praise Henry as much as they do now? After Superman failing and The Witcher failing (no fault of his own for either, I'm a fan btw) but it would be hard to look past.

[–]wormwoodar 22 points23 points  (7 children)

Warhammer is super hard to translate to anything.

Most Warhammer video games suck and we still love them because anything Warhammer is better than no Warhammer.

Speaking about video games, I don’t know why some studio can’t just make a carbon copy of the original Dawn of War with updated graphics and animations without changing the gameplay.

[–]Throbbing_Furry_Knot 4 points5 points  (3 children)

Speaking about video games, I don’t know why some studio can’t just make a carbon copy of the original Dawn of War with updated graphics and animations without changing the gameplay.

I believe Relic would probably want to do it since they made DoW1. Could be there next project. Only thing is Sega also owns creative assembly who are heavily rumoured to be making TotalWar:40k. Sega might see some conflicting competition there.

[–]tattertech 8 points9 points  (2 children)

heavily rumoured

Is an interesting way to phrase "random people on the internet want it to be a thing"

[–]TopHatJackster 3 points4 points  (0 children)

hey im not a random person, im thee random person who wants dow1 but again

[–]Shakvids 5 points6 points  (5 children)

Henry is a great movie star and a mediocre actor. He oozes Charisma and charm, he can be funny and glib but I have never once seen him pull of anything more vulnerable without looking constipated

[–]Spoonman007 11 points12 points  (4 children)

I feel this way about many popular actors today. Everyone is in love Jason Mamoa too and claim he's amazing but I think it's 90% his charisma. It was all the praise he got after Dune that got me questioning what they really think of him.

[–]Shakvids 3 points4 points  (1 child)

100% with you on Momoa. He was the only bright spot in the latest fast and furious but it's only because they played to his strengths

[–]JimTheSaint 3 points4 points  (1 child)

he probably just means his own warhammer game at home.

[–]Lamontyy 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Commissar Cavill

[–]leteegra 2 points3 points  (1 child)

Henry: "I've finished my 2000 point Ork army, I'm hyped"

Interviewer: "What about the show Henry?"

Henry: "What show?"

[–]AzLibDem 1 point2 points  (0 children)

He plays Custodes.

[–]DudebroggieHouser 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Dude better start surgically, genetically, and psychically augmenting himself to become a lore-accurate primarch

[–]IrishEvScrubs 7 points8 points  (8 children)

Pretty sure he’s talking about himself and how fucking huge he is going to get for whatever roll he takes

[–]JonathonWally 17 points18 points  (6 children)

He’s announcing that he’s going to work on growing taller so he can accurately portray an 8 foot tall space marine.

[–]Toidal 1 point2 points  (1 child)

I hope they do some adjustments on proportions for live action. I love me some epic pauldrons but in motion they looked like lego figures and made their arms look silly short.

[–]tekjunky75 1 point2 points  (0 children)


[–]VacaDLuffy 6 points7 points  (6 children)

I have no idea what Warhammer is about but the fact Cavill is a huge mega nerd and fan has me so excited for whatever he cooks up

[–]cheese0muncher 5 points6 points  (1 child)

I have no idea what Warhammer is about

All you need to know is that the Emperor is the best dad in the Galaxy. Don't believe anyone who says otherwise.

[–]FinnishHermit 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Definitely not his sons.

[–]do_you_know_de_whey 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Pfff what a nerd

[–]PompeyMagnus1 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Our God King has proclaimed it

[–]RedditorDaniel 1 point2 points  (0 children)

YEEEEEEES! I want it hard Mature and grimdark as fuck! Nothing less

[–]maximumfacemelting 1 point2 points  (0 children)

“Big things” is definitely a nod to him playing an Ogryn in a musical adaptation of the Horus Heresy.

I hear your hidden messages Henry. They call to me!

[–]OCGamerboy 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Hopefully this franchise will treat him better than The Witcher did.

[–]Revo_Int92 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Not gonna lie, if they ever make a Warhammer Fantasy animation series with the same quality standards of Arcane, that's a literal dream of mine. Besides that, idk too much about the 40K universe, just watched a couple of popular "lore" videos on youtube explaining the races, that's pretty much it. Looks to be way more expansive than Fantasy, it's not even close really... so a live-action based on this universe is just a waste, too limited to make it justice. And Cavill is a complete novice regarding this role as a "producer", so this can be volatile, he can either nail the job or be a complete disaster... so the whole project feels "unsafe" in a way

[–]ItCouldBeWorse222 1 point2 points  (0 children)

It's probably got to go down with one of the lines that we've already seen in books/games to be able to move around and see the different parts of that universe. eg Rogue Trader, Inquisition or maybe an Imperial Guard unit (ala Gaunt's Ghosts).

Otherwise you'd be trapped into a single setting as People don't usually get to move around. Life is horrible for the majority of humans in that universe. Space Marines wouldn't make a good series because of how trapped in their roles they are. Astartes would be better off as guest stars anyway because of the shear awe they instill in normal humans.

[–]Ehrre 1 point2 points  (0 children)

We need a mature cinematic universe. Lots of different styles of horror, scifi, action movies for adult audiences

[–]bathroomheater 8 points9 points  (2 children)

I need more Henry Cavill in my life. I’ve really enjoyed the vast majority of his work.

[–]Express_Helicopter93 4 points5 points  (1 child)

I don’t give a flying f about warhammer (I have no idea what it is) but A listers geeking out and having projects made from that geeking is sooooo good. We need more people like this man.

[–]IswearIdidntdoit145 3 points4 points  (0 children)

In the far future, in the 41st millennium(40k) there is only war.

The entire setting is contained in the milky way galaxy(small place right).

Take horrible military dictatorships of the past 100 years and multiply it by 20,000 years unchecked.

Star wars would only be a small fraction of the sheer scale of war the humans (Imperium of Man) do.

[–]Archamasse 5 points6 points  (6 children)

Do your worst, I accept it, but I have an atomic nerd objection -  

Cavill stans the single most boring, personality free faction in the game and I am not at all confident he is interested in the stuff I find interesting about the setting. 

He's famously a fan of the Custodes, who are the toughest super elite super disciplined dauntless demidemigod types, almost as completely alien to the common human slogging away in the trenches and factories as an actual alien-alien.  

To me the stuff that really hooked me on the 40k universe is the idea of a regular human trying to cling to life in a universe of half-dead corpse gods, demon dimension FTL travel, gothic space knights and football hooligan techno orks by their dirty, broken fingernails. 

I am not excited about his involvement and I think a lot of the WH40k fans who are might just be bedazzled with relief that a classically handsome celebrity has become the hobby's posterchild.

[–]Panvictor 7 points8 points  (0 children)

This is my concern. The writers having a favorite faction or character rarely ends well, just look at the many examples of that in black library (cough,cough Dan Abnet and the Perpetuals). If he can get past his favoritism then I have faith in it, but if not get ready for custodes wank that makes the story about a squad killing an entire hivefleet look like a joke

[–]PatrickBearman 5 points6 points  (1 child)

I agree with you about the human level stories being the best. The Astartes so far have been my least favorite part of 40k lore outside of a few specific characters. I think the work best as a faceless background army rather than be the focus of a story.

I'd rather see an Eisenhorn or Cain show than a Space Marine one.

[–]mfizzled 1 point2 points  (0 children)

If they can turn the 3 Eisenhorn books into a programme that's even half as good as the books then I'll be ridiculously happy

[–]tegemiy 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Well, the show being a boring wankfest about custodes would be fairly loyal to how custodes are portrayed in the stories lol

[–]TinyRodgers 1 point2 points  (1 child)

A show about the Gue'Vesa (humans who abandoned the Imperium to fight for another race) would be very interesting.

I know its grimdark but we rarely get to see how genuinely awful the Imperium is from a non-human perspective.

[–]dumptruckbhadie 1 point2 points  (1 child)

Buying a bunch of Warhammer figures you'll never paint or use isn't a big happening

[–]whobroughttheircat 1 point2 points  (3 children)

What were Warhammer’s 1-39,999 like? Think I missed those.