Showing posts with label Sheridan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sheridan. Show all posts

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Alberta III%

Yep, I'm still away and hopefully stretched out on a beach enjoying a Cuba Libre, though given my constitution more than likely laid up in a hotel room regretting not getting that Dukoral booster with a sunburn so bad you could roast a marshmallow using the heat radiating off my body. Either way, here is another now likely out-of-date article scheduled to publish while I'm away.

In a week from today, the Canadian Combat Coalition is planning on holding an event in Edmonton with the Worldwide Coalition Against Islam in attendance as well:

You were never fooling anyone with that name, Ryan.
I'm sure everyone is waiting with bated breath to hear the oratory of one Joey DeLuca
Given the disaster that the June 24 June 25 MEGA Patriot Rally turned out to be, this might be perceived as an effort to save the CCC and WCAI reputation as actual significant players on the far-right anti-Muslim/refugee/immigrant scene. Certainly Ryan Dean and Joey DeLuca would like to return to the numbers that participated in the June 3 rally which was in large part bolstered by the presence of III% Alberta members who provided security.... and were carrying weapons, btw. The III% members didn't participate in the MEGA rally ostensibly because of "security concerns" when the mayor of Calgary and Muslim student groups were invited by Garvey, however the head of the Alberta III% militia suggests another possible reason:

First, Beau Welling seems just a wee bit full of himself and the capabilities of the III% militia.

Second, even he seems to recognize that the CCC and WCAI are in fact hate groups. In this reply he does seem to be at pains to separate the III% Alberta militia from other groups. He also posted a message claiming to have spoken to the RCMP whom he claims doesn't regard the III% militia as a hate group:

Oh, not a "pure hate group."

Well that is certainly reassuring.

If such a conversation did take place, I'm guessing that Beau is either gilding the lily or really didn't understand the nature of the discussion because given the rhetoric of the membership, the III% would absolutely be on the radar of the RCMP.

At the beginning of July ARC published an article discussing the decline of the Soldiers of Odin and how the membership is drifting into other, perhaps even more extreme, movements. This fella who was (and may still be) in an SoO leadership position is a case in point:

Also, last month Mack Lamoureux wrote an article for "Vice" detailing a months long investigation into the III% movement, focusing specifically on the Alberta chapter which appears to be the most active as well as a sit down interview with Beau Welling. The article indicates the III% militia is a deeply paranoid, anti-Muslim group that readily accepts any conspiracy theory that confirms their biases. This may be somewhat of a concern under normal circumstances, but add the stockpiling of weapons for a future civil war and the "monitoring" of those citizens they consider to be un-Canadian, well, the danger meter is sort of dialed to 11.

First, let's take a look at the claim that they aren't racists. As of the writing of this article, the New Democratic Party is in the midst of a leadership campaign. One of the candidates is Jagmeet Singh, a Canadian-born Sikh (and a much better dresser than I am). The presence of Singh, who again I stress was born in Canada, was commented on by at least some III% supporters:

Well, maybe their antipathy was directed more towards the NDP, though I somehow doubt that is the whole reason.

One thing that is crystal clear though is the III% Alberta hatred of Muslims. Here are but a few of the posts that illustrate that:

There's also the anti-Muslim conspiracy theories that get trotted out with frequency:

They also seem to attract a few people who are.... shall we say questionable?

Well Evert, Thomas Trenerry certainly didn't stand alone when the Aryan Guard was a going concern:

Trenerry's involvement in the III% militia actually brings me to the other reason why the RCMP would be keeping an eye on the III% militia. Even if the racism and Islamophobia was not present, the III% militia would be a concern due to their anti-government position that is often (hell, usually) violent in nature, at least rhetorically speaking:

Again, the following is merely a Whitman's Sampler of anti-government rhetoric from III% supporters on the Alberta Facebook, national, and other provincial Facebook groups, much of which is directed at the current Prime Minister and would probably constitute a crime:

And then there is there is how they monitor people. Not just the Muslims, as was evident in the Vice article, but also their ideological opponents:

Not Jason, or Bonnie, or Andy,  or Shane,  or Marcell, or Syed, or Leah,  or Julian, or Richard, or Charles, or Grace, or Martin, or Alan, or "two brothers in Calgary," or any of the other people that have been erroneously listed as writers of the blog.  Some of the names aren't even ones I recognize as activists. It has been almost a decade and you still have yet to get it right. Then again why listen to me now when you haven't so far?

Really, you people are very bad at this.

Don't think that being a bystander gets you off the hook. Not showing the requisite amount of patriotism for a III% supporter might be enough to put you or, as in this case, your neighborhood on the list:

When reading posts such as these, I can't help thinking of the line from Alan Moore's groundbreaking comic series:

Who watches the watchmen?

Friday, June 02, 2017

Racists and Antisemites Attending June 3 Event in Calgary

Tomorrow the protests planned for Ottawa, Calgary, and other Canadian cities should all be under way by noon. Though billed as "million Canadian" marches (thereby attempting to co-opt past progressive events), this writer suspects the numbers will fall far, far, short of one million people. In Ottawa, I suspect there will be between 300 and 500 people, though that is perhaps a generous estimate. In Calgary, perhaps 50 to 100.

Then again, I've never been good at these kinds of estimates, so I may be surprised either way.

In Calgary, WCAI and the Canadian Combat Coalition have been whiny because their event has been referred to by ARC and others as racist and bigoted, a charge WCAI clumsily refutes:

Yeah.... you probably shouldn't do live videos while drunk because this alone undermines everything you just wrote:


Rape jokes too.

Just.... wow.

Well, the WCAI videos MAY have been directed towards Trudeau (and based on the above video, homosexuals, the mentally challenged, and of course, Muslims), but the rhetoric coming from the participants and the possible guests tells another story.

For example, Karyn Draper, someone ARC has discussed in the past, will be attending the June 3 protest. In one post she says there will be another individual who will be attending but that she would like someone to accompany her to the event.

Let's see if you can spot the name I and others working with ARC noticed?

Actually, Merle is a name familiar to many, but let's let that slide for a bit.

It looks like Kyle McKee, founder of the Aryan Guard and current leader of the Calgary chapter of Blood & Honour may be attending the event. Kyle McKee, convicted of such crimes as possession of bomb making materials, possession of prohibited weapons, uttering threats, fleeing police, and assault. Kyle McKee, a man charged with attempted murder and other crimes. Kyle McKee, suspected of being involved in a violent home invasion, vandalism, and the firebombing (directly or having provided orders) of an anti-racist's residence.

Naw! It couldn't be THAT Kyle McKee, could it?

Yes, THAT Kyle McKee.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

More Infighting: Calgary Blood & Honour Feud With Southern Ontario Skins

The McKee faction of Blood & Honour has been uncharacteristically quiet aside from the suspected  attack on the Devine home in September and their short-lived website.  And except for a planned MMA exhibition (i.e. a couple of drunk boneheads wildly throwing haymakers at each other in an unfinished basement while being poorly filmed), the Southern Ontario Skinheads haven't appeared all that active either.

Which isn't to say that things aren't interesting if one knows where to look.

We have to admit that we don't know the reason but there has been a wee bit of tension that exists between the members of both racist gangs which is interesting considering the overlap. For example, the founder and (for lack of a better word) leader of the S.O.S. is Max Hynes who, when he lived for a time in Calgary, was closely associated with B&H and when he returned to Ontario started a B&H branch there. The leader of B&H in Calgary, Kyle McKee, has his own origins in southern Ontario. Eric Sheridan, a Toronto member of the S.O.S., helped flyer Lethbridge with the precursor of B&H (the Aryan Guard) in 2007. And Brenin Bonifaz who was appeared to be closely associated with the S.O.S. is now very much a part of McKee's B&H now that he has moved to Calgary.

Which brings us to Brenin Bonifaz.

Dude. You should really change your privacy settings.

It looks like since we grabbed these screen shots Bonifaz has removed the whole monologue, but a couple of questions come to our mind upon reading this:

1. At the risk of being referred to as, "noobs" by the kids, what the hell is a, "hard Furback"?
2. What did comments that were deleted say?

It seems pretty clear that there was a much more extensive conversation going on. Bonifaz seems to be discussing the rational for insulting (because calling someone a, "hard Furback is and insult, right?) Hynes in what we would regard as in rather personal manner and is arguing with one or more individuals who's comments are no longer available.

It would be very interesting to know exactly what they were talking about. Sadly, we can only imagine what the rest of the discussion might have been.


Naw! We're just screwing with ya! Of course we know what the rest of the conversation was about.

We were watching a lot of it take place in real time:

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Another Bonehead Protest Goes Bust

Ever hear of the Renaissance Party of North America? No? Not a surprise. It's yet another fringe white supremacist group with intellectual pretensions. The following are excerpts from their mission statement:

We do not call for the overthrow of the American and Canadian governments. We do call for the perception and recognition of the innate and entropic collapse of these states. We encounter an inverted and fractured Manifest Destiny. Globalization is dead; it has encountered the maximum perimeter of energy utilization. The collateral of cheap and abundant energy resources to kick-start the Globalist economy is no longer. We enter an historical era of socio-economic collapse, implosion, fragmentation and devolution. Ethno-racial demographics will be called upon to identify, carve out and, preferably to negotiate, new homelands and polities. If one drop of blood can be spared, the effort at negotiated geographical re-inventions is justified.
We call for an abrupt end to Globalist-endorsed mass immigration from non-Occidental countries to North America with the quest for cheap labour, the offsetting of the White European birth rate, and the political displacement of the White European demographic. We are in full and unconditional solidarity with our White European brothers and sisters to halt and reverse the Islamization of the European Continent and Great Britain. We endorse unconditionally on our shores the elimination of the anti-Occidental, state-sanctioned and traitorous ideologies of institutionalized, legally enshrined and enforced Political Correctness, Multiculturalism and Feminism.
We acknowledge as true that history is not linear, that it is cyclical.

We own unconditionally the spiritual and moral responsibilities that are bestowed upon a Warrior-Amazon political elite to assertively, yet humbly, agitate and educate with clarity, integrity and common sense. We offer a new perception of social, cultural and economic phenomena. This is a great challenge and an even greater calling. At all times, each RV member should take into consideration: I am responsible.

Yeah. They sound like they would be fun guests at a party.

In any case, the leadership of the Renaissance Party of North America decided yesterday they would make themselves known as a force in Canadian politics by staging a massive protest outside the South African consulate in Toronto while referring to their event as "Occupy South African Embassies." One might wonder why then they did not protest at the actual embassy in Ottawa given the name they chose for it, but who are we to judge? They created a Facebook group to promote the event and invited hundreds of people:

Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Eric Sheridan: ARC Sometimes Grants Requests

Meet Eric Sheridan. He and his Mini Me are members of Max Hynes' Southern Ontario Skinheads, a group Max has claimed isn't violent.

Wait. No, this isn't a really good photo. Let's try this one.

Better, but one really can't see his sloping brow ridge and the permanent expression of befuddlement all that well.

Well, we suppose this will have to do.

Anyways, as Eric is a regular reader of our blog, we figure we would grant him a request. It seems he did something recently for which he is quite proud:

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Southern Ontario "Skinheads": Who's Who?

It isn't a surprise that the boneheads read this blog. In fact, since we were the only media that even wrote anything about their little march in London last weekend, some have been paying close attention:

But then again they might not always be pleased with the coverage we provide:

While we didn't see any evidence that Winnicki attended the march, we thought that it was time to take a look at those individuals who are known to have attended (both SOS members and their supporters) as well as some of support that didn't make it to this event.

Friday, July 24, 2009

More Making Fun of Boneheads

We're really don't understand why boneheads continue to subject themselves to the humiliation that results when they try to form coherent sentences. Yes, dear readers, it is time for yet another installment of "Illiterate Bonehead Theater."

This time we'd like to thank Rolang for writing the commentary on each of the bonehead messages that we received over the past month:

i personally think your a fucken idiot and you need to get a life and stop talking about eric like that yu fucken pieces of shyt what yur gunna "try " and stop everyone from being racist people have there own way of dealing with things and your little fucken crew or whatever you wanna call it aint gunna change a difference in this world so really you need to get a fucken life all of you cunts what you do sit infront of a computer and wire your little fucken comments as if people are really gunna sit there a listen to you you have no fucken life so get over it and suck a dick

We were going to try to respond to this but we got distracted by your mastery of the run-on sentence and gratuitous use of the word "fucken". But evidently even you didn't think you got the point across effectively and decided to try again:

what is wrong with you fags what do you do sit there and write comments about people as if your comments are really going to change a person you people need to grow up and stop talking bout eric like that really what are you going to do .. hes racists so what .. so are half this world and do you plan to stop people out in this world... its a world of hate as if black people dont hate on us too it goes both ways and if he dont like black people thats his thing not your problem .// so get a life this is so stupid omggg hahahaha

We appreciate your attempt to use punctuation this time, although we'll have to consult Strunk & White to determine if that's the proper placement of ".//".

You guys have way too much time on your hands. Just because you got A's in gr. 8 spelling bees doesn't change the fact that you are all keyboard kommandos. We walk around Toronto without fear and I've never in my experience ever been approached by any "antifas". Unless of course there were at least 10 and I was alone.

You walk around Toronto without fear because your existence is absolutely irrelevant to the 2.5 million people who live there, minus maybe 6 or 7 of your buddies. We actually feel kind of sorry for you. You live in Toronto. One of the world's most multicultural cities. A city with the official motto "Diversity Our Strength". It must just kill you to have to walk around every day and bear witness to the rampant cultural and ethnic diversity, the flagrant disregard for racism and exclusion.

And the race mixing - oh, the race mixing! Italians getting it on with Chinese. South Asians bumping uglies with Jamaicans. Kenyans knocking boots with Swedes. All day, every day. It must be too much for you to bear.

Our point is, we ridicule you because it's fun for us. Frankly, we assumed you had a sense of your own unimportance and would be grateful for the attention.

Thank you ladies and gentlemen. We're here all week. Try the buffet and remember to tip your waitress or waiter.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

A Blind Monkey Got a Hold of a Laptop Again.........

What can we say? We present the wit and wisdom of the bonehead "SCARBOROUGH":

AAHAHAHAHAHA ur a goof i hang ou t bathurst and quweeeeeen alll the time never see you fucks there u guys are alllll junkies.get a life, a job and maybe a g/f faggots.

Our educated guess leads us to believe that this is Eric Sheridan, but regardless, wow.

Now, we usually make fun of these abortions of attempted communication ourselves, but we thought instead we would allow our dear readers in on the fun. So, we invite our readers to critique "SCARBOROUGH's" communication skills.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Bits and Bites: May 2009

They must be masochists. It really is the only explanation for why they continue to subject themselves to ridicule.

A few days ago we received yet another erudite comment from our bonehead friends concerning a story we wrote a month ago:


We wonder if our anonymous commenter is aware of the late Francis E. Dec?

All she needs is a few allusions to Brain Bank cities on the moon, the Gangster Computer God Operating Control, and Frankenstein Slaves and we'd have the beginnings of a schizophrenic rant worthy of posterity. She's already got the racism, antisemitism, and paranoia down pat.

We also received this from Eric Sheridan (pictured wallowing in filth while cuddling another dude... hey, we aren't going to judge but we do notice a bit of a pattern developing here with Eric.):

its really funny how the only action the"anti racist Action" do is threw a monitor .

What we find funny is your inability to read what is clearly written. We're Anti-Racist Canada, not Anti-Racist Action. And we would further suggest that you don't throw monitors. They're fairly expensive and you might hurt yourself.

And R.L. is unhappy with one part of our post concerning his involvement in the Aryan Guard:'s funny you should mention old enough to shave, I can and do.

Okay R.L., we'll give this to you. You're old enough to shave. Congratulations and mea culpa. You sure put us in our place there.

Finally, we've written about Canadian tax protester and convicted criminal David Lindsay on a number of occasions. Crackpots like Bill Noble and Tomasz Winnicki have both advocated for him in the recent past. Looks like Paul Fromm is also a fan:

So, who here reading this thinks that Paulie pays his taxes?

Friday, April 24, 2009

What Happens When We're Bored

Idea was stolen from one of our readers and most of them are pretty lame, but perhaps some of you will find some of these inspirational posters to be at least a little amusing:

That last one was a bit of an inside joke that we know some of our readers will appreciate.

A bit of a double meaning in the above inspirational poster. Two words for you Marc: French Cruller.

Yes, very childish. We know.