Showing posts with label RL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label RL. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

McKee Update #2: Court Appearance and Claims of Innocence

Looks like there's not much love lost between Kyle "Rat Face" McKee and his former friends, now members of W.E.B.:

But more to the point, McKee made his first court appearance where we learned that a special prosecutor has been assigned to the case:
Special prosecutor appointed to Aryan Guard caseUpdated: Tue Dec. 29 2009 18:36:13 
The province has appointed a special prosecutor to the trial of Kyle Robert McKee.
McKee made his first court appearance Tuesday morning. 
He is a white supremacist accused of two counts of attempted murder after an improvised explosive device was detonated in northeast Calgary earlier this month. 
The 24-year-old is a veteran member of the Aryan Guard, a controversial group that has staged a number of marches and rallies in Calgary. 
His lawyer will seek bail for his client. 
McKee will be back in court January 5. 
A special prosecutor usually deals with cases that are particularly sensitive and complex.
The revelation that a special prosecutor has been assigned the case is especially interesting and, at this point, we won't speculate as to the reasons why.

Not that he doesn't have his supporters. John Marleau has referred to McKee as a, "prisoner of war" on the Blood & Honour forums, much to the confusion of the other members of the forum:

Of course one would have to discount the evidence such as bomb making materials allegedly found in McKee's residence. Then again, if McKee didn't commit the act, then perhaps someone with more of a motive did do it. Such as the individual spurned by a woman who was targeted (along with Sturrup) with the pipe bombs.

Like, oh, we don't know, John Marleau:

For all we know the status update could be the lyrics to a bad RAC song, but we think it's quite telling about Marleau's character and perhaps knowledge concerning the attempted murder.

We're so looking forward to the trial.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Public Split Between Aryan Guard and Former Aryan Guard (W.E.B.) Continues

Oh, "Ryan Adler," how we've come to love your wit and wisdom.

Actually, Ryan Adler isn't his real name, at least not his complete name. We've referred to him in the past as R.L. as he's one of the Aryan Guard groupies who is too young to shave (though he insists that he is old enough to shave and, in fact does)but old enough to puff out his chest and act like a tough guy online...... and who wears a mask in public.

Well lately R.L. has been posting his charming repartee on opposition Facebook groups, including the one promoting the anti-fascist rally on October 10. However our favourite exchanges are occurring on the wall of the, "F*** the Aryan Guard, Stop Racism" group. We'll cut to the chase and post the best of the bunch so far:

Not long ago Reitmeier called the members of the Aryan Guard, "posers." Now an Aryan Guard loyalist adds flames to the fire by not only calling into question W.E.B.'s fidelity to the cause, but also calls every W.E.B. member out as a drug user.

Didn't we say something about internal politics eventually breaking this gang apart?

Pull up a chair and have some popcorn. The show is sure to continue.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Bits and Bites: May 2009

They must be masochists. It really is the only explanation for why they continue to subject themselves to ridicule.

A few days ago we received yet another erudite comment from our bonehead friends concerning a story we wrote a month ago:


We wonder if our anonymous commenter is aware of the late Francis E. Dec?

All she needs is a few allusions to Brain Bank cities on the moon, the Gangster Computer God Operating Control, and Frankenstein Slaves and we'd have the beginnings of a schizophrenic rant worthy of posterity. She's already got the racism, antisemitism, and paranoia down pat.

We also received this from Eric Sheridan (pictured wallowing in filth while cuddling another dude... hey, we aren't going to judge but we do notice a bit of a pattern developing here with Eric.):

its really funny how the only action the"anti racist Action" do is threw a monitor .

What we find funny is your inability to read what is clearly written. We're Anti-Racist Canada, not Anti-Racist Action. And we would further suggest that you don't throw monitors. They're fairly expensive and you might hurt yourself.

And R.L. is unhappy with one part of our post concerning his involvement in the Aryan Guard:'s funny you should mention old enough to shave, I can and do.

Okay R.L., we'll give this to you. You're old enough to shave. Congratulations and mea culpa. You sure put us in our place there.

Finally, we've written about Canadian tax protester and convicted criminal David Lindsay on a number of occasions. Crackpots like Bill Noble and Tomasz Winnicki have both advocated for him in the recent past. Looks like Paul Fromm is also a fan:

So, who here reading this thinks that Paulie pays his taxes?

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Aren't You People Getting Tired of Being Wrong?

We received the following soon after posting our last article. We laughed. Hard:

Shane Ruttle runs anti-racistcanada. A better offer might be to take down anti-racistcanada before info about more lefties is posted.

You boys need to start thinking outside the box. No, Shane Ruttle has nothing to do with this blog, but thanks for playing. We've some very lovely parting gifts for you.

Here's the problem. You boneheads have the absolute worst intel. We mean, it really is god awful. As a friend recently noted himself:

How is it that Leftist Watch and their ilk can only ever seem to "dig up" information on Shane and Jason? There are hundreds of us ara-ers out here, so how come the opposition can only find out info about the people who publicly state their names?

And, as the boys and girls at Nazi Watch Canada have noted:

As for us having a breakdown, look at the content of that blog [Leftist Watch]. There is nothing on there that a google search would not bring up. Good job leftist watch, you have great grade 4 level computer skills!
Now, we on the other hand have pretty darn good intel so rather than just talking about people like Paul Fromm (though we do a great deal of that anyways and will continue to do so), we will also talk about his links to people like R.L. who along with Paulie was hanging out with the Aryan Guard during their March 21 rally. By the way R.L., that's a really nice poster of Jerome Iginla on your wall. You do realize that his father is Nigerian, right? Or as long as he's considered to be among the best players in hockey, and certainly the best player on the Flames, you'll consider him an honorary Aryan?

There. That's how you run a tabloidish blog. Don't just go after people who are well known. Hit the people who think they're insignificant enough to be ignored.

Long story short. Leftist Watch Canada is now on ice for the time being, though until they remove their stories Nazi Watch Canada will remain active.

UPDATE: Well that confirmed something that we had long believed, but since R.L. claimed his birth was in 1990 we decided to see what would result from our publishing R.L.'s full identity. Here's a helpful tip: don't lie about your age if you don't want to end up on this blog. Also confirmed? Another Aryan Guard groupie who is too young to shave.