Showing posts with label Goldring. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Goldring. Show all posts

Friday, November 04, 2011

Stuff Boneheads Like: Crappy Tattoos

Glenn Bahr improving his body

Before we get to the real purpose of this article, we’d like to point out that if there’s one thing that boneheads the world over love doing (aside from drugs, listening to bad music, committing crimes and having deviant sex with minors), it’s permanently defacing their bodies with hideous tattoos.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Distortionism? What Does that Even Mean?

So we continue to watch the boneheads fall all over themselves to explain why their super successful march on Saturday could have been even more supper successful had everything gone right. You know, except for the multiple arrests that took place before the march. And the fact not a single American came even though many said they would. And that only 16 boneheads participated and the brave, Spartan warriors were held up by some bike cops who eventually called in a bus to take them home where we assume milk and cookies awaited them.

What we didn't speak about in a lot of detail was the lead up to the big event. We did post a note by Mike Gaio who warned the reds that they were, "coming hard." Our friend "Keaton" (William Brant) offered that hopefully the anti-racist would "attack first" which would allow the boneheads to then act in "self-defence":

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Split in Blood & Honour (Aryan Guard) Faction

We've been pretty quiet about Blood & Honour (Aryan Guard) for the last several weeks. They still seem to be planning a public march on March 19 of this year and are bragging about the possibility of a number of boneheads from Ontario and Quebec making the journey to attend. However, the public posturing might be masking a deep divide within the group that has resulted in yet another split.

Things appear to have reached a breaking point over the issues of drugs and a past relationship with a First Nations woman (and a child that resulted from the relationship), resulting in a final blow-up between Lee Ebel and Jessie Lajoie. The other members of the racist gang split in their support of the two men. On those who sided with Lee were Kyle McKee, Natalie S., Shannon Butt, Jordan Dowe, Mike Gaio, and Karine Raymond. On Jessie's side are John Marleau, Brent Goldring, and Courtney B.

There hasn't been any online chatter to confirm whether this all is true, however circumstantial evidence points to the strong possibility that the information we received could be factual. Our readers may remember us making fun of the B&H (AG) crew for their ill advised poster advertising a New Years eve party. Those who attended the party all belonged to the faction rumored to have sided with Lee Ebel:

Friday, April 24, 2009

What Happens When We're Bored

Idea was stolen from one of our readers and most of them are pretty lame, but perhaps some of you will find some of these inspirational posters to be at least a little amusing:

That last one was a bit of an inside joke that we know some of our readers will appreciate.

A bit of a double meaning in the above inspirational poster. Two words for you Marc: French Cruller.

Yes, very childish. We know.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Selected pictures taken of the events on March 21:

Paul Fromm marching with neo-Nazis while sporting a smart, red man purse.

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Aryan Guard Supporter Advocates Genocide

The membership of the Aryan Guard seems to change depending upon who you ask. Depending on the circumstances the Aryan Guard claims a membership of only 3 members, though on other occasions they've claimed as many as 15 active core members. We've narrowed the active membership down to the following individuals, in part as a result of a search of their Facebook group exclusively created for Aryan Guard member as well as additional research:

Kyle McKee  
John Marleau
Bill Noble
Jessie Lajoie

Tyler Lupkoski


“Jason Sturm”

“R.j. Mathews” (Justice)


*Robert Reitmeir

*Tyler Sturrup
(likely to have moved out of Calgary)
*Brent Goldring

Dustyn Johnson (seems to have left the group)

With the exception of member "R.N." those individuals in quotation marks are under 18 years of age and/or are using pseudonyms. "R.N." is currently 18, however as he is currently on trial for attacking a female Japanese immigrant in August of the past year which occurred when he was then 17, we will not publish his name. The remaining three Reitmeier, Sturrup, and Goldring are considered to be close associates (Reitmeier and Goldring appear to be very close friends while Reitmeier and Sturrup are members of what is likely a tiny offshoot of the Aryan Guard known as the White European Brotherhood, or W.E.B.).

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

We Don't Want To Keep Talking About the Aryan Guard

But they keep giving us so much material to work with.

We received a number of files a few days ago containing pictures and videos, including the infamous porn video we discussed earlier. At one time we jokingly opined that one of the other Aryan Guard members was shooting the video while Kyle McKee and his ex "performed." It turns out that joke was closer to reality that even we had anticipated. From the anonymous source: