Showing posts with label Volksfront. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Volksfront. Show all posts

Saturday, August 24, 2019

A Yellow Vester, a Hatriot, and a Neo-Nazi Walk Into a Bar...

...Not really, but they did go live on Facebook.

Shortly after Your Ward News editor James Sears was sentenced to one year in prison for his role in distributing the virulently antisemitic, misogynistic, and homophobic hate rag, Derek Storie of the Yellow Vests and Ed Jamnisek of Northern Guard thought interviewing neo-nazi Paul Fromm would be a good use of their time.

Nice of Ed to brush his hair for the occasion.  

The three chatted about all sorts of "patriotic" things, like how you can't be antisemitic anymore:

Fromm's opinion that Maxime Bernier's Peoples' Party of Canada will get rid of hate speech laws: 

Given Fromm's support for the PPC platform, the fact he thinks this will actually happen isn't surprising. 

Fromm even went as far as to use standard white nationalist talking points, reiterated by Jamnisek who complains "if you're questioning who rules you, who can you not criticize?" 

Also of interest here is Storie including himself when referencing their belief that "white people are outnumbered," given that he repeatedly claims to be indigenous, stated he was Metis earlier in the video, and insists that his vlogging under the name "Noble Savages" is a reference to his heritage. 

Anyway, they continue on with Ed asking if civil war is imminent. Fromm is careful with what he says, but does express a lot of support for the Yellow Vests:

Poor Paulie

That said, he certainly has participated in Yellow Vest rallies before, but has reportedly been asked to stop coming around, since we covered it. 

Paul Fromm with Hamilton Yellow Vest organizer Justin Long, earlier this year. 

Fromm insists "we are at war," and is confident that such "free speech advocates" as himself would be thrown into a gulag or camp. We can think of a few places Fromm can go, but it's neither of those. We'll leave such monstrous ideas to those who pal around with Blood and Honour, Combat 18, and the Aryan Guard

Derek Storie is still somehow not aware of Paul Fromm's affiliations, or the affiliations of those he spends time with, such as the Canadian Nationalist Party

About that... 

Who's going to tell Derek? 

Ed provides an extremely watered down primer on who Paul Fromm is, including the indication that he's somehow NOT a holocaust denier:


I suppose we can't blame Ed, given Paulie's very convincing attempts to portray himself as a run-of-the-mill free speech dude. 

I can't imagine where we'd get that idea. 

We leave you with not a nazi or a holocaust denier (heh) but definitely a very large baby Paul Fromm's thoughts on the sentence: 

Sure, Paulie. 

Friday, July 26, 2019

Paul Fromm with Maxime Bernier: Pleased With PPC Immigration Platform

So rather than engaging in the usual long-winded lead up I engage in, let's just get to the point on this one:

Yep, white supremacist Paul Fromm, seen here with Max Bernier happily patting him on the back, is pleased with the PPC platform regarding immigration.

Though he's not as happy that a former PPC candidate was removed for merely posting the link to a white supremacist group with ties to terrorism:

Fromm has been a fixture on the far right in Canada since the late 1960s and has associated with such groups as the Heritage Front, Volksfront, the KKK, American Front, and the recently illegal terrorist group Blood & Honour/Combat 18 (among others):

Bernier himself has seemingly decided to throw his lot in with extremists including the Northern Guard:

Proud Boys:

ID Canada (formerly Generation Identity Canada):

The Yellow Vesters:

And an assortment of other alt-right and racist figures:

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Who Is To Blame For Forest Fires? Apparently Muslims, Left-Wing Politicians, Environmentalists, and "Lazers"

It began in Constantinople -- well, to be fair it actually began somewhere along the silk road in Central Asia -- in 1347. By the time the Black Death had run its course between 1/3 and 1/2 of Europeans who contracted bubonic plague were dead. While some kingdoms, duchies, and principalities were hit hard than others, locations as far as Iceland and Greenland were decimated.

We know that the plague was caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis contained in the guts of fleas and carried by Black Rats combined with poor understanding about hygiene as the cause now, but at the time other supernatural and superstitious causes were invoked. The plague was thought of as a scourge sent by God to punish the wicked for their evil. Conversely Satan was invoked as the cause when men and women of unimpeachable repute were struck down. People believed that the disease was caused by cold and wet climates, that it could be prevented by opening northward windows, the pestilence was the result of an unusual alignment of the planets, and that one could remain safe with the right combination of herbs and spices stuffed into the beak of a mask that made it's wearer look like a crow:

Many others however looked to scapegoats. One group included wizened old women accused of being witches. Another group was the old stand-by scapegoat of Medieval Europe:
Jewish people were made scapegoats and accused of causing the plague by poisoning wells, food and streams. They were often tortured into confessions, which only fueled the persecutions. Europe saw the mass execution of Jewish men, women and children, with Jews rounded up in town squares. The burning of Jews quickly spread throughout the Low Countries, Spain, France and Germanic areas. 
A chronicler, Michael de Leone, said that “the Jews deserved to be swallowed up in the flames” for causing the plague with poison. In Barcelona, Jews were killed for the sin of being Jews, not because they were suspected of poisoning. 
Basel burned their Jewish inhabitants on an island in the Rhine. In Strasbourg, approximately 2,000 Jews were burned in local cemetery on St. Valentine’s Day in an attempt to stop the pestilence. The Jews who agreed to be baptized were saved and some young children were pulled from the fire and baptized against the will of their parents. After the burnings, both the councils of Basel and Strasbourg made an oath that Jews would not be allowed to enter the cities for hundreds of years.

There were those who spoke out against this and suggested more natural causes even if they didn't comprehend how (an understanding of microbiology would be centuries in the future) but these voices in the darkness were invariably ignored, ridiculed, or suffered similar fates to those women and Jews who were burned.

Thankfully, we now live in a much more enlightened time when such superstitious and paranoid claptrap could never result in the scapegoating of an entire ethnic group, culture, or religion again. We're all just too clever.


Notorious Islamophobe Sandra Solomon who has been written about a number of times on the blog already is referring to the forest fires in Northern Alberta. ARC has also discussed the phenomenon of much of the membership of groups such as the III% militia and Yellow Vests accusing Muslims of starting the fires. They claim that these fires, "never happened before 'those people' came" despite the very long historical record of fires that often occur naturally. Rather than accept the possibility the fire is the result of a (a) lightning strike (b) careless, but not necessarily malicious human activities (such as tossing away a still hot cigarette butt, driving an ATV through dry tinder, failing to put out a camp fire, etc) they now seem to automatically view every fire as suspicious.

Now it is true that fires have started earlier and have become more intense as northern boreal forests have become increasingly dry as a result of less snow fall in winters and less rain in the spring. In fact this was predicted by climate scientists as a result of human triggered climate change.

But rather than being convinced by the actual evidence, the members of the far-right ARC has been monitoring consider this proof of a leftist and environmentalist conspiracy to destroy the oil industry, impose new regulations to combat "fake" global warming and open up northern Canada to become a sub-Arctic caliphate. They believe that the current federal Liberals and former Alberta NDP government are working with environmentalists and Jihadists to start fires and that the "real Canadian" need to rise up to stop it:

The same thing is being said on other social media sites ARC monitors, including Yellow Vests Canada, a group with over 100,000 members and a movement that people like Max Bernier and Andrew Scheer are courting:

The thread is long, and one could justifiably perhaps accuse me of giving this hate group undue coverage, but I think in this case it is relevant:

Sunday, March 17, 2019

"I Disagree With Violence But....": The Justification and Celebration of the Christchurch Mosque Murders By Paul Fromm and Robert Jones

It didn't take long for the likes of Paulie to try and justify the murder of 50 adults and children worshiping at two Christchurch mosques. In a post on his blog, Fromm posted the entirety of the murderer's "manifesto" along with his own forward justifying the attack while couching that justification if claims to oppose violence:

The most relevant section of the forward his here:

Of course long time readers of ARC and those who know the long history of Fromm's support for violent hate groups who do the dirty work that he tacitly promotes know just how hollow Fromm's claim to "disagree with... violence." He has supported groups such as the Aryan Guard/Blood & Honour, Volksfront, the KKK, and a multitude of groups who have engaged in violence and he has rationalized every single instance:

In fact he has his own links to Christchurch, New Zealand where another violent hate group had been founded:

Here Fromm is shaking hands with Kyle Chapman while on a speaking tour of New Zealand in December 2010. Chapman was leader and founder of the neo-Nazi hate group Right Wing Resistance that formed targeting Maori and other Polynesian peoples, other New Zealand peoples of colour, Jews, and Muslims:
Right Wing Resistance also had a number of chapters around the world. Many were quite small including a Canadian chapter whose sole active member was profiled on the blog in late 2015:

Fromm isn't the only prominent disseminator of hate propaganda who has helped to poison the well and creating the conditions that contribute to events such as the Christchurch tragedy. Like others regarded as leaders or (to use a more resent term) influencers in the white nationalist movement internationally, Fromm toes right up to the line where he doesn't overtly advocate for violence, but justifies it when it occurs as the inevitable consequences of an ethnically diverse society and that the remedy is to make society not ethnically diverse.... however that task would be accomplished is left up to the imagination. These dog whistles are heard by those who ARE potentially inclined to commit such reprehensible acts, but those who have helped to foster this noxious environment have their plausible deniability. 

A figure on the far right whom I have written about due to his active involvement in protests and groups that are increasingly more extreme, Robert Jones, represents the kind of person people like Paulie are dog whistling too:

We usually find the sort of radicalization Robert Jones is undergoing in teens, however like the children who find their way into hate groups, Jones is someone who seems desperate to belong to something. He has been a member of the Soldiers of Odin, the Proud Boys, and the JDL as an affiliate. He has eventually been booted from all three of the groups mentioned and now he's on his forth, the hate group known as the Northern Guard. He has also embraced overt fascism and worships Donald Trump as a sort of living god (note that he has more than one Facebook account two of which I will be sourcing in the article without bothering to make the distinction):

When the Christchurch murders took place, Jones was immediately drawn to the manifesto which he has spent a great deal of time sharing online:

Jones seems aware that posting links to the manifesto, as well as the video of the murders, violate Facebook's terms of service regarding dissemination of hate propaganda and violence, but he seems determined to share these with a wide audience:

Jones' reaction to the murders has been equally crass:

Duarate seems to be under the impression that Fraser Anning, the Australian senator
who blamed the Muslim community for the the murder of their members for
the audacity of living in New Zealand, is a leftist because he likely didn't
read the article.... because he seems to be an idiot.

The term "retribution attack" used by Jones is telling as he very quickly begins to justify the murders and dehumanize non-white peoples: