Showing posts with label National Vanguard. Show all posts
Showing posts with label National Vanguard. Show all posts

Friday, July 26, 2019

Paul Fromm with Maxime Bernier: Pleased With PPC Immigration Platform

So rather than engaging in the usual long-winded lead up I engage in, let's just get to the point on this one:

Yep, white supremacist Paul Fromm, seen here with Max Bernier happily patting him on the back, is pleased with the PPC platform regarding immigration.

Though he's not as happy that a former PPC candidate was removed for merely posting the link to a white supremacist group with ties to terrorism:

Fromm has been a fixture on the far right in Canada since the late 1960s and has associated with such groups as the Heritage Front, Volksfront, the KKK, American Front, and the recently illegal terrorist group Blood & Honour/Combat 18 (among others):

Bernier himself has seemingly decided to throw his lot in with extremists including the Northern Guard:

Proud Boys:

ID Canada (formerly Generation Identity Canada):

The Yellow Vesters:

And an assortment of other alt-right and racist figures:

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Paul Fromm's Support For a Cause Makes His Friendship With Kevin Strom a Bit Awkward

Paul Fromm and Kevin Strom with other notables in the, "White
Nationalist" Movement. Would hate to be Nick Griffin. Who
Knows what Strom had been doing with that hand
earlier in the day?
Paul Fromm has known and worked with Kevin Strom, formerly of the National Alliance before he abandoned the racist group to form his own, the National Vanguard, for many years. For example, in 2004 both of them signed on to David Duke's New Orleans Protocol which attempted to mend the rifts that existed between, "White Nationalist" groups and aimed create a climate in which the various groups could work together for the common cause (how's that working out for you fellas, by the way?).

So it shouldn't come as a surprise that when Strom joined Facebook, one of the first he added as a friend was Paulie:

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Revisionism: It Ain't Just For the Holocaust

Any new photos of Paulie, you ask? Take a gander at this one:

Why, oh why, do you make this so easy for us Paulie?

Now while we might think that this is yet another picture of Paulie trying, and failing, to pull off the rugged outdoors man look, he does have a new friend who thinks he embodies all the mythic hero of a Joseph Campbell archetype:

Well, Kevin Strom, formerly of the National Alliance and, after a huge falling out with the new leadership of the NA soon after the death of William Pierce founded National Vanguard, isn't exactly a new friend of Paulie as they have a pretty long history. And we actually are less interested in making fun of Paulie than we are addressing some revisionist comments made by both, er.... men.