
What do you associate with alcohol? by [deleted] in AskReddit

[–]crystalizedPooh 1 point2 points  (0 children)

i dont think potato vodka makes amy schumer look good at all

What was your most memorable experience being approached by someone asking for money? by Drakken11577 in AskReddit

[–]crystalizedPooh 0 points1 point  (0 children)

one time i was at the train station i was walking down the platform where there was a homeless man asking for money, and i said to him that i dont have any change on me right now can you break a 10, then he went reaching into his wallet and suddenly realized while pulling out a wad of cash that he wasn't exactly homeless

what’s the worse thing a teacher ever shouted at you for? by ashad_0x in AskReddit

[–]crystalizedPooh 0 points1 point  (0 children)

had a teacher that thought i was going to drink a glass of turpentine and screamed at the top of their lungs, OMG STOP!!! a moment later they started laughing, when they saw i was holding it up to the light to see how clean it was

What career do you find absolutely fascinating? by nutbagger18 in AskReddit

[–]crystalizedPooh 2 points3 points  (0 children)

metallurgy, because most everyone look at rocks and thinks nothing of them

What exists only because we're stupid? by jeron_gwendolen in AskReddit

[–]crystalizedPooh -1 points0 points  (0 children)

coffee cups that have a printed label saying, warning hot coffee is hot

What's the weirdest dream you've had? by [deleted] in AskReddit

[–]crystalizedPooh 1 point2 points  (0 children)

cut open my hand and relish started pouring out

If you were LARPing as a bum in a city that allows public defecation, where would be your favorite place to crap? by weepingscrotalrash in AskReddit

[–]crystalizedPooh 0 points1 point  (0 children)

in a city that allows public defecation, what would be your favorite place to crap?

oh that's easy, on lady justice scale outside the court house would be shit on a precise schedule

What's the worst thing a pregnant woman can do? by Daniel_WR_YT in AskReddit

[–]crystalizedPooh 0 points1 point  (0 children)

tumble and roll down the stairs with a glass of wine in their hand and not spill any of it

Which are the most progressive countries in Europe? by pantherBlitzz in AskReddit

[–]crystalizedPooh 0 points1 point  (0 children)

just look for the one's who have crooked teeth, then you'll know

What company, product, or service do you have a personal beef with, and why? by [deleted] in AskReddit

[–]crystalizedPooh 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Kelloggs started releasing Cheez-It's that are burnt and then pretending they're a flavor by slapping toasted on some of the boxes, NO, they all taste burnt, even the regular, you just don't want to fix your fucking machines.

What wedding moment made you think: "They are not going to last very long ?" by boredali3n in AskReddit

[–]crystalizedPooh 0 points1 point  (0 children)

went to a wedding one time, where the bride to be was a pregnant stripper, and they served a giant pan pizza the size of a table and had a stack of buffet plates on either end, and because they didn't bother serving spaghetti, i knew it wasnt going to last very long

People who work in tv, what’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever experienced in your role? by ThrowingLols in AskReddit

[–]crystalizedPooh 0 points1 point  (0 children)

i've never worked in tv shows myself, but onetime my friend who worked at a news station brought me into the studio to pickup / drop off some things for a project, and then we passed by the news anchor who was getting dressed up for a show and was looking in the mirror -- i mean really looking in the mirror -- said hello and shook hands, and the whole time was constantly playing with their clothes -- but changed literally nothing while doing so -- but was very busy quite the same, and then went back to looking in the mirror as though things were changing in front of their eyes, it was really a strange thing to see happening

What popular video game have you just never enjoyed? by NotAFanOfBTS in AskReddit

[–]crystalizedPooh 1 point2 points  (0 children)

was going to say the same thing, my sister has bought almost every one of them, i've tried a couple out, but can never make it much past half an hour before getting bored, just cant do it, whenever she has it going on in the background i've always liked the music though

What's a time when a video game has actually caused violence? by CactusFingies in AskReddit

[–]crystalizedPooh 0 points1 point  (0 children)

they don't, period

it's the same thing with any type of art like books, radio, music, tv and movies, etc.

boomers dont want to admit some people are just deranged fucks, and so they blame it on whatever media they didn't grow up using or just dont like

you have to remember these are the same people who grew up taking narcotics and throwing rocks at cars to pass the time because electronics didn't exist

What’s a classic first world problem? by Xanduh in AskReddit

[–]crystalizedPooh 4 points5 points  (0 children)

getting mad when an automatic update starts making a game lag

What men actually use the hole in their underwear to pee? by Unlikely-Luck9308 in AskReddit

[–]crystalizedPooh 0 points1 point  (0 children)

it's only there so you'll have extra space in the case of an emergency

What was the dumbest assignment you’ve done/heard of someone doing in school? by SpiritofDeadJokes in AskReddit

[–]crystalizedPooh 0 points1 point  (0 children)

my math teacher assigned us a paper on towel statistics, brawny versus bounty, where we interviewed people on which brand they preferred and then added up the number of people who liked brawny, bounty, and the total number of people questioned

whenever i think back on why nobody understands statistics, i think of this teacher, because they were far more interested in coaching sports after school and needed to hand out assignments that were quick to grade

knew everyone's name that played sports, but couldn't remember any regular students name

Gamers of Reddit; what is painfully frustrating to you in the gaming industry? by Appropriate_Review50 in AskReddit

[–]crystalizedPooh 2 points3 points  (0 children)

the gaming industry (video games) was started by people that actually like games, as soon as "the gaming industry (aka. casinos)" saw you could make money with them, all of sudden games started being filled with addiction psychologies to get people to spend money; and it's becoming transparent enough that governments are starting to regulate them

What job allows you to fuck up and still remain employed? by Wheres_ma_source in AskReddit

[–]crystalizedPooh 1 point2 points  (0 children)

i knew somebody from a public library that tried to quit their job because the supervisor was an asshole and denied their resignation several times, like you're not leaving, and so they punched their supervisor in the face and said "do i get to quit now," so apparently assault is the only way to legally quit government jobs