
Redditors, what is your real life paranormal story? by Otherwise-Recover-57 in AskReddit

[–]Daniel_WR_YT 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Hope I'm not late for this. A few months ago i was just going to sleep and all of a sudden i see a random figure at my door frame just going up and down (sorts like squats but without the hands raised Infront). When i saw it i froze and got so scared and a few seconds later i bolted to the lights. When i was getting out of my bed, it stood up and as i was running to the lights it just went to my sister's room (right next to mine). Happened 1 or 2 more times and then it stopped. I also have a big phobia of spiders and if i see on right before i go to bed i keep opening my eyes every 3-5 seconds to look around and if i manage to fall asleep i wake up 1-2 times and see a random shadow of a spider Infront of me (happens everytime). Last time it happened was around a month ago when my dad was sleeping in my room because my mother had recently given birth and because she cries a lot he wakes up and can't get enough sleep. I was going to sleep at around 2:30 am when i saw a spider on my wall so i killed it immediately and when i went to sleep i was terrified. I even saw a spider crawl up on my dad (probably was around 0.5cm) so i just lightly hit his pillow but couldn't feel anything. I kept opening my eyes every 3-5 seconds but i eventually fell asleep and when i woke up about an hour later i saw a random shadow of a spider coming down from my ceiling. Turned on my TV immediately to see if i can find the spider and then stayed awake until 4am (it was 3:30 am when i woke up). My dad woke up and asked me why I'm still awake. I wasn't able to tell him. Eventually i went back to bed and woke up at the usual time i wake up. Would say the shadow one is the scariest, and no it wasn't sleep paralysis

What is the most brutal gore video you've seen? by Daniel_WR_YT in AskReddit

[–]Daniel_WR_YT[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I know that one, it's from a movie (don't remember the name)

What is the most brutal gore video you've seen? by Daniel_WR_YT in AskReddit

[–]Daniel_WR_YT[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Search it up on twitter it might be there considering twitter is becoming the dark web

What is the most brutal gore video you've seen? by Daniel_WR_YT in AskReddit

[–]Daniel_WR_YT[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Personally the most brutal gore vid I've seen was of 2 guys being killed. 1 got beheaded and the other one got his heart taken out (no mercy Mexico)