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Ruben Gallego
Iraq War Veteran USMC 0311/0341. Member of Congress for #Az 7th Congressional District. Hispanic/Latino. Father of Michael. Husband to
Phoenix, Arizonagallegoforarizona.comJoined June 2009

Ruben Gallego’s Tweets

It really has been a joy reading his tweets. Pundits and reporters in DC cite him all the time.
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. @Garrett_Archer, a data analyst for ABC 15 News in Phoenix, has been doing the “Maricopa incoming” bit since the 2018 election. But his Twitter following has exploded.
For the last 2 years Republicans targeted the Trans and in general the LGBT community by calling them “groomers” Those words were weaponized into violence in Colorado Springs. Don’t offer prayers if you ever said “groomer” Offer an apology for being part of the problem.
There’s a simple explanation for why the system wouldn’t show that she’d voted. The system doesn’t update to show the status of Election Day votes until after the canvass on Nov 28.
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Cheryl arrived to vote & was told the tabulators weren't reading ballots. Rather than drop her ballot in a box, she chose to go to a 2nd location. Cheryl had no problems at her 2nd location but when she checked to see the status of her ballot, she was told she had not voted.
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Daniel you are a piss of shit racist. Your tweet was not based on any policy now you are just trying to back track. It’s not working you are still a piece of shit racist and should apologize to Kimberly Yee.
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Hey @RubenGallego how much money does China use to influence American politicians like your colleague @ericswalwell? How much money does Yee send from Arizona pensions to be managed by Wall Street? Do you think China has control of Wall Street at all?…
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Wait now you want to stop their deportation (in Spanish) but at the same time in English you never talk about respecting the asylum process.
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Mientras estaba en DC, me visitaron en Miami cubanos con orden de deportación y sus familiares, preocupados por su situación. Haremos todo posible por evitar que la Administración Biden los regrese a la Isla cárcel.
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Hi Paulo what district 34 are you talking about? It would seem that you are using old district lines and then comparing it to the knew district lines even though they have changed. It’s not a fair comparison.
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Ds won her seat (TX34) by + 8 points, less than in ‘20, 18,’16’, ‘14 and ‘12 ( in ‘12 Ds won by +25). Although Flores made inroads, voters drew the line when they were unable to answer the question: what have Rs done for Latinos? Mayra couldn’t answer that question either.
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Elise it isn’t illegal the FBI director to use a FBI jet to go anywhere even vacation. You know it, stop gas lighting the public. Other officials not allowed to fly commercial. 1. SecDef 2. Attorney General 3. Director of CIA 4. Secretary of Homeland Security Notice a trend?
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We will hold FBI Director Wray accountable for using a taxpayer funded FBI jet to go on vacation. It is illegal and unethical. Our Republican House Majority will fight to ensure we have a government that is accountable to ‘We the People’.
Because they were out to get you Kari. Somehow Tom Horne and Kimberly Yee outsmarted the cabal. You should fire your team and hire them.
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Replying to @maricopacounty and @billgatesaz
Once the ‘faded’ timing marks were discovered during MCTEC tabulation of early ballots printed at on-site early vote centers, why did maricopa fail to set proper printer settings for the vote centers that opened for the first time on Election Day?
This is why we exercise caution with exits. Katie Hobbs is up 75.6% to 24.4% in ’s #AZ03. That doesn’t happen without big margins among Latino voters.
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But Hobbs only won Latino voters by four points (51-47%), a huge dropoff from Sinema's 40-point margin of victory with Hispanics in 2018. (The AP/NORC exit poll doesn't show quite the dramatic dropoff, but it's still substantial -- Dem margin down 23 pts with Hispanics)
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Mathematically its not possible. Also I represent the most Latino district in the state I won 77%-to 23% highest margin ever. Everyone state wide candidate was just behind me.
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But Hobbs only won Latino voters by four points (51-47%), a huge dropoff from Sinema's 40-point margin of victory with Hispanics in 2018. (The AP/NORC exit poll doesn't show quite the dramatic dropoff, but it's still substantial -- Dem margin down 23 pts with Hispanics)
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