Spoiler Alert: We are Wonkette

Owner, Publisher and Editrix -Rebecca Schoenkopf

Rebecca has taught poli sci and journalism; has a master’s in Specialized Journalism with a focus on Urban Policy from University of Southern California; lives in Montana with her husband and baby daughter, Wonkette’s Future Overlord; and is super good at pretty much everything. If you send Wonkette money, she will probably even send you a thank you note, eventually. You can email her at rebecca@wonkette.com.

Senior Editor -Doktor Zoom

Doktor Zoom is the pseudonym of Marty Kelley, who lives in Boise, Idaho. He is not a medical doctor, although he has a real PhD (in Rhetoric and Composition). He writes about news, religion, science, education, conspiracy theories, sovereign citizen extremists, and he occasionally reviews books and movies. If you have a story idea, drop him a note at doktorzoom@wonkette.com.

Managing Editor -Evan Hurst

Evan spends his days deflecting the sad glances of his black lab, Lula, who would please like him to stop typing letters to the internet and throw the squeaky chicken in the backyard instead. Though the internet does not give him credit, it’s probably his fault Aaron Schock is no longer a congressperson, due how Evan would not stay off his tail during the SCANDALS. (Not in a sex way, in a writing way!) Also, he writes songs and plays the piano, at the same time! Lastly, Evan is a Southern person, and thus is casting polite judgment on you, right now, for reading this. Bless your heart. You can email him at evan@wonkette.com.

Weekend Editor -Robyn Pennacchia

Robyn Pennacchia is a brilliant, fabulously talented and visually stunning angel of a human being, who shrugged off what she is pretty sure would have been a Tony Award-winning career in musical theater in order to write about stuff on the internet. Previously, she was a Senior Staff Writer at Death & Taxes, and Assistant Editor at The Frisky (RIP). Currently, she writes for Wonkette, Friendly Atheist, Quartz and other sites. Email robyn@wonkette.com or follow her on Twitter at @RobynElyse.

Other Editor -Stephen Robinson

Stephen Robinson is a writer and social kibbitzer based in Portland, Oregon. He's on the board of the Portland Playhouse theater and writes for the immersive theater Cafe Nordo in Seattle. Tickets are on sale now for his latest Nordo collaboration, "Curiouser and Curiouser," an adaptation of "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" and "Through the Looking Glass." It promises to feel like an actual evening with SER (for good or for ill). Email him at ser@wonkette.com

Resident Pixel -Shypixel

Shypixel is married to Rebecca Schoenkopf and father to your Future Overlord. He is writes the Wonkette Newsletter, occasionally graces us with a post, and is a Nice Man. Email him at shypixel@wonkette.com or tweet: @Shypixel on the Twitter


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