Culture Wars


Telling kids to accept themselves? Clearly gay indoctrination!

The Angry Parents of America are reaching new depths of stupid in their fight to cleanse schools and libraries of anything that might be LGBTQ propaganda, and that now appears to include children's books that promote self-acceptance without directly saying anything about teh ghey. Case in point: Children's book author and illustrator Jason Tharp was informed last week by a school principal in Delaware, Ohio, that he would not be allowed to read his book It's OK to Be a Unicorn at a scheduled school event last Thursday.

The book was the subject of complaints from local parents who believed it was gay propaganda, although there's no mention of sexuality or relationships in the picture book, which is aimed at early elementary kids, who may be polluted by its message of acceptance and support for diversity. That's pretty rich coming from a town that's clearly confused about its own identity, trying to be both Delaware and Ohio at the same time.

In addition to being told not to rea his unicorn book at the school event, Tharp says he also received an email telling him he also couldn't read another book he'd written with a message about self acceptance, It's OK to Smell Good, about a skunk who weirdly prefers nice flowers to normal nasty smells like limburger cheese and canned farts. But ... that challenges social norms!

It's like this Tharp guy is some kind of crazy "do your own thing" radical! Mr. Tharp is himself from central Ohio, but he should know damn well that this is America, where we color inside the lines and agree with everyone else like we're supposed to.

At least until someone tries to make us not spread a deadly virus, but that's different.

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Culture Wars

GOP Senate Candidate Devastated Dee Snider No Longer Represents 'Traditional Conservative Values'

They're so bad at art.

Republicans have had their panties in a bunch lo the past few weeks over the fact that Twisted Sister singer Dee Snider endorsed the use of his song "We're Not Gonna Take It" for the Ukrainian people but not for the ridiculous anti-maskers who used it as background music for their invasion of a Florida Target.

Of course, to be fair, they've been riled up about Snider for a long time, both those who panicked when they thought he was an evil androgynous Satanic influence on their children back in the 1980s and those who for some reason were confused and thought he was a conservative Republican — the latter of the two actually managing to be more hilarious.

Former NASCAR driver and current Washington Senate candidate Jerrod Sessler expressed his disappointment on Twitter today upon learning that Snider is, as he says, "riding the train in the wrong direction." We can assume that this means that he's liberal.

"Bummed to learn that @deesnider, the man with the perfect song written decades ago about the attack on traditional, conservative American values… “We’re Not Gonna Take It” is riding the train in the wrong direction. How could it be that he sang for us but now fights for them?" he tweeted, like a person who definitely knows who Dee Snider is and what that song was about.

The absolute drama of "How could it be that he sang for us but now fights for them?" is really what kills it here.

Like he actually heard that song, including the lyrics and everything, and thought "Yes, this is a man fighting for and not against traditional conservative values?"

Just to review:

We've got the right to choose it
There ain't no way we'll lose it
This is our life, this is our song
We'll fight the powers that be just
Don't pick our destiny 'cause
You don't know us, you don't belong
We're not gonna take it
Oh no, we ain't gonna take it
We're not gonna take it anymore
Oh, you're so condescending
Your gall is never ending
We don't want nothin', not a thing from you
Your life is trite and jaded
Boring and confiscated
If that's your best, your best won't do

Did he see the video?

Twisted Sister - We're Not Gonna Take It (Official Music Video)

Snider responded by laughing hysterically at the idea that he was promoting traditional conservative values.

Sessler then explained that he believed that God could send special messages through people whether they knew it or not, and that God used him, Dee Snider, to send a message to Conservative Republicans with traditional values.

"Do you think the folks that wrote the Bible knew that God was writing through them? I doubt it. I believe God can even use @deesnider and his hair for good! BTW - nice flag #AmericaFirst," he responded, citing two things that are not remotely true.

So basically, Sessler is so desperate to feel like he and his fellow Traditional Conservative Republicans are cool and edgy that he's going to tell Dee Snider what his song means and assert that the only way it is "good" is if it holds the meaning he erroneously believes it has. Nice.

Truly, there are few Culture War genres more enjoyable than "Republicans Disappointed To Find Out Their Favorite Musicians Hate Them" and "Republicans Not Understanding Art" — a personal favorite being "Republicans Disappointed In Rage Against The Machine Getting Political All Of A Sudden."

 used to be a fan until your political opinions come out. Music is my sanctuary and the last thing I want to hear is political bs when I\u2019m listening to music. As far as I\u2019m concerned you and pink are completely done. Keep running your mouth and ruining your fan base. DIRECTLY INTO MY VEINS

Also, Trump supporter draped in Blue Lives Matter song lip-syncing and dancing to Killing In the Name Of.

Trump supporters dancing to Rage Against The Machine, clearly clueless about the song lyrics

Perhaps someday more of them can stop reappropriating other people's work and then getting mad when it turns out those people don't support their politics and instead pick up a damn musical instrument themselves. Preferably a woodwind, as it is difficult to bloviate about culture war nonsense while also blowing into a clarinet.

Or, you know, they can stick to Pat Boone.


ETA!!: The livestream will be at 10 am PT/1 ET tomorrow! We have a special guest!

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Dolly Parton Will Always Love You, And You, And Everyone Except Possibly This Federalist Idiot

Tell us you know nothing about Dolly Parton without saying you know nothing about Dolly Parton.

Comedy website The Federalist has been very angry at Disney lately. The conservative equivalent of post-sleep eye gunk is pissed off that after Disney angered its significant cadre of LGBTQ+ fans and employees by keeping quiet as Florida's infamous "Don't Say Gay" bill wound its way through the state Legislature, it announced that it would work to get the bill repealed.

Okay, so you're a conservative and you do not want to take your kids to the Weimar-era Berlin fetish club that is Disney World due to its horrific insistence on treating gay and transgender people as human beings deserving of respect and dignity. So where do you take them? How about the theme park run by noted homophobe and trans-hater, uh, let's double-check the notes here ... Dolly Parton?

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Trump's White House Photographer Planned A Book, But Donald Wanted A Piece Of The Action

There's always some punk trying to cut you out.

The New York Times brings us yet another reminder that nothing, absolutely nothing, was ever normal in the Trump administration. Apart from the shakedown schemes in foreign policy and the blithe indifference to mere federal law, there was always the grift, the reflexive money-grubbing at every opportunity. As the Times reports, that extended even into Trump's treatment of his chief White House photographer, Shealah Craighead.

Near the end of Trump's time in office, Craighead let Trump's people know she planned to put together a book of her work covering Trump, something that White House photographers have been doing since the Reagan years. Maybe the "president" could write a brief foreword for the book? The word came back that sure, he'd be glad to — but only if Craighead would give him a cut of her advance from the publisher.

Ah, but that was just the start. Apparently the idea of a nice coffee-table book of White House photos really appealed to Trump, so shortly afterward,

Mr. Trump’s team asked Ms. Craighead to hold off on her book project to allow the former president to take Ms. Craighead’s photos and those of other White House staff photographers and publish his own book, which is now selling for as much as $230 a copy.

After all, since they're all produced at taxpayer expense, White House photos aren't copyrighted by the photographers; they're automatically in the public domain, so Craighead couldn't very well complain.

Trump would no doubt say she was a sucker for agreeing to a deal like that in the first place.

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