Post-Racial America

House Republicans Activate Super-Racist Powers, Kill Own Bill Honoring Black Florida Judge

Guess that'll teach KBJ a lesson.

In yet another reminder that the Republican Party is now being run by complete assholes — as if we needed such reminders after January 6, when two-thirds of House Republicans voted to overturn the 2020 election — the New York Times reports (Paywall-free linky!) that House Republicans sabotaged a bill to honor a history-making Black judge last month. The bill would have renamed the federal courthouse in Tallahassee, Florida, after Justice Joseph W. Hatchett, Florida's first Black Supreme Court Justice, and the first Black judge appointed to the federal bench in the South. Hatchett died last year at the age of 88.

Back in December, the measure had passed in the Senate easily, where it was sponsored by both of Florida's Republican senators. Like many such bills, it was so uncontroversial that it passed on a voice vote, without debate. It was set to sail through the House as well, with the unanimous support of Florida's 27 House members. It's the sort of routine nice thing for local heroes Congress regularly handles without a hitch.

But at the last minute before the March 30 House vote, Republicans suddenly decided they couldn't possibly support renaming the federal building for Justice Hatchett, and the bill died, because under the fast-track rules used for the measure, it needed a two-thirds majority to pass. Some Republicans found themselves very challenged when asked to explain their sudden opposition to the bill that they'd sponsored just hours before:

Asked what made him vote against a measure that he had co-sponsored, Representative Vern Buchanan, Republican of Florida, was brief and blunt: “I don’t know,” he said.

As it turned out, there was a perfectly shitty reason for the GOP reversal: Ostensibly, it was because aides for Rep. Andrew Clyde (R-Georgia), had dug up a 1999 AP article about an appeals court ruling in which Hatchett had overturned a Florida law allowing students to lead prayers at graduation ceremonies — a ruling that was completely in line with previous Supreme Court rulings on prayer in schools.

The Times doesn't mention this, but we certainly will: the House vote also came the week after virtually the entire right wing had conniptions during the Senate confirmation hearings for Ketanji Brown Jackson, slurring her as soft on child porn offenders and a supposed friend of "Critical Race Theory." But golly, none of the House Republicans mentioned that spectacle, so it couldn't possibly have been a factor in rejecting recognition of another historic Black judge, could it?

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National Politics

Marjorie Taylor Greene Knows What's A Waste Of Time, It Is Military Service

Today's Republicans are strange, aren't they?

You know, we often say people like Donald Trump and Tucker Carlson and Marjorie Taylor Greene and that whole crew are some of the most severely anti-American trash we've ever laid eyes on, and we say it because that's what we think of them. But usually, at least lately, it's because they're giving aid and comfort to America's enemies and siding with Vladimir Putin against the innocent Ukrainians Putin is genociding.

This time Marjorie Taylor Greene just decided to go for it and directly took a squatting shit all over American troops, personally. Newsweek reports that the other day Greene went on Lou Dobbs's podcast, whereupon she explained that if you join the military right now, you're "throwing your life away."

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January 6

MAGA Q Loon Called For Martial Law, Exhorted Militants To 'Make Those People Feel It Inside' Congress

And they did.

“If we make the people inside that building sweat and they understand that they may not be able to walk in the streets any longer if they do the wrong thing, then maybe they’ll do the right thing,” former Roger Stone ratfucking aide Jason Sullivan told a group of Trump supporters on December 30, 2020. “We have to put that pressure there.”

“There has to be a multiple-front strategy, and that multiple-front strategy, I do think, is descend on the Capitol, without question,” he said. “Make those people feel it inside.”

Which does sound a wee smidge incite-y, although don't get too excited since calling for protestors to "descend on Congress" seven days hence clearly fails the "imminence" test from Brandenberg v. Ohio, which refers to "imminent lawless action."

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National Politics

Yale Kid Asks Ted Cruz The Wrong Question About Blowing Guys To End World Hunger


A lot of folks are making something out of a question an oh-so-clever kid at Yale asked Ted Cruz this week. Cruz was there to do a live recording of his podcast, which he hosts with some idiot named Michael Knowles. And some whippersnapper named "Evan" got up to ask a question:

“Assuming it would end global hunger, would you fellate another man?” a student named Evan asked Cruz.

Evan. Can we call you "Evan," since it's our personal name, which means there's more than a 20 percent chance we won't forget your name by the end of this post?

Evan. Dear, sweet Evan. This is an inappropriate and incorrect question. Not for whatever reasons Ted Cruz didn't like the question, or that Michael Knowles didn't like the question. Knowles responded, "Like a typical leftwing undergraduate, you are engaging in consequentialist ethics." LOL, shut up you fuckin' dildo made out of human hair.

There were many laughs in the live studio audience, as Knowles said just a few too many words about how blowing guys is "flagrantly immoral." That was weird.

But it was still the wrong question.

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