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  1. 16. 12.

    Chris Whitty politely destroys a Tory MP bravely asking an idiotic question on behalf of fellow idiots.

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  2. 17. 12.

    ⚠️FASTER HOSPITALIZATION WITH —Latest data on hospital admissions in London (🇬🇧Omicron epicenter) shows Omicron wave is sending patients to hospitals sooner in 6 days than versus Delta (9-10 days). And the model suggests similar severity, not “milder”.🧵 Data via

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  3. 26. 11.

    My lame attempt at some perspective on the new variant. The Delta variant had an R0 (R - naught) rate of up to 8 additional people infected for each contact. Measles, one of the most infectious diseases known, has an R0 rate of 18. Omicron’s R0 seems well above 50.

  4. 17. 12.

    ⚠️BREAKING—Imperial College study finds could be **just as severe** as the Delta strain, according to early findings from researchers at Imperial College London. ➡️All those who said “it’s mild” need to think about how many they have endangered.

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  5. před 7 hodinami

    New York record cases—deaths are quickly rising too. Broadway shows are cancelling abruptly again. I’m cancelling trips myself. The wave will hit hospitals hard—pray for doctors, nurses & respiratory therapists over the holidays. Stay safe 🙏

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  6. 17. 12.

    More proof needed anybody?

  7. 17. 12.

    JUST IN - South Africa hospitalization rate plunges to only 1.7% in wave, compared with 19% in previous "Delta-driven" wave - Health Minister

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  8. 17. 12.

    Normally the COVID testing center in my neighborhood has 2-3 people lined up outside of it to get tested. This is what it looks like today. Happening across NYC...

  9. 15. 12.

    So, let’s get prepared for the wave. You will need: 1. Thermometer 2. Pulse oximeter (oxygen monitor) 3. To Watch this 2 min vid. And remember, don’t delay contact. If you are worried get in touch with your healthcare provider!

  10. I know personally 3 people receiving monoclonal antibodies this evening. All have had 3 doses of or prior infection + 2 doses of vaccine. All are careful. They all have risk factors, but all are pretty symptomatic. Jan is gonna be…rough. .

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  11. před 14 hodinami

    We haven’t shouted in ages because many tweeps hate it but this one is worth shouting about: AUSTRALIA’S NATIONAL PLAN IS NOW FULLY OBSOLETE BECAUSE IS A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT AND MORE DANGEROUS BALLGAME. Please RT if you agree.

  12. 17. 12.

    update from Denmark: approx. 34% of all cases were Omicron on the 14th of December. Cases are rising too fast and the government is introducing new restrictions to slow the spread today. 1/5

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  13. 17. 12.

    If I wasn’t sure how virulent is - I sure do now: friend went to a popular Toronto bar over the weekend. Seeing sheer # of people, she left. All her friends (fully vaxxed) who stayed now have covid. They are mid-20s healthy. Loss of taste and smell, have other symptoms.

  14. 17. 12.

    is so transmissible it's absolutely wild. Forget airborne, this thing seems to spread by telepathy - feels like you can catch it just by THINKING about it.

  15. před 19 hodinami

    Sending ❤️ to everyone in London who is actually trying their best to stay safe at the moment - especially frontline & healthcare staff. And as for the protestors… you’ve possibly done one of the worst things at the epicentre of an surge 😞

  16. před 21 hodinami

    Johnson - maskless and now clearly encouraging his little helpers in the media to frame as a showdown between him and the scientists - is to blame for these loons.

  17. 17. 12.

    1 of 3: Is intrinsically less virulent? This table for South Africa shows that since 20 November, the hospitalisation fatality rate is dropping for all ages. data source:

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  18. před 21 hodinami

    One way to think about severity: If turns out to be inherently 3 or 4 times milder than Delta, then we are still facing a virus that is probably about as deadly as the one we faced in early 2020 (before Alpha and Delta increased severity) - but spreads much faster.

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  19. před 24 hodinami
  20. před 19 hodinami

    Nur mal kurze Frage: Eigentlich alle Länder um uns herum erhöhen die Schutzmaßnahmen. Bei uns ist wohl keine Welle geplant und fällt deshalb aus?

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