शोध परिणाम
  1. २५ ऑग

    अमेरिका आणि आंतरराष्ट्रीय नाणेनिधीनंतर आता जागतिक बँकेनं तालिबानवर मोठी कारवाई केली आहे.

  2. २० ऑग

    अफगाणिस्तान ताब्यात घेतला पण तालिबानकडे विदेशी चलनाचा एक छदामही नाही, IMF चा कर्ज देण्यास नकार

  3. २० ऑग

    अफगाणिस्तानातील सत्तांतरानंतर तालिबानबाबत IMF ने आपली भूमिका स्पष्ट केली आहे.

  4. १९ ऑग
  5. १९ ऑग

    आता अॅक्शन सुरू! तालिबानचे होणार वांदे, आयएमएफने दिला जोरदार दणका

  6. २५ ऑग

    Receives $2.75 Billion From Pakistan has received $2.75 billion from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) as part of Special Drawing Rights (SDRs), according to the State Bank of Pakistan

  7. २४ ऑग

    transferred equiv. of $1bn to Lukashenka's regime. Deals with it mean more terror against Belarusians & threats to other nations. I call on , , to suspend the SDR exchange &freeze access to the funds until a new democratic government in Belarus.

  8. २१ ऑग

    On Aug 20, 2021, I sent letters to the Managing Director of & 🇺🇸 Secretary of Treasury . On behalf of all Belarusian people, I called on & 🇺🇸 government to freeze $1bn of the SDRs allocated to Belarus under Lukashenka's regime in 2021.

    हा थ्रेड दाखवा
  9. २१ ऑग

    . appealed to the heads of & the 🇺🇸 Treasury Department to block the IMF allocation of $1bln for the Lukashenko regime. Chair of SCFR Robert Menendez sent a letter to President Biden. Thousands of Belarusians put their signatures under this demand.

  10. २५ ऑग

    What is the SDR allocation by IMF explained in 6 questions

    हा थ्रेड दाखवा
  11. २४ ऑग

    In response to pressure, the suspended Afghanistan's access to $440 million in new monetary reserves after the Taliban's takeover.

  12. २० ऑग

    Amazed how Belarusians worldwide work on keeping Belarus' crisis on the agenda. has started a 24/7 picket in Washington. The call to the intern. community & is clear – Lukashenka's regime must not receive access to $1bn from . Let's all

  13. २३ तासांपूर्वी
  14. २१ ऑग

    It is crucial not to cooperate with Lukashenka's regime. They barely implemented anti-COVID-19 measures, failed to vaccinate, falsified stats, use COVID as a biological weapon in prisons. Belarus' regime will use allocated by $1bn on repressions and not support of people.

    हा थ्रेड दाखवा
  15. २० ऑग

    How the world can help stop lawlessness in : 1) block $1bln tranche from the ; 2) simplify Schengen visas process & the conditions for relocation; 3) expand sanctions & declare the KGB and the GUBOPiK terrorist; 4) put Belarus on the agenda of the UNSC, UN GA, G20.

  16. २४ ऑग

    IMF recognizes Pakistan's assistance in evacuation of its personnel from Afghanistan

  17. ७ तासांपूर्वी

    Today morning hosted the commercial lawyer to give us a brief understanding of the latest IMF cash injection to Uganda. You can catch the highlights of the show on YouTube channel.

  18. २४ ऑग

    In a letter to the Prime Minister , the Managing director of the International Monetary Fund () has expressed her recognition of Pakistan’s efforts “at the highest levels” to ensure a safe evacuation of 's staff from .

  19. २५ ऑग

    The internationally-recognised Yemeni government has announced receiving $665 million as the allocation of Special Drawing Rights (SDR) from the International Monetary Fund ().

  20. २४ ऑग

    Covid-19 impacts women, LGBTQIA+ people & racialised groups the most. The demands for austerity would only worsen their situation. We need progressive social spending to elevate the lives and well-being of these most groups now & beyond the pandemic

लोड करण्या करता काही वेळ लागू शकतो.

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