Výsledky hledání
  1. 23. 3.

    , , and the are the real enemies... But who is behind THEM?!? 😱

  2. 24. 3.
  3. před 19 hodinami

    Egypt officially requested for (financial) support "to implement their comprehensive economic program", as country is hit by spillovers of war

    Zobrazit toto vlákno
  4. před 20 hodinami

    This is progress. And good leadership too!

  5. 23. 3.

    Speaking of implications, this is a scary chart from the -- especially if you recall the important warning from , the Managing Director of the : War in equals in some parts of .

  6. 23. 3.

    to obtain services of international law firm to handle dealings with I thought we had the best INTERNAL Law & Justice - Forgot it is only to deal with local Plebs.. No?

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