Keresési eredmények
  1. márc. 23.

    , , and the are the real enemies... But who is behind THEM?!? 😱

  2. márc. 22.

    👇🏻👇🏻👀 REMEMBER👇🏻 Brad Garlinghouse + *It's all about Walled Gardens using 's each Pegged to , we are seeing it happen. (Return to the Gold Standard!!!) * is the one to move between these Walled Gardens

  3. 18 órával ezelőtt
  4. márc. 23.

    Speaking of implications, this is a scary chart from the -- especially if you recall the important warning from , the Managing Director of the : War in equals in some parts of .

  5. 13 órával ezelőtt

    This is progress. And good leadership too!

  6. márc. 23.

    (VIDEO) Ranil & Basil clash over IMF report; Minister admits receiving draft report Details:

  7. márc. 23.

    to obtain services of international law firm to handle dealings with I thought we had the best INTERNAL Law & Justice - Forgot it is only to deal with local Plebs.. No?

  8. márc. 23.

    ⚠ Wednesday Brief ⚠ 🇺🇸 🇷🇺 Biden to Unveil New Sanctions 🇬🇧 U.K. Inflation At 30-Year High 🌎 To Cut Global Growth Forecasts

  9. márc. 23.
    Válasz neki:

    A- 2015: and his presidential sponsor, oligarch Ihor ...subject of reports he looted aid to via his one made much of a fuss at the disappearance, est $2 , that exited via Kolomoisky's PrivatBank.

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