• The Infinite Sales Bay of the Universe

    For Andrej Škufca’s exhibition Black Market, a series of writers, including Amy Ireland, were invited to reflect on Škufca’s “immersive and seemingly animated environment where human agents are no longer central”. In her text, republished here, Ireland explores the “zone trope” in science fiction, uncovering “a hole into the future without objects or individuals.”

Latest Features

“Nothing to See Here”: a Film by Paul H Williams

January 14, 2018 4

In 2010, ballardian.com published a series of short films made by Paul H Williams on location when he was working in Abu Dhabi. Now, Paul returns with the one shocking film he couldn’t bring himself to make public back then. It is the final conclusion to his Abu Dhabi mission. PROJECT CANCELLED.

Taking the Top Off His Skull: The Genesis of J.G. Ballard’s Crash

March 28, 2017 4

To celebrate the imminent release of Crash: the Collector’s Edition, Mike Holliday takes a look at the development of the ideas behind this, Ballard’s most notorious book. As he discovers, Crash was years in the making, many of its ideas first appearing the previous decade.

High-Rise: All the Posters So Far

March 3, 2016 0

Feast your eyes on all the promotional posters for Ben Wheatley’s High-Rise…

“There comes a time when some sort of radical action is needed. Some of my novels, like High-Rise, are terrorist novels in that they’re designed to deliberately provoke.” J.G. Ballard.

Death is in the Air: Startling New Images from High-Rise

January 31, 2016 4

A clutch of amazing new stills from Ben Wheatley’s High-Rise have been released into the wild. This photo essay explores how Wheatley taps into Ballardian myth beyond the source novel, alongside quotes from High-Rise itself.

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Latest Interviews

Ballard on the Couch: An Interview with Dr Frank Tallis

February 12, 2019 2

Dr Frank Tallis is a writer and clinical psychologist. In a recent interview about his latest non-fiction book, The Incurable Romantic, a clinical memoir exploring the psychopathology of love and sex, he details his admiration for Ballard. Paul H Williams talks to Dr Tallis to gain his insights on Ballard from the perspective of an author who understands how the human mind works.

‘Working for the building’: An Interview with Ben Wheatley

May 30, 2016 6

Ben Wheatley’s High-Rise opened earlier this year, garnering praise, bemusement and opprobrium in roughly equal measure. In this exclusive interview, Wheatley tells us about the process of adapting the film, his attraction to Ballard, and his working relationship with scriptwriter and editor Amy Jump.

Welcome to the High-Rise.

The J.G. Ballard Book: An Interview with Rick McGrath

December 2, 2013 2

Mike Holliday’s interview with Ballard fan Rick McGrath, who self-published The JG Ballard Book, an anthology of archival Ballard interviews, articles about JGB and other Ballardiana, including unpublished Ballard letters.

David Pelham: The Art of Inner Space

February 26, 2012 22

David Pelham produced perhaps the most Ballardian images ever to grace the covers of Ballard’s novels, prompted by this brief from the author himself: ‘‘monumental/tombstones/airless thermonuclear landscape/horizons/a zone devoid of time’. Here, Pelham discusses his apocalyptic art with James Pardey.

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Latest Reviews

Towards Year Zero: Ben Wheatley’s High-Rise

October 19, 2015 0

In September 2015, Ben Wheatley’s High-Rise, an adaptation of J.G. Ballard’s novel, had its world premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival. Reactions covered the entire spectrum: people loved it, people loathed it, people were bored by it. The UK premiere was in London recently, and Mike Holliday attended; he loved it. His verdict? A very worthy addition to the growing catalogue of Ballard feature films.

Cosmic Sentinels and Spiral Jetties: J.G. Ballard, Robert Smithson & Tacita Dean

March 3, 2013 12

Tacita Dean’s new film, JG, is currently on view at the Arcadia University Art Gallery. JG is inspired by Dean’s correspondence with J.G. Ballard, and explores connections between his short story ‘The Voices of Time’ and Robert Smithson’s iconic earthwork and film Spiral Jetty. To celebrate Dean’s new work, Andrew Frost explores the enduring and mysterious relationship between Ballard, Smithson and Dean.

Review: Geeta Dayal’s Another Green World

June 1, 2010 3

It’s often said that for a writer who claimed never to listen to music, Ballard has had an inordinate influence on a whole ecosystem of musicians. But sometimes more fruitful connections can be found in the slipstream, in parallel worlds where sui generis artists ply their trade in different fields with equally brilliant results. Brian Eno is such a musician, and this is a review of Geeta Dayal’s book about his 1975 album, Another Green World

“Ambiguous aims”: a review of Crash: Homage to J.G. Ballard [NSFW]

March 12, 2010 17

Ballard’s writing has a strong connection to visual art. It informed his work and led to him befriending some of the leading artists of his time, while in turn his work has influenced today’s crop. As Ben Austwick reports, the exhibition Crash: Homage to J.G. Ballard represent these diverse strands in a haphazard, yet always interesting fashion.

Review: Jeremy Reed’s West End Survival Kit

February 8, 2010 11

A review-essay of Jeremy Reed’s latest collection of poetry, West End Survival Kit. The review also discusses the long and enigmatic relationship Reed has with Ballard, who wrote the foreword to the collection, where he paid tribute to Reed’s ‘extraterrestrial talent’.

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