The Infinite Sales Bay of the Universe

May 13, 2020 Amy Ireland 1

For Andrej Škufca’s exhibition Black Market, a series of writers, including Amy Ireland, were invited to reflect on Škufca’s “immersive and seemingly animated environment where human agents are no longer central”. In her text, republished here, Ireland explores the “zone trope” in science fiction, uncovering “a hole into the future without objects or individuals.”

“Nothing to See Here”: a Film by Paul H Williams

January 14, 2018 Paul H Williams 4

In 2010, published a series of short films made by Paul H Williams on location when he was working in Abu Dhabi. Now, Paul returns with the one shocking film he couldn’t bring himself to make public back then. It is the final conclusion to his Abu Dhabi mission. PROJECT CANCELLED.

High-Rise: All the Posters So Far

March 3, 2016 Simon Sellars 0

Feast your eyes on all the promotional posters for Ben Wheatley’s High-Rise…

“There comes a time when some sort of radical action is needed. Some of my novels, like High-Rise, are terrorist novels in that they’re designed to deliberately provoke.” J.G. Ballard.

High-Rise: Wheatley vs Cronenberg

December 15, 2015 Simon Sellars 2

High-Rise, Ben Wheatley’s much-anticipated adaptation of the J.G. Ballard novel, goes on general release in March 2016. The first trailer was released recently, bringing excitement to the boil, for not only does the trailer adapt Ballard, it also homages Cronenberg.

Venus Smiled: Tribute to Claire Walsh

October 21, 2014 Simon Sellars 12

Recently, Claire Walsh died after battling with cancer. She was an editor and literary publicist, and J.G. Ballard’s long-time partner. Her intellect matched Ballard’s and pushed him into new territories, inspiring some of his best work. Collecting quotes from Ballard, Claire and articles from Ballardian and beyond, this tribute to Claire Walsh illustrates their symbiotic relationship.