Saturday, July 12 2014 Umm al-Ara’is, Susya, Bi’r al-‘Id, Ma’asara by David Shulman   Business as usual in the South Hebron hills. There’s a war on in Gaza, but that too is business as usual, the meaningless biannual ritual in which both sides gleefully smash one another before reverting to the status quo ante. The Israeli media are drowning us in words, a vast and raucous flood, and the government is putting out its familiar, mendacious statements; perhaps in recent days only Abu Mazen has spoken the truth. The only solution, he said, is a political one, and Netanyahu is no partner. Meanwhile, […]

Friday, January 8 2010 Demonstration against the building of the fence and requisition of land in Masrah Ta’ayush activists joined the weekly demonstration against the building of the fence and the requisition of land in Masrah, in the Bethlehem area. These weekly demonstrations have been taking place for 3 years with the participation of residents of the village and Israeli and International activists. During the last weeks the army increased its attempts to stop the demonstrations in Masrah as part of the attempt to suppress by force the non-violent demonstrations in Palestine. Over the last weeks members of the Popular Committee received threats by telephone from IDF […]