Saturday, February 1 2014 Watch Settlers control of Army & Civilians in Umm al Arais Watch a settler near the illegal outpost of Mitzpeh Yair trying to scare away a shepherd from Qawawis and his sheep, claiming the land belongs to “the People of Israel”. An Israeli army officer of the civil administration is asking the shepherd if he has “agreements” with another settler from the illegal outpost.

Saturday, November 23 2013 An Organized Attack in Umm el Ara’is, and More A sunny Saturday in South Hebron hills, and for some reason, not many activists have registered. Some of us headed from Jerusalem, in Ezra’s car, to the lands of Umm el ‘Amad. One shepherd took his sheep to graze, and another plowed his land accompanied by us, fortunately without being disturbed by settlers or ‘”Security Forces”. The farmers have finished their work pretty early, and the one who had been plowing reminded us that his access to his lands has been denied for many years, until we started coming along with him. The rest of us headed in a van from Jerusalem to […]

Saturday, March 30 2013 Umm al-Ara’is by David Shulman I’ll spare you today’s report, which would only follow the standard sequence. By now you know it better than I do—the stolen fields, ripening barley, settlers, soldiers, detention, release, expulsion, waiting, more waiting, arrests, release, more soldiers, sheep, thorns, fury. And you don’t need me to draw the stark lines of right and wrong. Some time ago a high officer from the Civil Administration summoned Sa‘id al-‘Awad, who’s leading the Palestinian cause in Umm al-Ara’is, where the stolen lands have been officially classified as “in dispute.” Settlers have plowed and […]