Saturday, November 1 2008 Focal points of stress in Hebron For the last fortnight the Palestinian residents of Hebron have been at the height of a wave of continuous attacks by gangs of settlers who see in attacking Palestinians and damaging their property a way of avenging themselves on the legal establishment for every attempt to remove an illegal outpost. Ta’ayush activists, Rabbis for Human Rights, Anarchists against the Wall and other human rights activists, together with international activists, were called on several times for help by the Palestinian residents who were attacked by stones and beaten. The study of […]

Thursday, October 30 2008 Protest march against the separation fence in Beit Jala Palestinian, international and Israeli activists took part in an event organised by the Lutheran church in Beit Jala. After a communal prayer for peace, reconciliation and justice by Christians, Jews and Muslims, the participants marched to the separation wall demanding removal of the walls from Palestinian land and from the hearts of all those involved in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Saturday, October 25 2008 Olive harvesting close to the Otniel outpost The olive harvest took place on Saturday 25/10/2008 close to the settlement of Otniel. The harvest was organised by Combatants for Peace together with Ta’ayush, in the framework of the Olive Harvest Coalition. That same week settlers from Otniel had attacked Palestinian farmers who were harvesting their lands close to the settlement. The soldiers who were there to protect the farmers were also attacked and one of them was wounded. At this the olive harvest was halted by the army and the area declared a closed military zone. During the […]

Monday, October 20 2008 Family Olive Harvest in Battir A number of Israeli families, including parents and children, joined with the residents of Beitar in harvesting olives from the villagers’ groves located in Nahal Refaim. The Israeli and Palestinian families’ shared labor, the conversations, the joint picnic, and the experience of climbing the olive trees were fun for all of the event’s participants.

Saturday, October 18 2008 Olive Harvest in Tel-Rumeida, Hebron At dawn the activists arrived. Around thirty Ta’ayush and international volunteers came to the Palestinian groves adjacent to the Jewish settlement in Tel-Rumeida, Hebron, to help the landowners pick their olives. Previous attempts by the Palestinian farmers — who live behind fences and are subjected to daily violence — to reach their olive trees had been blocked by the residents of Tel Rumeida, a stronghold of the most militant and extremist Jewish settlers. Even the Israeli police are afraid of these settlers while the military routinely bows down to their […]

Thursday, October 16 2008 Olive Harvest in Susya and a Military Takeover a Private House in Hebron Over 100 activists – Palestinian, Israeli & international – arrived at dawn to Susya region. Police claimed that the area has been announced “restricted military zone”. After arguing that dozens of Israeli vehicles pass undisturbed, and especially due to the media’s attention to the unequal enforcement of the warrant – the harvest was allowed. In light of agreements with the police, some areas were harvested by Palestinians only, while some in cooperation with Israeli & international activists. At the end of the day nearly all the olives at Susya region […]

Saturday, August 2 2008 Protest march from Tuwani to Tuba and settlers violence in Hebron We were invited to join a march of the children and residents of Tuwani, Tuba & Maghaer Al-Abeed, protesting the barring of the road from Tuwani to the neighboring villages by the Ma’on settlers, and repeated assaults of the Tuba & Maghaer Al-Abeed children on their way to Tuwani schools. As customary recently, the Israeli “security” forces had put many efforts in denying access of Israeli and international activists to the area – declared as “restricted military zone”. Unfortunately, most activists failed to reach the demonstration. The least that did, […]