Saturday, October 31 2015 Gawawis by David Shulman October 31, 2015 It’s tense in Hebron, tense in Jerusalem, tense inside people’s minds. For several weeks now we’ve had random stabbings (mostly by Palestinian teenagers); extra-judicial on-the-spot executions of Palestinians, or people who happen to look like Palestinians, by soldiers, settlers, and hot-headed passers-by; daily hysterical, hate-driven statements by Netanyahu and the thugs who surround him; attacks on hapless Palestinians by the Fascist squads of Lehava, prowling the city streets at night; and the de facto re-partition of Jerusalem. By contrast, in south Hebron we have a peaceful, almost […]

Saturday, February 1 2014 Watch Settlers control of Army & Civilians in Umm al Arais Watch a settler near the illegal outpost of Mitzpeh Yair trying to scare away a shepherd from Qawawis and his sheep, claiming the land belongs to “the People of Israel”. An Israeli army officer of the civil administration is asking the shepherd if he has “agreements” with another settler from the illegal outpost.

Saturday, September 15 2012 Gawawis and Bi’r al-‘Id – by David Shulman I’ve never been expelled from my home or my lands or from anywhere else. No doubt my ancestors could have said something about it. When I came to live in Israel some 45 years ago, I never dreamed that someday I’d be spending my weekends trying to keep Palestinian farmers and shepherds from suffering that prototypically Jewish trauma—at the hands of the Jews. I can tell you. It feels like hell, even if you’re just watching it happen to someone else. There are times when I think I can’t go […]