
Showing posts with the label Learn Chamorro

Fino' Chamorro News

Some updates on ongoing Chamorro language related efforts. Most promising is the fact that there are two groups that are actively pushing now for Chamorro language (one full Chamorro, the other bilingual English/Chamorro) immersion schools. I have my own ongoing efforts, but as usual life, teaching and other obligations get in the way. Over the summer, I can at least thankfully report that my good friend in Chamorro language revitalization Ken Kuper (who is currently getting his Ph.D. in Hawai'i) organized a number of important events and got some media projects started. Look forward to those coming out soon over social media and in local events. ********** Chamorro immersion program ensures Guam's language isn't lost by Isa Baza 8/15/16 KUAM News With fewer and fewer children speaking the Chamorro language every year, the Guam Department of Education is stepping up to create a Chamorro immersion program that may help keep our island's native tongue fres

Biohazard gi Fino' Chamorro

As part of my collaboration with the Learn Chamorro project I wrote up the following bio for myself. But as the project, led by Troy Aguon is aimed at teaching Chamorro and finding innovative ways to revive the language around us in our lives, I decided to write my biography in Chamorro. Si Michael Lujan Bevacqua, ginnen i familian Kabesa yan Bittot giya Guahan. Nietun Si Tun Jack Lujan i Sainan Menhalom na Herreron Chamorro, ya fina’na’na’gue gui’ as guiya gi kustumbren Herrero desde 2008 asta 2015. I inaligao-ña siha mismo put taimanu na macolonize i Chamorro, ya hafa taimanu na siña ta “decolonize” maisa hit. Para “decolonization” ti manaliligao ha’ gi bandan pulitikÃ¥t ha’, lao gi banda linenguahi yan kinettura lokkue’. Gi 2006 ha ayuda umotgÃ¥nisa i konferensia Famoksaiyan: Decolonizing Chamorro Histories, Identities and Future giya San Diego. Este i fine’nina na konferensia taiguini masusedi gi halom i Chamorron diaspora. Gi 2011 ha ayuda Si Victoria Leon Gue

Saving the Chamorro Language

This article, written in 2013 is a surprisingly complete look at issues of language revitalization in Guam today. The discourse on the death of the Chamorro language is common in the media, I myself often resort to using it in order to make a dramatic point. But these articles on the impending demise of the Chamorro language tend to be overly simplistic in a number of different ways. They can focus in very negative ways, by writing one-dimensional laments about the remaining life the language has. They can be cluelessly optimistic, by taking one positive example to mean "hallelujah" the language has been saved! I like this article because it approaches it from different points, from different perspectives and the projects that are being organized in order accomplished the shared goal of language revitalization. It would be interesting though to compare articles of this sort over time, to see how much changes and how much remains the same. If the same valiant individuals ma