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Mensahi Ginnen I Gehilo' #6: Quiz Time

Mensahi Ginnen I Gehilo' #6 "Quiz Time" What do people look for in their political candidates? To often the list of things that people vote based on is filled with the trivial, the superficial and the embarrassing. People will vote for candidates based on height, hair, smile, ability to wave by the roadside and even what their first name is. In a democracy people have the right to vote for whoever they want to, regardless of how informed they are about the candidates or the issues. This is one of the reasons why everyone may claim to love democracy, but really want it only in small doses. Real democracies take work. They require that the people keep track of their leaders. They require that the people themselves are knowledgeable and know who for whom they are voting.   If this is not the case, then communities tend to elect simply those who are most famous or the wealthiest. Next month Guam will be electing another Legislature. Currently there