
Showing posts with the label Myspace

Islas De Los Haters

I was forwarded some interesting material today, worth sharing with everyone because of the way it has the ability to jolt us into recognizing the position of Guam. Apparently, there as someone on myspace named Sherry, a haole living on Guam, who has been posting on her blog there some very hateful things about Guam. To be clear, these are not just simple "Guam sucks" posts, but rather hyperbolic "Guam is the ultimate, pathological with no hope for redemption sucks." The first "simple sucking" is easy to do, no big deal, but second require the expenditure of serious energy to do it and so for someone who really dislikes Guam it makes no sense to spend this much money on something you "don't like." Some other psychological process must therefore be taking place. After receiving an email I got detailing the things that she had written, one statement being that once she leaves Guam she hopes the island "burns down to the ground" I t