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陰陽人   (Traditional) / 阴阳人    (Simplified) / Yīnyáng Rén   (Pinyin)

Yinyang Ren is typically described as a slur directed towards intersex people in the Chinese community. However, the Organization Intersex International Chinese (OII-Chinese) has reclaimed this, as well as many others of our [intersex] community. the OII-Chinese site states:

“Yin and Yang are people whose physical gender cannot be clearly classified as male or female… Yin and Yang people do not mean people who deliberately choose to change their physiological characteristics.” [Source

Flags made for @chrysonian, who helped with the design and also wrote the text above!

The yellow is to represent that of the intersex flag, as it is directed towards intersex people.

The red ring is also a homage to the intersex flag, and the red represents the blood of our people who have died for us and it also represents our tradition.

Yin and Yang mean we are both opposing and complementing. We are “male” and “female”; We are light and dark. We are a part of tradition, and nothing can erase us. We are important and interconnected with history.

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