


Aaa~ Fanart~

!!!! Mmmm! I am a very fast artist, when I have my mind set on something-👉🏻👈🏻🌷💗

Fanart of the two lesbian beakers by @ribbonstein !!!! I adore them so much ,,, 🥺🥺🥺🥰🌸💗I just,,, I had to draw them!!!! There so lovely 💗💗💗🥰🌷💗


“ bundyspooks:
“In the movie American Psycho, Christian Bale based the main character on a Letterman interview featuring Tom Cruise in 1999. When asked about the inspiration behind Patrick Bateman, he replied: “Tom Cruise on David...



In the movie American Psycho, Christian Bale based the main character on a Letterman interview featuring Tom Cruise in 1999. When asked about the inspiration behind Patrick Bateman, he replied: “Tom Cruise on David Letterman had this very intense friendliness with nothing behind the eyes.”

Every day of my life I think about this fact. Every single day.

(via possum-butch)



Represent! #4 - “Believe You” (2021)

written by Nadira Jamerson
art by Brittney Williams & Andrew Dalhouse

This is so important. There are literal studies proving white doctors don’t think black patients (especially black woman) feel pain the same way white people do. Please advocate for yourself and stay safe.

(via halcyonskyy)





posting on a blackboard discussion board and replying to two of your fellow students has to be one of the nine circles of hell

Great point, Dylan! I especially agree with it being “one of the nine circles of hell”. Well said.

If I could offer a bit of criticism to your post Dylan, I would say that this phenomenon is not limited to blackboard, but also extends to other education websites, such as Canvas. Overall though, I agree with your point.

I agree with what other people have said above. I have noticed your reference to Dante’s Inferno. Very good use of earlier texts in the course.

(via 2momsatbrunch)




Some people can’t work, if your leftism doesn’t explicitly allow for this then your leftism is shit

This was a controversial one huh?

to hell with “allow for” – if your leftism doesn’t actively cherish and care for people who can’t work, then your leftism is shit.

I’m not only talking about theory & visions of the future, I’m also talking about right now. is your movement actively in solidarity with your disabled, chronically ill, elderly, homebound & bedbound comrades?

it better be.

(via ragtag-rowan)

Anonymous asked:

Do you/would you make stickers of your art? I’d kill for the beaker lesbians as stickers they’re so cute!! I’m a chemist and my gf is a biologist 🥺💓

ribbonstein Answer:


here you go!! :D and if you go to my teepublic, you’ll see that they’re also available as separate stickers, which should be even bigger than they are together.

my friend danny is going to make some stickers too so stay tuned for those…. >:)

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