Big Disabled Ply-Gay MOGAI Intersex Queer

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See, thatโ€™s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I donโ€™t wanna

[ ID: Four images with the same design: a navy blue background with gold circular point designs at the top and bottom. Here is the text for the images: #1. “Protect Lesbian Jewish Youth” #2. “Lesbian Jews are wonderful” #3. “Respect Lesbian Jews” #4. “Lesbian Jews Belong in our communities” ]

Image Set #8: Lesbian Jews

Image Set #1: Queer Jews

Image Set #2: Ace Jews

Image Set #3: Aro Jews

Image Set #4: Gay Jews

Image Set #5: Trans Jews

Image Set #6: Nonbinary Jews

Image Set #7: Bi and Pan Jews

This is true all throughout the year, but I want to highlight these affirmations this Hanukkah.  The phrases on these sets are based on a set by @genderqueerpositivity​ about trans lesbian women.  I have a different identity set for each night of Hanukkah, so if you don’t see your identity here, please be patient. =D

And because I’m not Jewish and I want to center Jewish voices, I’ll be featuring a link to a different @shiraglassman story each night.

Featured Shira Glassman story: Fearless (Amazon Link | Gumroad Link)

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2020 I'm literally begging you to take a break


Do not use means DO NOT SHOWER either none of that water at all


here’s an ABC news article posted Sept. 26 confirming this issue is current and real



[first image description: a blue background with two yellow triangular hazard signs on either side and the logo for the ABC News channel in the lower right corner. in the center is white text in all caps stating the following:

"Do Not Use" Water Advisory

Lake Jackson, Angleton, Richwood, Clute, Oyster Creek, Freeport, Brazoria, TDCJ Clemens, Dow Chemical, TDCJ Wayne Scott

second image description: screencap of a tweet from user Pooja Lodhia a.k.a. PoojaOnTV, stating, "Water Advisory (in all caps and surrounded by hazard sign emojis) A brain-eating amoeba was found in the Brazosport Water Supply, prompting a do-not-use advisory for several communities." this is followed by a link to the article linked above.

end image description.]

this is in Texas, btw, in case there's more than one county with these names in multiple states

Source: ankle-beez

The narrative of ‘this person was disabled but their disability was cured as part of their story’ is ableist


The narrative of ‘this person is disabled but “overcame” disability in order for them to be a hero’ (e.g. a paralysed person finding a way to walk) is ableist


And just for clarification for the non-disabled, using adaptive technologies, like prostheses or whatever, is not ableist as long as you never forget. Ask yourself questions about the benefits but also the limitations of whatever adaptive thing you’re giving the character.

  • They have to take a pill every day to treat a chronic illness or chronic pain? Okay, what happens when they forget, or are in a bad situation and run out of pills?
  • They lost a limb or are paralyzed and now they have a sci-fi cybernetic prosthesis/exoskeleton to replace the lost functionality? Cool. What does maintenance look like? Does it ever malfunction? What happens if they don’t or can’t take care of it? Do they still get phantom pains even with the adaptation?
  • They’re deaf or blind or anosmic, but they’re a wizard who uses magic to adapt to the lost sense? Fine. What does it take to maintain that magic? Do they have adaptive strategies for when the magic fails?
  • They’re autistic or have ADHD or schizophrenia or some other cognitive disorder, and they have a chip in their head to make it easier to communicate when non-verbal? Okay. What exactly does it do for them? Does it ever malfunction or give them headaches? What are other ways they’ve adapted to their disability apart from this chip?

Other questions to ask that go for all kinds of things:

  • Do they have a service animal? For what tasks or situations is it trained?
  • Do their family/friends know how to help if their adaptive technologies/strategies fail?
  • Is their disability (or the adaptation) visible or observable to others? How do others react?
  • Has their society adapted to accommodate disabilities, and if so, in what ways? (Ramps, closed captions, sign language, etc.)

Basically, think about what it adds to the story to have your character disabled. If you were just going to completely cure it with no ongoing repercussions or adaptations, why did you bother making them disabled in the first place? What story were you telling?


really good addition

Source: survivor-reborn

It’s absolutely startling to see assimilationist and respectability politics. I’ll never really understand that point of view. Especially as someone with multiple identities that tend to get left behind in this.

Like. Thinking that we shouldn’t be trying to destroy oppressive systems, but instead cater to them and try to fit ourselves into them as best we can to gain literally only conditional acceptance. Acceptance only if we’re viewed as not being too “““weird””” or “““wrong”””.

This has historically been used to exclude bisexuality, and essentially all multispectrum identities. Being gay is just like being straight, but being in love with the same gender, rather than the “opposite” binary one. But being multispec? That’s too “““weird””” . Being attracted to more than only one gender???? That’s too “““strange”””. The Straights won’t accept that. So we don’t accept that.

Similar story with binary trans people. Being gay - or even multispectrum - is just about who we love. But being trans? That’s too “““weird”””. Thinking your a different gender - even the “opposite” binary gender - of what you were assigned at birth???? That’s too “““strange”””. The Straights won’t accept that. So we don’t accept that.

Of course, as time has gone on, there are fewer of these people doing this to bi and trans people as they’ve been… mostly… accepted as more mainstream LGBTQ+ identities. This is seen in the fact that many gatekeepers insist that the only letters/characters in the acronym are LGBT (the exception being, of course, transphobes and TERFs, and biphobes who will use things like LGB, or LG, or whatever else).

And now the targets have shifted; To all nonbinary genders, because they’re not within the cisnormative binary. To only some nonbinary genders, because even if nonbinary is a thing these ones are too weird, even for nonbinary genders. To asexual and aromantic people because they don’t fit into the “love is love” slogan for the acceptance of non-Straight orientations because they’re (in general) attracted to no one. And so on.

There’s always going to be a group to exclude if we subscribe to assimilationist and respectability politics. Which is why my politics are queer - to dismantle this system rather than shift the shit I’ve had thrown at me over multiple identities to anyone else. To not be accepted conditionally so long as I keep my head down and be as “““normal””” as I can be, and keep mostly quiet about important parts of myself.

I want to be loud, and proud, and unabashedly queer along with everyone else who considers themselves to be outside of pericisheteronormativity - be they comfortable claiming queer or not, I’ll still be loud and proud with them even if they’re not queer - no matter how “““weird””” or “““strange””” or “““wrong””” the society that promotes that normative view thinks they are.

Source: a-polite-melody

It boggles my mind that there’s literally so much history of non-lesbians using the term femme and especially the term butch and there are still catty assholes on this hellsite who deny it up and down. It’s literally right in Stone Butch Blues. You can Google this shit. Bisexuals and genderqueer people and even queer men all have history with these words and you can’t take them away from us no matter how much you cry about it.

Source: themintycupcake

Stop using “transition” as a euphemism for “HRT and surgery.“ 

Stop using "transition” as a euphemism for “HRT and surgery." 

Stop using "transition” as a euphemism for “HRT and surgery." 

Stop using "transition” as a euphemism for “HRT and surgery.”


Seriously, as a nonbinary person, I am so, so fucking tired of seeing binary-oriented HRT and surgery held up as the be-all and end-all of transition. 

@ other trans people, y’all are guilty of this, too. Fucking stop it.