theme made by espoirthemes

i love this so much



Girl in white: Ah shit! Isabelle, I’m stuck in the glass, come help me!

Isabelle: Well?

GIW: Well come and help me, I’m stuck in this stupid glass!!

I: But-

GIW: Like this, put two drops of this. Take the glass!

I: Are you an idiot or what? You’re such an idiot!

GIW: Put some more!! 

I: Well put your hand back in!!

GIW: *starts laughing*

I: Oh so you’re pulling my leg. Oh, you dumbass!

GIW: Ah it’s [the soap] is everywhere, it’s everywhere!

GIW: *says something incomprehensible, laughs*

what she says at the end that OP couldn’t understand is “it’s not just blondes!’re not even a blonde!”

also they’re not from québec like i’ve seen some people comment but from france (south)

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