Alice Clarke


Freelance journalist, game reviewer, producer, presenter, & script writer. TV lover, PAX Aus Diversity Lounge co-curator, & frozen pea fan.

Melbourne, Australia
Придружио/ла се април 2009.


Блокирао/ла си корисника @Alicedkc

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  1. Закачен твит
    23. сеп

    Want to know *just* how big the Xbox Series X is? Here are all the comparison photos you need.

  2. је ретвитовао/ла
    10. окт

    Why is this so hard for some people to understand?

    Прикажи овај низ
  3. је ретвитовао/ла
    пре 2 сата

    The actual news story was that the World Food Programme won the Nobel Peace Prize. Not that you would have gotten that from this terrible, terrible headline.

  4. пре 18 сати

    Those Aperol Spritz “Best Enjoyed With Friends” ads are poorly timed.

  5. пре 22 сата

    Why aren’t dessert sporks more of a thing? You see plenty of tiny cake forks, but some desserts call for a smaller, more delicate spork than a regular size and I’ve never seen on.

  6. пре 23 сата
  7. је ретвитовао/ла
    10. окт
  8. 10. окт

    I think my favourite thing about the so far is that it doesn’t punish my for restlessness. I can go from playing Tony Hawk to actually playing Horizon 3 in under a minute.

  9. 10. окт

    The longer lockdown goes for, the more elaborate people’s picnic set ups are getting. The other day I saw a family with a dining table and chairs in the park.

  10. 10. окт

    Just went to a bakery where the owner wasn’t wearing a mask and encouraged people to pack into the store, & I just saw someone pull down their mask to have a coughing fit in the street. I know the majority of people are doing the right thing, but it does not feel that way today.

  11. 10. окт

    Gotta admit, despite the premier’s assurances, I’m starting to feel a little despondent. Don’t let us out until we’re ready, stay the good course, blah blah blah. But it’s hard not to feel a little hopeless at this point.

  12. 9. окт

    Yeah, we’re not getting out next week.

  13. је ретвитовао/ла
    9. окт

    ‘But look at Swede....oh’

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  14. је ретвитовао/ла
    9. окт

    scoop: Microsoft is bringing xCloud to iOS via the web. There will be a browser-based solution coming in early 2021, alongside a PC version of xCloud next year. Details here:

  15. је ретвитовао/ла
    9. окт

    More than a little ironic that Peta Credlin is there to grill Andrews over private security guards catching covid, possibly because they weren’t wearing PPE properly 🧐

  16. 9. окт

    Ha! Thanks , I especially love the reverence with which Crash plans on holding my controller.

  17. је ретвитовао/ла
    9. окт

    Oh god. I can’t stop laughing. Enjoy the Friday funny folks. Thank you cranky Indian Myna

  18. је ретвитовао/ла
    8. окт

    Please share! The Xbox User Research Team is looking to learn from gamers, caregivers, makers, and therapists who have experience using or working with adaptive controllers. 10-15 min survey, 1 month gamepass for eligible participants upon completion

  19. 9. окт

    Also, it’s not just the historically important immigrants that should be the argument for this, but the ones who are only important to the few who knew them. Including the ones who can’t cook.

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  20. 9. окт

    The white Australia policy was bad when it was first introduced and is bad now. Let’s actually learn from our mistakes for once, please.

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  21. је ретвитовао/ла
    8. окт

    Can't overstate this: The Australian GameSpot team was absolutely immense. Hard for readers to understand what keeps a site ticking over but GS AU were a critical part of it. Monumentally terrible decision to get rid of them and another sad day for journalism in Aus.

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