Alice Clarke


Freelance journalist, game reviewer, producer, presenter, & script writer. TV lover, PAX Aus Diversity Lounge co-curator, & frozen pea fan.

Melbourne, Australia
Beigetreten April 2009


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    vor 2 Minuten
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    Good point. We do. Here . Punchline: most of the economic cost is from the virus not lockdowns.

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  2. vor 16 Minuten

    I've seen a lot about how much the lockdown is going to cost the economy. Do we have any numbers on how much it would have cost to let the virus run free and have thousands of people die? Because that doesn't seem so great for business, either.

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  3. vor 10 Stunden
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  4. vor 11 Stunden

    Bag 2! I’m gonna try to ration it, so that’s it until I get my work done tomorrow.

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  5. vor 12 Stunden
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  6. vor 15 Stunden

    Anyone know why , , , , and have decided to leave the lights on in their empty Melbourne offices, needlessly wasting electricity and natural resources?

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  7. vor 19 Stunden

    Bourke Street looks a bit different today. Mostly on our walk we’ve seen dazed locals, wandering homeless people, and hangry birds.

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  8. vor 20 Stunden

    My impulse lockdown survival purchase arrived!!!

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  9. vor 23 Stunden

    (Yes, , this does give you an indication of what my suggested headline will be.)

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  10. vor 23 Stunden

    Samsung out there today showing that beans truly are the musical fruit.

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  11. hat retweetet
    5. Aug.

    It's a cheap and obvious point but whatever I am cheap and obvious: higher ed has lost, is losing, and is forecast to lose, many more jobs than Adani would create, and yet somehow it's critical to Australia's future and higher education is not.

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  12. hat retweetet
    5. Aug.

    Trump interviewing himself may be the best thing to ever happen to the internet...

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  13. hat retweetet
    5. Aug.

    What tech firms call pink gadgets: 1. Gold (Apple) 2. Not Pink (Google) 3. Mystic Bronze (Samsung) People fooled by this terminology: None.

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  14. hat retweetet
    4. Aug.

    Screenshotted with permission, too good not to share

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  15. hat retweetet
    5. Aug.


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  16. hat retweetet
    4. Aug.

    i mean, it's one movie ticket, michael, what could it cost, 30 dollars?

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  17. 5. Aug.

    Truly amazing scenes at the David Jones Foodhall, where all the cheese and a lot of the fancy chocolate is 75% off.

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  18. hat retweetet
    4. Aug.
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  19. hat retweetet
    4. Aug.

    2020 Romcom Titles: - How to Lose A Guy in 10 Texts - You’ve Got Male Fragility - My Best Friend’s Second Wedding - Bridget Jones’ Instagram Stories - Forgetting Sarah Marshall Until Facebook Memories Remind You Again - Save (The Last Episode of) The Last Dance Add to the list!

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  20. 4. Aug.

    The pipes in our walls started making weird sounds. Karma woke up & insisted I google these *exact* words “apartment sound straw sucking straw in wall”. Oddly enough, that didn’t produce an answer. Anyone know why pipes would sound like someone’s using them to drink a thickshake?

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