Browse Entries

Peace movements

Political Movement
Alternative Names
  • Anti-militarism
  • Disarmament


Application Forms

  • Commonwealth of Australia, National Service Act 1951-1964 - Registration Form, December 1964. Image PDF Details


  • Dyson, Ambrose., Ambrose Dyson, Ambrose Dyson Memorial Committee. [This scan courtesy of the University of the Melbourne Library], 1953. images PDF Details
  • Hills, John Francis, Child conscription; our country's shame, Burmeister & Co., Adelaide, 1912. Image PDF Details
  • Judd, E. E. & A. P. Warren, Why War Is Near: Conflicting Capitalist Interests, Socialist Labour Party of Australia, Sydney, 1931. Image PDF Details
  • Kirkpatrick, George Ross, War and the working class, F.A. Holland, Fitzroy, 1916. Image PDF Details
  • Levien, Harold, Vietnam: Myth and Reality, Harold Levien, Sydney, 1967. images PDF Details
  • Marshall, Vance, World of the Living Dead & Jail from Within, Wentworth Press, 1969. Image PDF Details
  • Moore, Eleanor, The quest for peace, as I have known it in Australia [Extracts], Melbourne, 1949. Image PDF Details
  • Scott, Bon & Gary David (eds.), How to Make Trouble and Influence People: A Compilation of Australian pranks, hoaxes and political mischief making, Political Hooligan Publications, Sydney, 1996. Image PDF Details
  • The Question Mark Collective, How to Stop Whining and Start Living, Scam Publications, Melbourne, 1998. Image PDF Details

Book Sections

  • Ball, Desmond, 'Australia as nuclear target', in A suitable piece of real estate : American installations in Australia, Sydney, 1980. Image PDF Details
  • Gibson, Ralph, 'Struggle against war and fascism', in My years in the Communist Party, International Bookshop, Melbourne, 1966. Image PDF Details
  • Hartley, Rev. F.J., 'Principles of the Peace Movement and other extracts', in My Pilgrimage for Peace, Australian and New Zealand Congress for International Co-operation and Disarmament, Melbourne, 1965. Image PDF Details
  • Manton, Joyce, 'War can be prevented', in The centenary prepares war, Melbourne University Council Against War, Melbourne, 1934. Image PDF Details
  • Prichard, Katharine Susannah, 'The causes of war are economic; the movement against war and fascism', in Who wants war?, The Franklin Press, Perth, 1935. Image PDF Details
  • Rivett, K.D., 'Fundamentals of Pacifism', in Towards Peace: A Full Report of the 1947 Australian Pacifist Conference, Mt Evelyn, 1947. Image PDF Details


Conference Proceedings

  • Vietnam Moratorium Campaign Executive Meeting Minutes April 27, 1970, Vietnam Moratorium Campaign, Melbourne, April 1970. images PDF Details


  • Committee in Defiance of the National Service Act, Committee in Defiance of the National Service Act, June 25, 1968. Image PDF Details
  • General meeting - Tuesday July 16, 1.15 pm, Anonymous, Melbourne, July 1968. Image PDF Details
  • Disarm the Nuclear Powers, People for Nuclear Disarmament, Melbourne, ?. images PDF Details
  • To All Anti-war Demonstrators, Young Labor Association (YLA), Melbourne, 1966. images PDF Details
  • Vietnam Study Group’, Vietnam Study Group, Melbourne, July 1966. Image PDF Details
  • Youth Campaign Against Conscription Committee, Youth Campaign Against Conscription Committee (YCAC), Melbourne, 1966. Image PDF Details
  • July 4 Independence Day Rally, Melbourne, 1967. images PDF Details
  • The Defence Force Protection Act (Commonwealth of Australia, 1967) and Documents Relating to Resistance to the Act, 1967. Image PDF Details
  • Organizations to contact concerning anti-war activity, information, or advice, Melbourne, 1968. Image PDF Details
  • World Protest: Vietnam Co-ordinating Committee Bulletin, Vietnam Co-ordinating Committee, Melbourne, October 1968. image PDF Details
  • We appeal for conscience on conscription – Release John Zarb, Melbourne, November 1968. Image PDF Details
  • Day of Conscience on Conscription for Vietnam War, Monday, November 25, 1968, Victorian Branch of the Metal Trades Federation, Melbourne, November 1968. Image PDF Details
  • Conscription - Advice and Discussion, Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), Melbourne, circa 1969. images PDF Details
  • Prevent a Nuclear Holocaust, Congress for International Co-opreation and Disarmament, Melbourne, 1981. images PDF Details
  • Disarmament Now! East and west, 1982?. Image PDF Details
  • No business as usual while French nuclear tests pollute the pacific, People for Nuclear Disarmament, Melbourne, 1983. images PDF Details
  • Remaking Australia: people in control of politics, the economy and the environment, March 1988. Image PDF Details
  • Mom, We Won!, 1990?, 1 pp. images PDF Details
  • Peace: Candlelight Vigil - an End to War in the Gulf, This copy courtesy Viola Wilkins, Melbourne, 1 February, 1991, 1 pp. images PDF Details
  • Palm Sunday Rally '99: stop Jabiluka uranium mine; stop nuclear threat; land rights now, Jabiluka Action Group (JAG), Melbourne, March 1999. Image PDF Details
  • Demonstrate Against the War, ANSWER (Act Now Stop War End Racism), Melbourne, 2001. images PDF Details
  • No War! No Racism! Student Strike, Resistance, Melbourne, 2001?. Image PDF Details
  • Hiroshima Day: Stop the Nuclear Cycle, Coalition for a Nuclear Free Australia, Melbourne, 5 August 2001. images PDF Details
  • No Nuclear Bombs: Call for world peace and friendship, 7 August 2005. images PDF Details
  • Troops Out Of Iraq, Students Against War and Racism, Melbourne, 2006. Image PDF Details
  • Can you help?, n.d.. Image PDF Details
  • ASF Melbourne, No War but Class War, ASF (Anarcho-syndicalist Federation) Melbourne, East Brunswick; this copy courtesy Viola Wilkins, Melbourne, 1990?, 1 pp. images PDF Details
  • Australian Labor Party, Keep Victoria Nuclear Free, 1985. Image PDF Details
  • Campbell, Christy, Nuclear Facts: A Guide to Nuclear Weapon Systems and Strategy, Friends of the Earth (FoE) Australia, 1984, 3 pp. PDF Details
  • Friends of the Earth, No War on Iraq, Incomplete scan, Friends of the Earth (FoE) Australia, 2002, 2 pp. PDF Details
  • Movement against uranium mining, Worried about uranium?, 1977. Image PDF Details
  • Movement against uranium mining, What's to stop Victoria going nuclear?, 1981. Image PDF Details
  • Movement against uranium mining, We're marching for a nuclear-free Victoria, 1981. Image PDF Details
  • Network For Peace in the Middle East, We will work together to stop this war and Australia's military involvement, Melbourne, January 1991. Image PDF Details
  • Network for peace in the middle-east, Coming events in the anti-war movement, February 1991. Image PDF Details
  • Network of Overseas Student Collectives in Australia (NOSCA); Solidarity Network for Asia-Pacific (SNAP); Asia-Pacific People Forum for Peace and Development, Solidarity Public Meeting: Self-Determination for the People of the Middle East, This copy courtesy Viola Wilkins, Sydney, 1991, 1 pp. images PDF Details
  • Nuclear Disarmament Party, Vote 1 for Rod Lander. Image PDF Details
  • People for Nuclear Disarmament, People for Nuclear Disarmament, 1985. Image PDF Details
  • People for Nuclear Disarmament, Palm Sunday Rally Disarm/feed the world, 23 March. Image PDF Details
  • People for Nuclear Disarmament, Disarm the nuclear powers, 15 April?. Image PDF Details
  • Rainbow Alliance, You're Invited to the Public Launch of the Victorian Rainbow Alliance, Sunday April 16: 1.00pm - 5.00pm, Melbourne, April. images PDF Details
  • Rainbow Allliance, Gulf update, 1990. Image PDF Details
  • St Kilda network for peace in the middle east, help us stop the war, february 1991. Image PDF Details
  • Workers Against War, Workers Against War, Melbourne, 1991, 1 pp. images PDF Details
  • Workers' Truth, No War for Oil: Defend Kuwait, 1991, 1 pp. images PDF Details


  • Analysis, vol. 1, no. 1, Monash Labor Club, Melbourne, July 1968. Image PDF Details
  • Communist Review, Central Committee Communist Party of Australia [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, October 1934. Image PDF Details
  • Communist Review, Central Committee Communist Party of Australia [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, November 1935. Image PDF Details
  • Communist Review, Central Committee Communist Party of Australia [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, October 1935. Image PDF Details
  • Inscape, vol. 1, no. 1, Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), Melbourne, November/December 1968. images PDF Details
  • Australian Marxist Review, vol. 5, no. 2, Socialist Party of Australia [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Melbourne, September 1976. Image PDF Details
  • Australian Marxist Review, vol. 5, no. 4, Socialist Party of Australia [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, Decmber 1976. Image PDF Details
  • Australian Marxist Review Special Issue Sixty Years of Struggle for Scientific Socialism, no. 4, Socialist Party of Australia [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, October 1980. Image PDF Details
  • Chain Reaction, no. 27, Friends of the Earth (FoE) Australia, Autumn 1982. Image PDF Details
  • Peace Studies, vol. 1, no. 7, Victorian Association for Peace Studies, Melbourne, October 1984. Image PDF Details
  • The Comet (ed.), , June (?) 1989, New Left Party, Melbourne, 1989. images PDF Details
  • Affinity Collective (ed.), Affinity: Anarchist Quarterly, no. 2, Affinity Collective [This copy courtesy of Viola Wilkins], Melbourne, Autumn 1984, 16 pp. images PDF Details
  • Baracchi, Guido (ed.), Communist: a journal for the theory and practice of Marxism, 1925-1926. Image PDF Details
  • Friends of the Earth (ed.), Chain Reaction, Friends of the Earth (FoE) Australia. [This scan courtesy of Friends of the Earth, Melbourne], Adelaide, 48 pp. PDF Details
  • Friends of the Earth (ed.), Chain Reaction, no. 42/43, Friends of the Earth (FoE) Australia. [This scan courtesy of Friends of the Earth, Melbourne], Melbourne, 1985, 65 pp. PDF Details

Journal Articles

  • 'The voice of the angry dove', First strike for nuclear disarmament: fighting the system, vol. 4, February 1984, 1984. Image PDF Details
  • Camilleri, Joe, 'A course for the disarmament movement', Peace Studies, Aug / Sept 1985. Image PDF Details
  • Maclellan, Nic, 'Disarmament Politics; the election and defection of the NDP', Peace Studies, July 1985. Image PDF Details
  • Mansell, Ken, 'Making sense of the NDP split', Peace Studies, July 1985. Details
  • Sinclaire, F, 'Fellowship', Fellowship: a monthly magazine of undogmatic religion and social and literary criticism (Melbourne), no. 1, September 1914. Image PDF Details
  • Sinclaire, F, 'The war of ideals', Fellowship: a monthly magazine of undogmatic religion and social and literary criticism (Melbourne), vol. 2, no. 8, April 1916. Image PDF Details
  • St John, Edward, 'The demise of the Nuclear Disarmament Party', Peace Studies, Aug / Sept 1985. Image PDF Details
  • Strauss, Jonathan, 'Long march to compromise', First strike for nuclear disarmament: the voice of the angry dove, vol. 5, March 1984, 1984. Image PDF Details
  • Warrigall, 'Open letter to fellow-citizens: to Mothers bereaved by the War', Fellowship: a monthly magazine of undogmatic religion and social and literary criticism (Melbourne), vol. 6, no. 5, December 1919. Image PDF Details


  • Belinda Probert, The Rainbow Alliance reshaping the political agenca, 1989. Image PDF Details
  • Joseph Camilleri, A new political movement is launched, 1989. Image PDF Details


  • Letter from Sandra Zurbo of Vietnam Moratorium Campaign, Vietnam Moratorium Campaign, Melbourne, March 1970. Image PDF Details
  • Open Letter to PND General Meeting (October 31, 1982), 31 October. Image PDF Details
  • Please take a minute to read this important letter from the Australian Peace Movement, People for Nuclear Disarmament, Sydney, 1990?. Image PDF Details
  • Australian Peace Council, Letter to Menzies, 1961. Image PDF Details
  • Hartley, Rev F.J., Letter to Aust. P.M., 1961. Image PDF Details


  • Rainbow Alliance a movement of people with many shades of opinion but one common aim of ending the exploitation of people and nature, 1986. Image PDF Details
  • Australian Peace Alliance, Election manifesto to the people of Australia, 1917. Image PDF Details
  • Rainbow Alliance, The Charter of the Rainbow Alliance, Melbourne, nd. images PDF Details


  • YCAC Newsletter, Youth Campaign Against Conscription Committee (YCAC), Melbourne. Image PDF Details
  • Vietnam Action Committee, Vietnam Action Committee, Sydney, December 1966. Image PDF Details
  • Who Owns the Peace Movement?, Melbourne, July 1967. Image PDF Details
  • ‘Denis O’Donnell conscientious objector now in military prison’., Melbourne University Labor Club, Melbourne, April 1968. Image PDF Details
  • Statement on July 4, 1968 demonstration by Harry Van Moorst, Vice-President of Melbourne University Pacifist Society, Melbourne University Pacifist Society, Melbourne, July 1968. Image PDF Details
  • National Mobilisation: Mass Non-violent Sit-in at the Prime Minister’s Lodge, Canberra ACT, Draft Resistance Movement, May 1968. Image PDF Details
  • Viet Protest News, Vietnam Co-ordinating Committee, Melbourne, December 1968. images PDF Details
  • Print, vol. 1, Monash Labor Club, Melbourne, July 1968. images PDF Details
  • Draft Resistance Movement Newsletter, Draft Resistance Movement, Melbourne, October 21, 1968. Image PDF Details
  • D.R.M. News: Newsletter of the Draft Resistance Movement, Draft Resistance Movement, Melbourne, February 1968. Image PDF Details
  • Print, Monash Labor Club, Melbourne, August 1968. images PDF Details
  • Print, vol. 1, Monash Labor Club, Melbourne, July 1968. images PDF Details
  • Print, vol. 1, Monash Labor Club, Melbourne, July 1968. images PDF Details
  • Print, vol. 1, Monash Labor Club, Melbourne, July 1968. images PDF Details
  • Do you approve this?, Sydney, April 1969. Image PDF Details
  • Print, Monash Labor Club, Melbourne, July 1969. images PDF Details
  • Viet Protest New, Vietnam Co-ordinating Committee, Melbourne, May 1969. Image PDF Details
  • Viet Protest News, Vietnam Co-ordinating Committee, Melbourne, December 1969. Image PDF Details
  • CICD Newsletter, Congress for International Co-opreation and Disarmament, Melbourne, April 1970. Image PDF Details
  • Resist, vol. 2, Draft Resistance Movement, Melbourne, August 1970. Image PDF Details
  • Oppression in Society - Freedom Day: July 4, Association for International Co-operation and Disarmament (AICD), Sydney, June 1970. Image PDF Details
  • Peace Dossier: Nuclear War: The Threat to Australia, vol. 1, Victorian Association for Peace Studies, Melbourne, October 1982. Image PDF Details
  • Peace Dossier: Why we Have a War to Stop, vol. 1, Victorian Association for Peace Studies, Melbourne, April 1982. Image PDF Details
  • Peace Dossier 3: Is There a Soviet Threat, vol. 1, Victorian Association for Peace Studies, Melbourne, July 1982. Image PDF Details
  • Peace Dossier: Medicine and Nuclear War, Victorian Association for Peace Studies, Melbourne, March 1983. Image PDF Details
  • Peace Dossier: Debate on the ANZUS Alliance, Victorian Association for Peace Studies, Melbourne, October 1983. Image PDF Details
  • Peace Dossier 6: Peace: A Witness of Faith, vol. 1, Victorian Association for Peace Studies, Melbourne, June 1983. image PDF Details
  • First Strike for Nuclear Disarmament, Left Tendency for Nuclear Disarmament, Melbourne, February 1984. Image PDF Details
  • First Strike for Nuclear Disarmament, Left Tendency for Nuclear Disarmament, Melbourne, March 1984. Image PDF Details
  • Rainbow Alliance, vol. 2, Rainbow Alliance, Melbourne, February-March, 22 pp. images PDF Details
  • Students United Against War, Students United Against War, Melbourne, February 1991. Image PDF Details
  • Workers' Liberty, Workers' Liberty, Sydney, November 2001. Image PDF Details
  • Rainbow Alliance, Dear friends, 14 December 1990. Image PDF Details


  • Direct Action: Paper of the Industrial Workers of the World, vol. 1, no. 11, Industrial Workers of the World [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, August 10, 1914. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action: Paper of the Industrial Workers of the World, vol. 1, no. 17, Industrial Workers of the World [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, November 15, 1914. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action: Paper of the Industrial Workers of the World, vol. 1, Industrial Workers of the World [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, November 1, 1914. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action: Paper of the Industrial Workers of the World, vol. 1, no. 12, Industrial Workers of the World [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, August 22, 1914. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action: Paper of the Industrial Workers of the World, vol. 1, no. 14, Industrial Workers of the World [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, October 1, 1914. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action: Paper of the Industrial Workers of the World, vol. 2, no. 44, Industrial Workers of the World [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, November 6, 1915. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action: Paper of the Industrial Workers of the World, vol. 2, no. 23, Industrial Workers of the World [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, February 15, 1915. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action: Paper of the Industrial Workers of the World, vol. 2, no. 35, Industrial Workers of the World [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, August 15, 1915. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action: Paper of the Industrial Workers of the World, vol. 2, no. 38, Industrial Workers of the World [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, October 1, 1915. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action: Paper of the Industrial Workers of the World, vol. 2, no. 34, Industrial Workers of the World [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, August 1, 1915. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action: Paper of the Industrial Workers of the World, vol. 2, no. 39, Industrial Workers of the World [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, October 2, 1915. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action: Paper of the Industrial Workers of the World, vol. 2, no. 40, Industrial Workers of the World [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, October 9, 1915. image PDF Details
  • Direct Action: Paper of the Industrial Workers of the World, vol. 2, no. 41, Industrial Workers of the World [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, October 16, 1915. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action: Paper of the Industrial Workers of the World, vol. 2, no. 42, Industrial Workers of the World [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, October 23, 1915. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action: Paper of the Industrial Workers of the World, vol. 2, no. 43, Industrial Workers of the World [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, October 30, 1915. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action: Paper of the Industrial Workers of the World, vol. 2, no. 47, Industrial Workers of the World [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, November 27, 1915. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action: Paper of the Industrial Workers of the World, vol. 2, no. 48, Industrial Workers of the World [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, December 4, 1915. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action: Paper of the Industrial Workers of the World, vol. 2, no. 49, Industrial Workers of the World [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, December 11, 1915. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action: Paper of the Industrial Workers of the World, vol. 2, no. 50, Industrial Workers of the World [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, December 18, 1915. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action: Paper of the Industrial Workers of the World, vol. 2, no. 51, Industrial Workers of the World [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, December 25, 1915. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action: Paper of the Industrial Workers of the World, vol. 2, no. 28, Industrial Workers of the World [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, May 1, 1915. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action: Paper of the Industrial Workers of the World, vol. 2, no. 24, Industrial Workers of the World [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, March 1, 1915. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action: Paper of the Industrial Workers of the World, vol. 2, no. 31, Industrial Workers of the World [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, June 15, 1915. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action: Paper of the Industrial Workers of the World, vol. 2, no. 25, Industrial Workers of the World [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, March 15, 1915. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action: Paper of the Industrial Workers of the World, vol. 3, no. 102, Industrial Workers of the World [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, December 30, 1916. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action: Paper of the Industrial Workers of the World, vol. 3, no. 99, Industrial Workers of the World [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, December 9, 1916. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action: Paper of the Industrial Workers of the World, vol. 3, no. 101, Industrial Workers of the World [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, December 23, 1916. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action: Paper of the Industrial Workers of the World, vol. 2, no. 52, Industrial Workers of the World [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, January 8, 1916. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action: Paper of the Industrial Workers of the World, vol. 3, no. 100, Industrial Workers of the World, Sydney, December 16, 1916. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action: Paper of the Industrial Workers of the World, vol. 3, no. 98, Industrial Workers of the World [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, December 2, 1916. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action: Paper of the Industrial Workers of the World, vol. 3, no. 97, Industrial Workers of the World [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, November 18, 1916. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action: Paper of the Industrial Workers of the World, vol. 3, no. 96, Industrial Workers of the World [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, November 11, 1916. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action: Paper of the Industrial Workers of the World, vol. 3, no. 95, Industrial Workers of the World [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, November 4, 1916. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action: Paper of the Industrial Workers of the World, vol. 3, no. 93, Industrial Workers of the World [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, October 21, 1916. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action: Paper of the Industrial Workers of the World, vol. 2, no. 58, Industrial Workers of the World [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, February 19, 1916. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action: Paper of the Industrial Workers of the World, vol. 2, no. 57, Industrial Workers of the World [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, February 12, 1916. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action: Paper of the Industrial Workers of the World, vol. 2, no. 56, Industrial Workers of the World [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, February 5, 1916. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action: Paper of the Industrial Workers of the World, vol. 2, no. 55, Industrial Workers of the World [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, January 29, 1916. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action: Paper of the Industrial Workers of the World, vol. 2, no. 54, Industrial Workers of the World [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, January 22, 1916. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action: Paper of the Industrial Workers of the World, vol. 2, no. 53, Industrial Workers of the World [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, January 15, 1916. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action: Paper of the Industrial Workers of the World, vol. 3, no. 94, Industrial Workers of the World [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, October 28, 1916. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action: Paper of the Industrial Workers of the World, vol. 4, no. 124, Industrial Workers of the World [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, June 2, 1917. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action: Paper of the Industrial Workers of the World, vol. 3, no. 103, Industrial Workers of the World [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, January 6, 1917. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action: Paper of the Industrial Workers of the World, vol. 4, no. 116, Industrial Workers of the World [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, April 7, 1917. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action: Paper of the Industrial Workers of the World, vol. 4, no. 117, Industrial Workers of the World [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, April 14, 1917. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action: Paper of the Industrial Workers of the World, vol. 4, no. 118, Industrial Workers of the World, Sydney, April 21, 1917. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action: Paper of the Industrial Workers of the World, vol. 4, no. 119, Industrial Workers of the World [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, April 28, 1917. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action: Paper of the Industrial Workers of the World, vol. 4, no. 120, Industrial Workers of the World [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, May 5, 1917. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action: Paper of the Industrial Workers of the World, vol. 4, no. 121, Industrial Workers of the World [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, May 12, 1917. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action: Paper of the Industrial Workers of the World, vol. 4, no. 125, Industrial Workers of the World [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, June 9, 1917. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action: Paper of the Industrial Workers of the World, vol. 4, no. 123, Industrial Workers of the World [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, May 26, 1917. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action: Paper of the Industrial Workers of the World, vol. 4, no. 113, Industrial Workers of the World [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, March 17, 1917. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action: Paper of the Industrial Workers of the World, vol. 4, no. 122, Industrial Workers of the World [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, May 19, 1917. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action: Paper of the Industrial Workers of the World, vol. 3, no. 105, Industrial Workers of the World [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, January 20, 1917. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action: Paper of the Industrial Workers of the World, vol. 4, no. 112, Industrial Workers of the World [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, March 10, 1917. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action: Paper of the Industrial Workers of the World, vol. 4, no. 111, Industrial Workers of the World [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, March 3, 1917. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action: Paper of the Industrial Workers of the World, vol. 4, no. 110, Industrial Workers of the World [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, February 24, 1917. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action: Paper of the Industrial Workers of the World, vol. 4, no. 109, Industrial Workers of the World [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, February 17, 1917. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action: Paper of the Industrial Workers of the World, vol. 4, no. 108, Industrial Workers of the World [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, February 10, 1917. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action: Paper of the Industrial Workers of the World, vol. 4, no. 107, Industrial Workers of the World [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, February 3, 1917. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action: Paper of the Industrial Workers of the World, vol. 3, no. 106, Industrial Workers of the World [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, January 27, 1917. image PDF Details
  • Direct Action: Paper of the Industrial Workers of the World, vol. 3, no. 104, Industrial Workers of the World [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, January 13, 1917. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action: Paper of the Industrial Workers of the World, vol. 4, no. 114, Industrial Workers of the World [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, March 24, 1917. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action: Paper of the Industrial Workers of the World, vol. 4, no. 115, Industrial Workers of the World [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, March 24, 1917. Image PDF Details
  • Which Way Treason?, Monash Labor Club Committee for Aid to the National Liberation Front, Melbourne, August 1967. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action 1, no. 1, Socialist Youth Alliance, Sydney, September 1970. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action 2, no. 2, Socialist Youth Alliance, Sydney, October 1970. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action 9, no. 9, Socialist Youth Alliance, Sydney, August 1971. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action 5, no. 6, Socialist Youth Alliance, Sydney, May 1971. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action 8, no. 8, Socialist Youth Alliance, Sydney, July 1971. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action 7, no. 7, Socialist Youth Alliance, Sydney, June 1971. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action 4, no. 4, Socialist Youth Alliance, Sydney, January 1971. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action 6, no. 5, Socialist Youth Alliance, Sydney, March 1971. Image PDF Details
  • SPA, Socialist Party of Australia [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, June 1972. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action 17, no. 17, Socialist Workers League, Sydney, 17 April 1972. images PDF Details
  • Direct Action 18, no. 18, Socialist Workers League, Sydney, 1 May 1972. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action 19, no. 19, Socialist Workers League, Sydney, 11 May 1972. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action 20, no. 20, Socialist Workers League, Sydney, 22 May 1972. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action 25, no. 25, Socialist Workers League, Sydney, 24 August 1972. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action 32, no. 32, Socialist Workers League, Sydney, 7 December 1972. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action 35, no. 35, Socialist Workers League, Sydney, 8 February 1973. Image PDF Details
  • Direct Action 34, no. 34, Socialist Workers League, Sydney, 18 January 1973. Image PDF Details
  • Socialist, Socialist Party of Australia [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, 10 October 1979. Image PDF Details
  • Socialist, Socialist Party of Australia [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, 21 November 1979. Image PDF Details
  • Socialist, Socialist Party of Australia [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, 21 November 1979. Image PDF Details
  • Socialist, Socialist Party of Australia [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, 10 October 1979. Image PDF Details
  • Battler 1980, International Socialists [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Melbourne, 1980. Image PDF Details
  • Battler 1984, International Socialists [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Melbourne, 1984. Image PDF Details
  • Socialist Action 1985, Socialist Action [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Melbourne, Sep - Dec 1985. Image PDF Details
  • Socialist 1986, International Socialists [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, 1986. Image PDF Details
  • Socialist Action 1987, Socialist Action [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Melbourne, 1987. Image PDF Details
  • Socialist, no. 243, International Socialist Organisation, Sydney, November 1990. Image PDF Details
  • Socialist, no. 242, International Socialist Organisation, Sydney, October 1990. Image PDF Details
  • Socialist, no. 241, International Socialist Organisation, Sydney, September 1990. Image PDF Details
  • Socialist, no. 246, International Socialist Organisation, Sydney, 1 February 1991. Image PDF Details
  • Resistance Magazine, no. 8, Resistance, Sydney, January 1991. Image PDF Details
  • Socialist, no. 245, International Socialist Organisation, Sydney, January 1991. Image PDF Details
  • Socialist, no. 249, International Socialist Organisation, Sydney, 15 March 1991. Image PDF Details
  • Socialist, no. 248, International Socialist Organisation, Sydney, 1 March 1991. Image PDF Details
  • Angry People, no. 2 [?], Angry People, May or June [?] 1992, 8 pp. images PDF Details
  • Angry People, Angry People, June or July [?] 1993, 14 pp. images PDF Details
  • Angry People, Issue 9, no. 9, Angry People, 1994 [?], 14 pp. images PDF Details
  • Angry People, Issues 13-14, no. 13-14, Angry People, 1996-1997, 50 pp. images PDF Details
  • Voice: For Struggle, Solidarity and Socialism, no. 14, Socialist Party (Australian Section of the Committee for a Workers' International), Melbourne, September-October 2001. images PDF Details

Newspaper Articles

  • 'U.S. Launched Invasion of Korea; Press Blacks Out Truth, To Drag Us In', Guardian, 20 May 1949. Image PDF Details
  • 'Housewives' Rally in Stirring Peace Call', Tribune, 8 June 1949. Image PDF Details
  • 'World's leading intellectuals appeal to Australians: "Unite for Peace"', Guardian, 20 May 1949. Image PDF Details
  • 'Peace Movement Broadened by Students, Ex-Servicemen', Tribune, 1 Febuary 1950. Image PDF Details
  • 'Make peace now and how to fight for peace the burning topic', Liberty, 27 October 1950. Image PDF Details
  • 'Australian Peace Congress Greeted by Famous World Figures', Tribune, 29 March 1950. Image PDF Details
  • 'Stop War against Korea End 'Blood Loan' Plot', Tribune, 12 August 1950. PDF Details
  • 'Peace movement gathers way; plans for congress on April 16', 15 March 1950. Image PDF Details
  • 'Editorial', Peace. Journal of the Australian Peace Council, vol. 1, no. 1, April 1950. Image PDF Details
  • 'Congress Opening Sunday Will Voice People's Peace Demands', Guardian, 14 April 1950. Image PDF Details
  • 'We Oppose Overseas Conscription', The Australian, Youth Campaign Against Conscription Committee (YCAC), Sydney, 1965. Image PDF Details
  • 'The state and conscientious objectors', Southern Advocate for Workers' Councils and International Digest, J.A. Dawson, Melbourne, c1946. Image PDF Details
  • Bottomley, William, 'Will God weary of mankind?', no. 43, Unitarian Fellowship of Australia, Melbourne, March-April 1955. Image PDF Details
  • CAM, 'Holiday in Narrungar', Burning Issue, no. 7, November 1993. Image PDF Details
  • Daddow, Newton, 'The role of U.S. Bases in Australia', Poverty Watch, 1988. Image PDF Details
  • Goldstein, Vida, 'Open Letter of Members of the Commonwealth Parliament', The Woman Voter, 1916. Image PDF Details
  • Goldstein, Vida, 'Manifesto. Australian Women's Peace Army. Conscription. Vote NO.', The woman voter, 5 October 1916. Image PDF Details
  • Griffiths, Phil, 'Where to now for anti-war activists?', The Socialist, no. 249, 15 March 1991. Image PDF Details


  • Inside South Africa. Image PDF Details
  • French Nuclear Tests; Australia in Danger. Image PDF Details
  • How the war came : with a chronicle of events compiled from all the official papers published by the European governments, Industrial Workers of the World [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, 1915?. Image PDF Details
  • Australian Peace Congress Programme, 1950. Image PDF Details
  • They want to conscript out youth of die for them!, Brisbane, 12 May 1950. Image PDF Details
  • International songs: youth carnival for peace and friendship, Youth Carnival for Peace & Friendship Committee, Sydney, 1952. Image PDF Details
  • Australian Convention on Peace and War; a gathering of citizens to discuss and promote international goodwill and peace, Sydney, 1953. Image PDF Details
  • Australian Convention for Peace and War; Programme and Participation, Sydney, 26-30 September 1953. Image PDF Details
  • The Hydrogen Bomb; the World in Danger, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, 1955. Image PDF Details
  • Report on Peace by the Queensland Branch of the Australian Assembly for Peace, 1957. Image PDF Details
  • Peace is Trade Unioin Business, Amalgamated Engineering Union, 1960. Image PDF Details
  • The Bomb; its threat and its challenge, 1961. Image PDF Details
  • Defend world peace, Act now against US threat to humanity, E.A. Bacon at Coronation Print, Brisbane, 25 October 1962. Image PDF Details
  • March with your mates on May Day, Newsletter Printery, Sydney, 1963. Image PDF Details
  • The moral and political issues involved in Vietnam and conscription…, Australian Labor Party, Melbourne, 1966. images PDF Details
  • Facts About the Anti-LBJ Demonstration, Monash University Students Representative Council, Melbourne, November 1966. Image PDF Details
  • We Cannot Support a War against Children, Seamens Union of Australia, Sydney, April 1967. Image PDF Details
  • Why Register for National Service?/The Right to Dissent, Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), Sydney, 1968. Image PDF Details
  • Moratorium Campaign: Wreck the Draft, Vietnam Moratorium Campaign, Melbourne, July 1970. Image PDF Details
  • National Conference for an Independent and Non-aligned Australia, Congress for International Co-opreation and Disarmament, Melbourne, 1,2,3 October 1976. Image PDF Details
  • Ban nuclear weapons: Give our children a chance, Socialist Party of Australia, Sydney, 1979. Image PDF Details
  • How can I oppose the nuclear threat?, November 1981. Image PDF Details
  • For a world free of nuclear weapons; Congress for International Co-operation & Disarmament, 1982. Image PDF Details
  • Project Iceberg, People for Nuclear Disarmament, Melbourne, July 1984. Image PDF Details
  • Peace File: Why didn't the US ratify the comprehensive test ban treaty?, Campaign for International Co-operation and Disarmament, Melbourne, November 1999. images PDF Details
  • PEACE...and the German Problem, Queensland Peace Committee for International Co-operation & Disarmament, Brisbane, c1951. Image PDF Details
  • Peace is your business, c1961. Image PDF Details
  • Nuclear-fre zones in the Pacific and the World; a nuclear-free Southern Hemisphere, c1963. Image PDF Details
  • Unions warn: danger of total war, Sydney, c1965. Image PDF Details
  • Don't celebrate Peace Fight the Bases, c1985. Image PDF Details
  • Peace Quest Forum, n.d.. Image PDF Details
  • What is CICD?, n.d.. Image PDF Details
  • Remember this? The men at the TOP must make peace now, Sydney, n.d.. Image PDF Details
  • H-Bombs IN Australia means H-Bombs ON Australia, R. Gould, Sydney, n.d.. Image PDF Details
  • Facts about military conscription, Federal Pacifist Council of Australia, Brisbane, n.d.. Image PDF Details
  • Better to fight them over there than here, Brisbane, n.d.. Image PDF Details
  • 3000 more Australians for Vietnam, Brisbane, n.d.. Image PDF Details
  • An extract from the statement on Vietnam adopted by the Cenral Committee of the World Council of Churches, n.d.. Image PDF Details
  • Foreign Bases in Australia, n.d.. Image PDF Details
  • Dr. Cairns, J. F., Vietnam: Is It Truth We Want?, Victorian Branch of the Australian Labor Party, Melbourne, August 1965. images PDF Details
  • Alice Springs peace group bases campaign, Pine Gap: closed by the people, 1986. Image PDF Details
  • Australian Congress for International Co-operation and Disarmament, Message to educationalists, Sydney, 24 October 1964. Image PDF Details
  • Australian Peace Council, The truth about Korea, 1950. Image PDF Details
  • Australian Peace Council, Our policy and programme, 1956. Details
  • Communist Party of Australia, Bob and his Weird Mob, Communist Party of Australia [This scan courtesy of Mike Williss], Adelaide, 1958, 16 pp. PDF Details
  • Englart, E.C., Wharfies Locked-out, Brisbane Branch, Waterside Workers' Federation of Australia [This copy courtesy John Englart], Brisbane, 25 September 1945, 1 pp. images PDF Details
  • Englart, E.C., Wharfies Still Fight for Democracy, Brisbane Branch, Waterside Workers' Federation of Australia [This copy courtesy of John Englart], Brisbane, 24 September 1945, 1 pp. images PDF Details
  • Fox, L. P., The Truth About Anzac, With Foreword by Captain W. Jacka (Late 14th Infantry Battalion A.I.F.), Victorian Council Against War and Fascism, Melbourne, 1936, 12 pp. PDF Details
  • Glover, Rev. Neil, Why I went to gaol, Coronation Press, 1957. Image PDF Details
  • Holloway, E. J., The Australian Victory over Conscription in 1916-1917, Anti-Conscription Jubilee Committee, Melbourne, 1966. Image PDF Details
  • Judd, E. E., Judd's speech from the dock, Socialist Labour Party of Australia, Sydney, 1919. Image PDF Details
  • Labor Anti-war Committee, Labor's case against war and fascism, Industrial Print, Melbourne, c1935. Image PDF Details
  • McKellar, John, Maurice Blackburn and the struggle for freedom, Anti-Conscription Campaign, Melbourne, 1945. Image PDF Details
  • Melbourne Revolutionary Marxists, A Call for the Revolutionary Regroupment of the Australian Left, Transcript completed in 2017 of the original pamphlet which was published in 1975. The pdf file here is an archived copy downloaded from Robert Dorning's personal website on 6 July 2017., Melbourne, 1975. Also available at PDF Details
  • Movement against uranium mining, Uranium mining in Australia, July 1984. Image PDF Details
  • Norden, Eric, American Atrocities in Vietnam, Vietnam Action Committee, Sydney, 1966. images PDF Details
  • Nuclear Disarmament Party, there are millions of us, 1984. Image PDF Details
  • Socialist Workers Party, For peace and jobs! Disarm the warmongers!, 1984. Image PDF Details
  • Socialist Workers Party / Resistance, Say no to war, Socialist Workers Party, Sydney, 1984. Image PDF Details
  • Suter, Keith D., Nuclear Free Zones: Some Basic Questions, Australian Nuclear Free Secretariat, 1985. Image PDF Details
  • Temple, Frederick, War Finance and the Worker, Holland Print, Adelaide, 1916. Image PDF Details
  • Victorian Peace Council, Germ War in Korea [extracts]. Image PDF Details
  • Victorian Peace Council, Geneva Conference of the Three Great Powers to Discuss Ending of Nuclear Tests, 1958. Image PDF Details
  • White, Paul, WAR in the GULF!, Partisan Press, Melbourne, 1990. Image PDF Details


  • Two Years Gaol: The Price of Conscience, Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), Melbourne, October 1968. Image PDF Details


  • Zarb Hero (The Unjust Treatment of two Anti-Conscription Demonstrators), 1968-1969. Image PDF Details

Policy Statements

  • Evatt, H.V., Labor's plan for World Peace; declarations and discussion of the Hobart Conference, Sydney, 1955. Image PDF Details
  • M. Munro, Nuclear Free Australia Party, 1987?. Image PDF Details
  • Peace Pledge Union, Statement of Principles - Peace Pledge Union. Image PDF Details


  • Conscription and Vietnam: a public discussion with Ray Taylor, Jim Cairns, Glen Tomasetti and Ian Turner, May 1966. Image PDF Details
  • Don’t be a machine - Refuse to Register, 1969. Image PDF Details
  • Fuck the Draft, 1969. Image PDF Details
  • End Vietnam War: Get the boys home now! Support Moratorium May 8-9-10, Amalgamated Engineering Union, Melbourne, April 1970. Image PDF Details
  • Friends of the Earth, Expose The Gap, Friends of the Earth (FoE) Australia, October 2002. PDF Details
  • Hiroshima, Never Again, Nuclear Free Australia, August 2005. PDF Details
  • Stop the war on refugees, Victorian Alliance for Refugees, June 2003. PDF Details
  • No War on Iraq: Rally for Peace, Victorian Peace Network, October 2002. PDF Details

Press Releases


  • Australian Peace Council, Summary of reports to a meeting at Nicholas Hall, Melbourne, Monday 12 September, 1949, attended by 112 representatives of 49 organisations, 1949. Image PDF Details
  • Victorian Peace Council, Summary of decisions on the initiation of State peace work in 1956, 1956. Image PDF Details


  • Mansell, Ken, 'A Critical Review', Review of Michael Hyde, All Along the Watchtower: Memoir of a Sixties Revolutionary, The Vulgar Press, Melbourne, 2010. pp. 274. $32.95 paper., 2011, p. 20. PDF Details



  • Canberra Citizen's statement of War in Indo-China, 1954. Image pdf Details
  • Time to Rethink on Vietnam, Communist Party of Australia, Melbourne, February 1968. Image PDF Details
  • Public Statement by Karl Armstrong, November 1969. Image PDF Details
  • Notes on John Francis Zarb: Prepared by Gordon Bryant, Federal member for Wills, November 1, 1968. Image PDF Details
  • Some Results and Tasks of the Vietnam Moratorium, 1970. images PDF Details