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north america / mexico / anti-fascism Wednesday August 16, 2017 23:32 byBlack Rose Anarchist Federation
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Black Rose/Rosa Negra Anarchist Federation has received word about the white supremacist, fascist violence committed in Charlottesville today. We are deeply saddened by the loss of our comrade in struggle. Our hearts and minds go out to their loved ones.

We stand in solidarity with anti-racist activists in Charlottesville today, their families, the IWW and DSA members present, and all those involved in the struggle against the rising tide of fascism worldwide.

[Castellano] [Ελληνικά] [Français]

See also: [IWW's statement] [Français] [Ελληνικά]

southern africa / workplace struggles Tuesday June 27, 2017 23:19 byMandy Moussouris
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Credit: eNCA / Xoli Mngambi

The labour movement has been unable to de-link itself from its archenemy: capital. As its structures bureaucratise, as its leaders become career unionists, as it opens investment companies and pays staff increasingly inequitable salaries, it increasingly mirrors the very thing it is fighting. If the South African Federation of Trade Unions is to meet its promise, it must be fundamentally different from the organisation it was born out of.

A federation will not liberate the class, nor will its affiliates; only the working class can liberate itself and it will never be able to do that as long as there is an implicit belief in a Great Leader/s; as long as the union is seen as a legal service and as long as power and money are centralised. A truly participatory, democratic trade union would be one where the locals/branches of each affiliate control the membership dues collected, where they would use their dues to do work on the ground and put some aside for provincial and national work; where the workers have direct ownership of the means of trade union production (negotiation, representation, mobilisation) and where the extremely loosely used term, democracy, translates into individual worker agency and empowerment to ensure that the base, the majority, the working class, is where true power lies, and that it uses its power to change the world for the benefit of the many.

international / anarchist movement Thursday June 22, 2017 23:55 byAnarkismo Network
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When we have to deal with disagreements, conflicts and faults, these problems must be solved with a justice that is based on our libertarian ethical values. What does this concretely mean? That we have to hear all the parties involved and make sure to provide physical and psychological protection too all, especially if someone has – at least presumably – been hurt. In cases of sexual violence – for instance – we should not reproduce the bias of bourgeois patriarchal so-called “justice” that too frequently isolates (female) survivors and dismisses their feelings and words. It means that we have to establish means to examine the different positions and eliminate any doubts. That we have to have democratic and collective processes to deal with that and to take decisions and make recommendations. And, mainly, that we must first try to reeducate people instead of punishing or isolating them. Not that in some cases punishment or isolation couldn’t be the only solution, but, at least, we have to make (re)education a priority over punishment and isolation, which should be last resorts.

To deal with these problems within our movement instances of ethical justice that aim to resolve major disagreements, conflicts and faults are necessary. These instance, such as an “ethics commission” for example, could be convened and articulated whenever one or more militants within our movement or organizations identify a problem of this kind and ask formally for the establishment of a commission. The establishment of a commission (or the denial) would be the result of a collective decision made by the deliberative and decision-making bodies of the respective organizations. If a commission is established, then a certain number of militants not involved with the case could be mandated to constitute the commission and be given a deadline to listen to the different parties involved, to develop positions, eliminate doubts and then to produce a written document with a position and recommendations to the respective organization.
To “solve the problem” means, here, to find ways to reach agreements, to find solutions to conflicts, to deal with faults and to eliminate doubts. Although giving preference to (re)education, the commission could decide for issuing a warning, suspension, sanction or even expulsion or "excommunication".

southern africa / community struggles Thursday June 08, 2017 02:20 byJonathan Payn
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Women erecting a makeshift shelter at Bush Koppies. Photo: Lekhetho Mtetwa (ZACF)

The struggle of the black working class majority of Freedom Park, South Africa, is not just for land on which to build housing – although that is obviously a central issue and key demand; nor is it just against the accompanying political and police violence and intimidation. It is a struggle against the injustice, violence and corruption of a system that puts the power, privileges and profits of a few before the lives and wellbeing of the majority.

brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / miscellaneous Tuesday May 30, 2017 06:32 byCoordenação Anarquista Brasileira
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Corte de rua e barricada no estado do Paraná.

O Brasil vive um terremoto político, escancarando a podridão das elites do país e fragilizando ainda mais os laços que as sustentam no poder. A operação orquestrada que possibilitou a gravação entre o presidente Michel Temer e o dono da JBS, maior empresa de carnes do mundo, altera a correlação de forças no país e joga gasolina na crise política e social. Com a instabilidade política, o governo tem mais dificuldade para mobilizar sua base e avançar com as Reformas da Previdência e Trabalhista, os maiores ataques à classe oprimida.

Isso não é motivo para se comemorar, não devemos tirar peso destas lutas. Agora é a hora de partir pra cima, massificar as mobilizações com o trancamento das ruas, paralisações rumo à greve geral para barrar os cortes sociais e as reformas. Devemos aprofundar a democracia, mas a democracia direta, onde as/os trabalhadoras/es nos seus locais de trabalho, estudo e moradia decidam o rumo do país. O momento é desfavorável para nós oprimidos e oprimidas, mas a crise e a disputa entre as elites abrem margem para outros projetos.

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