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france / belgique / luxembourg / mouvement anarchiste Thursday June 13, 2019 19:24 por Union Communiste Libertaire
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Réuni·es en congrès commun, nous, militantes et militants d’AL et de la CGA, avons décidé de fonder une nouvelle organisation révolutionnaire : l’Union communiste libertaire.

[Castellano] [English]

Compartimos nuestro saludo por la conformación de la hermana UCL (Unión Comunista Libertaria) – Diversas organizaciones de Sudamérica
Alternative libertaire se dissout pour créer l’Union communiste libertaire – Alternative Libertaire [Castellano]
L'Union fait la force ! Texte d'autodissolution de la CGA – Coordination des Groupes Anarchistes [Castellano]

ireland / britain / anarchist movement Sunday June 09, 2019 04:27 por Die Plattform
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Anarchist Communist Group

We are happy to present you our interview with the Anarchist Communist Group (ACG) from Great Britain. The organization is relatively new. They are active in four regions: West Yorshire, Leicestershire, Surry and London. To connect internationally with other organizations is an important part of our current work to establish our Federation. An interview of the ACG with us is also already in planning. For now we wish you a pleasant lecture with this one.

In international solidarity towards anarchistic communism!

Deutsch | Ελληνικά

internacional / movimento anarquista Tuesday March 26, 2019 01:59 por ELAOPA
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XIII Encontro Latino Americano de Organizações Populares e Autônomas

Nós das organizações reunidas nos dias 02 e 03 de março de 2019 no XIII Encontro Latino Americano de Organizações Populares e Autônomas, reafirmamos nosso compromisso com as lutas dos de baixo, com independência e solidariedade de classe, democracia de base e ação direta popular.

Frente a uma realidade cada vez mais dura para os e as oprimidas, de retirada de direitos, precarização de nossa vida, avanço conservador, criminalização e extermínio dos pobres, do povo negro e dos povos indígenas, do feminicídio e da lgbtttfobia, nos cabe o ENFRENTAMENTO e a RESISTÊNCIA.


ireland / britain / anarchist movement Thursday December 06, 2018 15:50 por WSM
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Eddie Conlon (left) and Alan (right) at Dunnes Stores strike picket against Apartheid in South Africa, 1984.

The WSM are shocked and deeply saddened to learn of the death of Alan MacSimóin, one of our founder members, a friend, and a key central figure in building the anarchist movement in Ireland for over four decades. Alan had not been a member of WSM for some years but remained politically active right to the end. His last Facebook post on November 29th was supporting the locked out bricklayers at Mary’s Mansions. Alan will be sorely missed by all in the WSM and we offer our heartfelt condolences to his family and friends.

See also:

"Alan MacSimóin (1957-2018) – Dublin Historian and Political Activist" Sam
"Alan MacSimóin (1957-2018): a pioneer of anarchism in Ireland" José Antonio Gutiérrez D. [Castellano]

italia / svizzera / movimento anarchico Sunday January 14, 2018 09:15 por FdCA
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Donato Romito (1954-2018)

Oggi 13 gennaio 2018 ci ha lasciati Donato Romito, segretario nazionale di Alternativa Libertaria e militante comunista anarchico. Maestro e sindacalista ha fortemente inciso nella vita sociale e politica della provincia di Pesaro e Urbino, unendo nel tempo all’indefessa militanza politica una profonda attività di formatore, una raffinata sensibilità di storico di movimento e di didatta, oltre a una intensa e instancabile attività sindacale, in CGIL prima, e nell’Unicobas poi, tali da considerarlo un punto di riferimento per tutto il movimento anarchico e per la sinistra di questo territorio.

La camera ardente sarà aperta all’ospedale di Muraglia (Pesaro) domenica 14 nel pomeriggio e lunedì 15 nel pomeriggio.

Le compagne e i compagni di Alternativa Libertaria/FdCA invitano chi vorrà salutare Donato ad una cerimonia laica che si svolgerà sabato 20 gennaio alle ore 15 presso il Cimitero dell’Ulivo di Fano.

“Nostra patria è il mondo intero, nostra legge è la libertà”


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Anarchist movement

Sun 16 Jun, 13:04

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