Cornelius Castoriadis Agora International Website

Bibliographies & Webographies

Agora International Bibliographers' Collective

Members of the Agora International Bibliographers' Collective who attended the Castoriadis Colloquium at Cerisy, June 6-10, 2003.

Standing (left to right): Marc Guignard (webographer), David Ames Curtis (French and English bibliographer and AI cofounder), Fabio Ciaramelli (Italian bibliographer), Rafael Miranda (Spanish bibliographer), Harald Wolf (German cobibliographer). Kneeling (left to right): Ingerid Straume (Norwegian webographer), Clara Gibson Maxwell (AI cofounder).

Permission granted: Archives Pontigny-Cerisy.

Below is a list of available and forthcoming Cornelius Castoriadis/Agora International Website bibliographies and webographies, including writings by and about Castoriadis, subdivided by language. Please check back periodically for availability of and addition to files. You may send a short message so that you can be informed of future updates.